Monday, July 10, 2006

More On Emotional Freedom And "What's Stopping You From Being Rich?"

Greetings,you may be thinking that you are reading the wrong blog.............

Fret not,it's the same old blog,just that the title has been changed.If you notice,the previous title was not very captivating.

I hope to reach a larger audience.Not to satisfy my ego,but to benefit more people.Wouldn't this world be a better place,if everyone knew how to have what they want,without having to backstab and compete?

Although this may only make a minor difference,I hope you are blessed by reading this blog.

Before you read about today's topic,there were some additional points for yesterday's post that came to mind.

First,it's another application of being emotional will hear about 2 characters in my family that I apply this thinking on...........

One of them is Porno King's wife.She's quite a nice person,interesting and funny to talk to.Can be very entertaining.............

But she's always the best.To her,she has the MIDAS TOUCH.Everything that is related to her is THE BEST.Whenever you give her a gift,she'll have a lot of negative comments to make about the's not trendy enough,too big,too small,too sweet,too name it...........

Well,my mum got very upset with her.My mum always gave her gifts out of goodwill.Sometimes bought nice food for her to try.Instead of being grateful,she always had negative comments like "it's not as good what I bought at................."

I advised my mum not to get affected by her comments,after all,she just wants to prove that she's the best.The simplest way out is to not buy anything for her or give her anything.If you really want to give,just give,be grateful that you can give and ignore her comments.

I gave her a can of kaya I bought during my visit to Segamat.She told me that it was too sweet and she claimed that the Pharoah made the same comment.Well,fine,I've done my job of blessing her already.She can say whatever she wants.

The 2nd option is more difficult to execute,but it will bring you more blessings.

Another person that likes to be the BEST is my aunt's(mum's eldest sister) husband.He has this hobby of running others down.Whatever he suggests is the best.This is one of the few flaws of his character.He's actually a generous and straightforward person.Not those "fakers".

Makes a good friend if you can accept his bragging and running you down.

Anyway,he likes to ask me to recommend good places for food then say "Ai yah,I know that place,it sucks,I know of a better place,it's at.................."I made the mistake of recommending to him the places I feel are good when we met last time.

Now I'll just learn to shut up and let him be smart.In life,there are certain times you need to be quiet and emotionally detached to what is being said.

If you take what these 2 chaps say seriously,you'll feel upset and hurt.One of my quotes:"Let the "smart" be "smart".You don't need them to tell you how smart you are."

One last thing before you read about today's topic..............If you have read yesterday's post,you might want to learn about EFT(Emotionally Freedom Techniques) which is mentioned in one of the previous posts.It's posted on 27th June.It works very well,I tested it myself.

It's 5:23 AM now............actually finished the above at 2 AM.Was wondering what good information to share with you.............until I finished listening to Paul Zane Pilzer and something came to mind....................

So what's stopping you from being rich?Religion?Family?Friends?Beliefs?Enviroment?Circumstances?

Or maybe the question should be what's stopping you from wanting to become rich?

Well,what is your reason?

Mine used to be "don't know how to become rich","no point being rich,rich people are evil and unhappy","I have no money luck","I'm destined to be average,not rich.Only enough to survive","I am poor but happy","I have to be unscrupulous to become rich.I don't want to be unscrupulous."

Are yours similar to those reasons that used to be mine?

Let me share a story with you.............about the evolving of my prosperity conscious............

Frankly,when I first started out,I was anti-prosperity.Looking back,I had a lot of negative beliefs about money.This story begins during the age of 7..............when I started to handle money...............

When I started school,my parents started to give me pocket money..........but I remember very vividly on the first day of school,I didn't receive any money.Probably my dad forgot to give me my pocket money..........

During recess time,my friend John and I went to the school canteen.Back then,during the old St.Michael's School canteen at Essex Road,there were only 3 stalls,if I didn't remember wrongly.........

There was the Fishball Stall,the Malay Stall and the Drink Stall.I made my way to the Fishball Stall with John.Had nothing in my pocket..........I remember suggesting to John to buy a stick of 3 Fishballs for 50 cents.

The lady at the stall asked me what I wanted to buy.Being innocent,I answered that I had no money.She told me "If you have no money,get lost!".It was quite hurting to a 7 year old kid.

