Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Do You Have The Millionaire's Or Poor Man's Mindset?Find Out NOW!!!

Hello and welcome back today!

I am very excited for you today!You will be finding out whether you have a millionaire's mindset.If not,don't despair,you can always change your mindset.

Remember:NOTHING IS SET IN CONCRETE!It's up to you to chart your destiny.

There are 17 Different Mindsets of the Rich,comparing to the Poor.Find out how many of them you have,and change what you don't have.There is HOPE for you,if you decide to change.You have my moral support!It takes courage to change,but I can tell you,it's worth the effort.

I spend 3 years of my life changing my beliefs.Even now,I'm still in the process of changing and learning.

I am sharing from T.Harv Eker's "Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind".This book is very dear to me,because it showed me who I really was when I was put down.You probably remember the post on "The Truth About Your Enemies.........".It was because of my "enemy" that I came across this book................

And realised that my mindset has changed so much over these 3 years.............

Alright,are you ready?Get comfortable and let's begin with the 17 Mindsets of the Rich..........

1) Rich people believe "I create my life".Poor people believe "Life happends to me".

2) Rich people play the money game to win.Poor people play the money game to not lose.

3) Rich people are commited to being rich.Poor people want to be rich.

4) Rich people think big.Poor people think small.

5) Rich people focus on opportunities.Poor people focus on obstacles.

6) Rich people admire and respect other rich and successful people.Poor people resent rich and successful people.

7) Rich people associate with positive,successful people.Poor people associate with negative or unsuccessful people.

8) Rich people are willing to promote themselves and their value.Poor people think negatively about selling and promotion.

9) Rich people are bigger than their problems.Poor people are smaller than their problems.

10) Rich people are excellent receivers.Poor people are poor receivers.

11) Rich people choose to get paid based on results.Poor people choose to get paid based on time.

12) Rich people think "both".Poor people think "either/or".

13) Rich people focus on their net worth.Poor people focus on their working income.

14) Rich people manage their money well.Poor people mismanage their money well.

15) Rich people have their money work hard for them.Poor people work hard for their money.

16) Rich people act in spite of fear.Poor people let fear stop them.

17) Rich people constantly learn and grow.Poor people think they already know.

There you are,the 17 different of the rich and the poor.How many of the rich's mindset do you have?

Let me share with you some of the poor's mindsets that I used to have..........

I used to think that life happends to me.I had the belief that everything is fated...........You probably have heard this phase from your parents,"Whatever wealth and food you can have in this life are all fated."Sounds familiar?

I was brought up with that kind of belief.It took me many years to clear this negative belief.Whenever bad things happended to me,I never took responsibility.Everything was someone else's fault or it was due to my bad luck."Sway ah!!"That was what I used to say.

I had no pretty was due to fate.........Fate dealt a rotten hand to me.

As for playing the money game to win,I don't gamble.Neither do I buy stocks.So it's not applicable to me.

OK,wanting to be 2003,I wanted to be rich.But now I am commited to be rich.I know there are many out there who buy lottery,hoping to be rich in one day.Or they are waiting for their rich relative to kick the bucket so that they can get the inheritance.

I am never into gambling.In fact I never liked to buy 4D.I always got my friends to help me buy.My personal view on inheritance is this..........

When you get an inheritance,especially a lot of money in a short time,you are equally capable of losing them in a short time.Reason is because you are not trained to manage the money well.And I knew of someone who used underhand methods to get inheritance.............she is always very nervous about losing her money.She's staying in a big semi-detached house near Wheelock Place,Orchard Road,but she's one of the meanest characters I've ever come across.Now I sympathize her because she's "killing" herself.

I won't mention her name.My close friends may know who she is.Anyway,it's not important to know who she is.The important point is that she's trying her best to get another inheritance who is still alive.She gets very nervous about how the money is being distributed and because of worry,she nearly got cancer.

I'll explain why people who get inheritance without the knowledge of managing money well are usually mean(Not all of course,I'm being general).It's because they have no knowledge of earning the money themselves,that's why they are very afraid of losing the money that they have on hand. They become miserly.

If you take away everything a self-made millionaire has,he will be able to make the money back in a few years.He won't worry so much,because he already has the knowledge how to do it.

I used to think small.I was afraid of big goals and afraid of people thinking bigger than me.I'm currently in the process of thinking bigger.Don't be afraid of thinking big.You'll always benefit from thinking big.Trust me.When you aim for the stars,you'll still hit the moon.

When you aim for nothing,you'll definitely get it.

Focusing on opportunities is very important.Positive thinking comes into play.You must always look beyond the problem.

"There's always a seed or equalvalent or greater benefit in every adversity."

I'll share with you what I always do when a problem arises........I'll usually ask myself,what can I learn from this problem?And what are the options avaliable for me now?The important thing is to be calm.Think clearly,don't fret.

Oh yes............I used to get jealous of rich and successful people.I had this misconcept that they are all evil.They must have did something bad to gain their wealth.Don't fall into this trap.Many poor people think in this way.

Why do people think in this way?I'll tell you.It's because of movies like "Titanic",where the rich are always potrayed as the "bad guy".People get programmed subconsciously that rich people are all evil.They are NOT.In fact,some of them are better than poor people.They are big-hearted and generous.

The trap that people fall into is this,when they start to get jealous of others' wealth and success,they are pushing away wealth and success from themselves.Next time when you see someone driving your dream car,feel grateful and happy for that person.You'll attract yours soon.Do celebrate other people's success and blessings,and you'll draw success and blessings to yourself.