I didn't tell my parents about this incident,but I was envious of other kids who had pocket money to spend.Thank God,the next day I received my first allowance.It was only 60 cents.But better than nothing right?

I was very happy,went to buy Fishballs during recess time.But I had only 10 cents left.That was when the lack mentality of money started.The scarcity mentality towards money.

I realise this now............Since young,I loved to buy the best item that's avaliable.I loved to be extravagant.OK,Lillian Too's Astrology Book said that men born in Monkey year are all like that.She is right for my case.

The difference between now and then was this..........back then,I felt it was bad to spurge on things.I felt that in life,there's always scarcity.I always have to live in lack.Everything wasn't enough.

Though the circumstances were like that,I tried to think of ways and means to make more money.Ways and means of getting whatever I wanted.I'm ashamed to admit............that I used to steal from my classmates during recess time.When I saw something they had that I wanted,I would steal from them.

That was really bad.When you covert after what others have,you are indirectly telling yourself that you are poor.That you don't have and you desparately need it,thereby pushing it away from you.

Stealing is very bad.I could have got into trouble if I was caught back then.

Well,the good thing that happended was this,I did use the correct way to make money.I started to sell sweets to my schoolmates on the school bus.I remember when my school moved to Gentle Road,there was an Indian Store beside my school that sold sweets,ice cream and toys.I used to frequent the store to buy sweets to sell on the bus.

I managed to turn 60 cents into 2 dollars,which was a lot back then,for a 7 year old kid.Hey,I was rich...........I went to the Ice Cream Man and bought my favourite Magnolia Space Cone,which caused 80 cents.I only get to eat that if my mum comes to school to fetch me.

Now,I was able to afford it on my own.I was so proud of happiness came to an abrupt end when I reached home.I told my parents what I did and they scolded me for making money off my school mates.I was "demoralised" by what they said,but I ignored it.

I continued to "do business" on the school bus..............until one day.............someone complained about me doing business on the bus.Damn it,I was called to see the teacher.It was my chinese teacher,Madam Chio.

She said "This is a school,you come to school to learn,not to do business.One more time I catch you doing that,you'll get into trouble."

I had no choice but to promise that I won't do business again.I felt really bad that day,as if I was the greatest sinner on Earth.But come to think of it,was I really that bad??

Last time I thought I was bad to make money off my school mates,but now my perception changed over the years.........I am providing them with a service.I'm getting the sweets for them,if they buy from me,they don't have to rush to the store after school and risk missing the bus.The risk is on me.

I am fulfilling their needs..............serving them.

If you are thinking that "Speaking about money hurts feelings"(A chinese saying).I agree,but it depends on what circumstances.We are looking at a business situation now.

Oh well,that's just one incident...............another incident was also from childhood...........I remember there was one time,the Pharoah gave me 10 bucks to buy food.I went and spent nearly everything.When I went back,he commented that I'm very good at spending money.

Well,I was at fault.As a kid,I didn't know how to "automatic".From then on,I was labelled as a spendthrift.The funny thing was this...............I started to hate money.

Yes,you heard me right,I started to hate money.Because it was wrong to spend and money gave me a "bad name".Sounds silly right?It's the truth.I don't think like normal people.

Because of that,my cousin Richard was elected as the Treasurer.Whenever we go out on weekends,he would be in-charge of paying the bills and expenses.Now the tradition still remains.My dad used to scold me for being stupid,for bringing myself a bad name by overspending.That made it worse...........I started to hate money more..........

Although I hated money back then.............I was jealous of my cousin.......that he had access to so much money,whereas I had nothing.And back then,my granny(Dad's mother) always commented that he was a good boy and I wasn't.My parents made the same comments too.

And I started to hate Richard as well.I did many things to make life unpleasant for him.Calling him names,picking fights and etc...............

OK,since they are not going to let me have money,I'm going to get money with using own means.I went to school...............and started to extort money from classmates.Oh my God.........I was really a bad boy.Well,those who said I was bad were right.I don't disagree with them.

I would extort money from a few classmates,one of them was Rui Yang and another was Benny.Bless them,they were really nice people.Whenever I asked them for money,they would give me.There was once Benny treated me during recess time.The 2 of them were from wealthy families.

Both their fathers were rich businessmen.Looking back,I really can't understand why I did all that....................when I came to know how to think,I was really ashamed of myself.

But back then,I was proud of being able to "get" money just to opposite those people.If they didn't want me to have money,I don't care,I was still going to get money anyway.No one can stop me.

OK,my character is still the same,if I decide I want something,nothing can stop me.But for now,I won't use underhand methods to get what I want.I believe in law of cause and effect.

So that was primary school days................secondary school days usual,there was "not enough" again.I used to borrow money from my friends................

I had a hell lot of debts back then..........speak of prosperity consciousness...........I think mine was negative back then.

It was very difficult to survive,with only 2 bucks per day.I used to buy Dragon Ball Cards and Street Fighter Stickers to complete the sticker book.The worst thing that happended was day,a classmate asked if I wanted to buy his complete set of Dragon Ball Cards and Coloured Comic Books.

He wanted to sell everything at $180.I agreed to buy,I didn't bother back then if I was in debt.I told him I'll return by installments.He agreed.But one day,he told me to pay up everything.He told his gangster friends to threaten me,if I didn't pay up,I would get beaten up.

They even called up my home,to get the money from my parents.............I got a scolding when I returned home.But my dad gave me the money to pay them.The matter was settled...........but I lost ALL my Dragon Ball Cards And Comics.They were stolen from my bag when it was left in the school hall.Damn.

All this led me to believe that I had no "money luck".It was my destiny that I always lost money................

There was one occasion,I borrowed from my friend Melvin to buy CDs at Popular Book Store.I remembered it was Aaron Kwok's "Xin Ge"(Love Dove) album in 1996.The debts were reaching neck level.I had to think of a way out................

The answer came................."Magic The Gathering Cards".

I started to use my daily allowance to buy multiple packs of Magic Cards,hoping to get a Rare card from the pack and sell them for a fortune.I didn't manage to get "Jester's Cap",but I did get a few other good ones.

I made quite a lot from Magic cards to sustain my lifestyle.

Polytechnic days came.............I stopped my borrowing habits.Starting to grow older..........started to become more matured in thinking.

Although I stopped borrowing,money was still slipping out from my hands.............what was happening?

I realised it.........only recently..............I always bought junk.I used to buy things which were not that essential.I bought it because I was in a bad mood that day.Especially CDs.I have a lot of CDs which I seldom listen.Those we bought during moody days.


Year 2000 came.......there was this craze over MacDonald's Hello Kitty soft toys.I realised a business opportunity.I told Daniel to queue up for the toys with me.

We skipped lessons one day and went to queue.We started at 6am and got the toys at 4pm in the afternoon.By right we should have went back to school to sell them,but we were too tired.We went home instead.

I tried to promote online that night.Managed to get a buyer who wanted to pay $180 per pair.Wow,that was really good money.We agreed to meet the next day to trade.

We waited at Jurong East MRT Station for an hour,but he didn't turn up..............I started to get angry with fate,God,the universe or whatever you call it.Damn,everyone gets profits,but why am I always losing out?Why is it so unfair?

In the end I managed to sell all 4 pairs,2 of them at $80,1 of them at $40,the last one at $20(thanks to Daniel,he wanted to tackle this gal so he sold it to her at $20).I didn't say anything,because he queued for the Kittys too.

This belief came to mind.........."Whatever good things I have no share,only the bad things come to me............"

And it was true.(It wasn't true actually,but my belief made it true).

2001 was my final year in Polytechnic.I went to Noel Gifts for industrial attachment.The pay was quite low due to the fact that we were on attachment.Guess what?

My first pay was delayed.I was really pissed.And the belief set in again..........."I am always paid late.....if not,I'll lose my pay."

2003..............this was the turning point of my life............this was the year I found out that it was God's will for me to be rich and abundant.(I wasn't a Christian back then).

Although I knew it,I still didn't fully believe it....................

That year was also the year I began to tithe.I learnt the benefits of tithing 3 years ago.Now I am abundant.I don't lack anything.My money is always enough.If I finish,more will come.