Association with positive and like-minded people.Very important.I am very particular about this nowdays.I try to get away from negative people.The energy suckers,they'll sap your energy up and pull you down to their level of consciousness.

Of course,don't look down on them,but try to encourage them and influence them slowly.Hopefully you can bring them up to your level.But if they refuse to change,then you have no choice but to get away from them.

What kind of people you hang around with is actually a reflection of your own consciousness level.If you are a positive person,you'll attract positive people into your life.Don't get upset with your spouse or lover if he/she is negative.You attracted them into your life.I know you hate to hear this,but it's the truth.

Let me tell you a personal story............I did mention in one of my previous posts about this person called Daniel.We were very good friends back then............

What we used to do was that we went down to Orchard to look at pretty girls.We would see "Beauties and Beasts" and start to comment and get jealous of them.Then we would complain together how bad fate was to us..............ugly beasts can get beauties,whereas we were much better looking than them and we got nothing.

This lifestyle of complaining and blaming God,fate,the universe,life went on and on.............until one day,he played me out because of a girl.He told his friend Melvyn about this girl and showed him her photo,which he promised he would not show anyone.

Melvyn tried to "steal" the girl from me.I got very fed up because of this and other incidents and ended the friendship.After that..........I was on good terms with one of Daniel's classmate whose name was Alex.Alex and I got along very well initially when we were both single.

The same lifestyle of complaining carried on and on,until he got attached.I was left alone.But our friendship ended in 2003 when he jeered at my dreams.Not only that he kept trying to borrow money from me to "support" his girlfriend.I'm glad all of them got away from me.

Thank God,I have a few friends,but they are good friends.They are like-minded and positive people with integrity.I'm very grateful for them.

Speaking of promoting myself,I was afraid of speaking my mind and sharing my values.I was afraid of charging people for consultation when I was in the astrology business.Nowadays,I'm more straightforward.I don't try to please the masses.

In regards to problems,I think if you really want something badly,you'll think of a way out.I'm always known for this statement."If I really want something,nothing can stop me."You can do it!Don't belittle yourself!

Now we speak about receiving.It's important to receive when something is given to you.You should learn to give as well as to receive.When you don't receive,you are "rejecting" your blessings.I give as well as receive.Though it may not be to and from the same person,I always take it that God is giving me his blessings.

Don't be shy about it.Even compliments.When someone gives you a compliment,receive it,say "Why,thank you." instead of "Oh,it's not as good as you say."People have this mentality that if they receive compliments,they are being thick-skinned and arrogant.

That can't be further than the truth.When you are able to receive small things,you'll be able to receive bigger blessings.This is a law of prosperity.

Do you know that when you receive a gift,you are also doing the other person a favour?You are helping him sow good seeds.He will be blessed from what he has given to you.Don't turn away a gift when you receive one.

Haha are you worried when you are not paid on time?Or you choose to be paid based on results?My personal opinion is that those who choose to be paid based on time have an Employee's mindset,whereas those who get paid based on results have an Investor or Business Owner's mindset.

When I was in MLM,I saw many "employees" trying to use the same mindset in the business.They are not willing to invest in books and materials for the business.As a result,they fail.I am not that successful in MLM myself,but it was because I chose to quit.

Until you change your mindset,you'll keep failing in business.No matter what business.

"BOTH" is what I think of now.I used to think of "EITHER/OR".But let me asking you............what's stopping you from having both?Because people will think of you as greedy?I used to fear what people thought of me.Are you fearful of what others think about you?

If you are,then start breaking out of that thought pattern now.Your future is too precious to be at the mercy of others' opinions.

I'll give you an example.I used to think that I can only choose either character or looks when choosing a spouse.Pretty girls all have bad character.Those with good character are all not so good looking.It's nonsense.My wife is pretty(to me) and has very good character.

Speaking of net worth,that is a topic of a few years later.

Mismanaging money.................I am guilty of that.It is something I'm trying to improve.I think a rule of thumb to follow is this..............Will this expense bring you any returns?What is you Return On Investment(R.O.I.)?

Money working hard for me.......I'm starting this process soon.At last!!

Acting despite fear is what I learnt during my in-camp training when playing as the Commanding Officer.I'm glad I had that experience.During war time,you have no act no matter what,if you are a Leader.There are many under you waiting for your orders.

You have to decide very fast.Make the best decision in a few seconds.There's not much time for you to think.Sometimes you have to rely on your sixth sense or intuition.I learnt a lesson when playing the War Game.I was lost when the plans changed.

Second time I did better.But there's still a lot to learn in this area.Even now,in my current business,there are a lot of times I got to act in spite of fear.

Making a mistake is better than doing nothing at all.

Last but not least,I think we should be growing and learning everyday.Make it lifelong learning.There's always something to be learnt everyday.We grow older day by day,so we should also grow wiser.

Don't be afraid of adversity,but take it as an opportunity to learn and evolve as a person.

Make self-development a daily habit.If you need any recommendation for books,post a comment,I'll help you out on that.

Anyway,my webmaster is trying to fix up the website.Once it's up,we are giving a FREE E-book for visitors.You don't have to buy anything.We'll give you the book with no obligations for visiting.I'll keep you posted on this matter.

OK,I hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing.I sincerely hope that after tonight,you'll grow in your prosperity consciousness.Feel free to come back and refer to the mindsets after 90 days.See how many you have changed.

I wish you Godspeed in becoming a Rich Man!!Stay prosperous!


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