And I found that my money wasn't lost so easily..........I didn't lose money because of paying through the nose for something I wanted.There were no more "sudden catastrophes" that made me lose money.My finances became more stable.

But then I still didn't want to be rich..........I had the belief that rich people are unhappy and bad.They are proud and arrogant,thinking that money can solve all problems.

I remember clearly,when I joined the Neways MLM Business,one of the leaders asked me,"Marco,how much do you want to earn per month?" I was baffled.I didn't know how much I wanted per month.

When they told me I could be a millionaire,I didn't believe it.I was thinking,what's the use?If I became a millionaire,I would lose my friends,because they would be jealous of me.My family might label me as "the unhappy,proud rich man".

Right now if you ask me,it's my birthright to be rich and successful.It's my birthright to enjoy life and to have all the finest things life can offer.Material and spiritual things.Because I am a child of the Richest God.

I don't care what's your religion.It is also your birthright to become rich and successful.Question you believe it?

I learnt this before I became a Christian,so I'm telling you that your religion don't matter.You are born to be rich and successful.Period.

After attending Bob Proctor's "You Were Born Rich" program,my life started to change..........I started to see possibilities that I didn't see before.........I knew from then on that I can be whatever I choose to become...............

I set my goal of becoming a millionaire by the age of 35.But then come to think of it now,it seems to be too long.I should be able to reach the millionaire status by the age of 30.

Dear friend,let me tell you this............3 years ago,I didn't know how was I going to become a millionaire.I had no clue at all.I only knew that I wanted to be a rich man.That's all.

Only 2 years ago,then I started to see this path showing up.........the path changed this year.........but every step I take is bringing me closer to my goal day by day...........

It is OK to be fearful when you aim.I was fearful too...........back then.What if it doesn't work?You'll hear all the "what ifs" coming up..........but don't bother about it,just go ahead to your destination.You may not know how you are going to reach it.But you will.If you decide to.

Interesting...........when your consciousness level changes,you lose friends.Hey,it should be SHOCKING!!!!!!

OKOK,don't get so shocked.It's true that you'll lose friends.But the fact is,you don't need these friends anyway.They are not for your highest good.I'm a person who treasures friendship.I hate to lose friends.

But right now,I am only concerned when I lose good friends.I don't give a damn about those people who try to run me down when I share my goals and dreams.I cut off contact with a few people who told me I wasn't able to make it.You don't have to bother with people like that.Let them go.They are not qualified to be your friend.

They drag you down with be very careful when choosing friends.Another important thing is to only share your dreams with the right people.Those who will encourage you and not those who get jealous of you and run you down.

There are 4 people whom I trust and share my goals and dreams of them is my brother,the other 3 are Benedict,Christopher and Kok Leong.The 4 of them are people who think big and they are encouraging.

Of course they share their dreams with me as well and I'm glad to be able to encourage them.I would love to see them succeed.

Back in 2003,someone told me that I am not cut out to be a businessman.............he told me I would fail and get out of MLM.He was really afraid that I would prospect him.He wanted me to become a lecturer like him,get a fixed salary and be happy with that.

Well,I did get out of MLM,but I'm still a businessman,and I'm on my way to become a millionaire.

The other person said that I will fail in MLM.He was right and wrong.I decided to get out because MLM takes too long.My current business is the vehicle to financial freedom.

But anyway,these 2 people were only out to suck my energy and take advantage of me.Without them around,I feel so much lighter.

Now if you ask me,it's good to be generous to others.This is from me personally..............Do you know that it's a privilege to bless others?If you can volunteer for God to bless others through friend,you'll be super-blessed.

By blessing others I mean without expecting any return.By lending a helping hand when asked to.But also exercise wisdom when doing so.Don't let people take you for a sucker.Be wise in that.

Alright then,the time is now 7:10 AM.I didn't know I can spend so much time blogging.Hope today's post helps you journey toward living a better life.

If you are new here,you might want to read the previous posts.Some of them are very empowering.................

I got to go now.See you again later.God bless.


Blogger Christopher said...

I have read the beyond the wildest dreams... it says dun try to act god and bless others..... hmm... but smtimesit depends on how you se it....

7:40 AM  

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