Monday, June 26, 2006

REVEALING........The SECRET Of Deciphering The Message Of Coincidences

Before I start,today is a bit special,I got 2 posts today.

I managed to link my blog to the 2 charitable sites,with help from my good friend Benedict.I hope to get more people to help click on these sites.Thank you for helping out.

Today is pretty much a stressful and boring day.I spent the whole day doing work and washing my mind because of the infection last night.But I am grateful that I am able to do my little part in helping the less fortunate.

I was able to clear up most of my stuff today that I didn't finish last night.Well,I learnt a big lesson from last night.The power of silence is very important sometimes.We must be quiet at certain times.

OK,without further delay,let's begin with tonight's topic.........

Have you ever came across certain events that were coincidences?And later found out that the coincidences lead you to some happenings in your life?

Do you feel puzzled when you see the coincidences and being unable to figure them out?

What do they really mean?Is there really fate?Or can you control your destiny?

What is the plan for your life?Do you need a fortune teller to tell you?Nope,you don't need after reading this post.

I am quoting this from Deepak Chopra's book,"The Spontaneous Fufillment Of Desire".If you like what I shared,do get a copy of this book.I hope to shine some light into your future tonight.

AT LAST!The missing link to deciphering coincidences!

Here goes........

Go to a place where a lot of activity is taking place,such as a shopping mall.Buy something to eat from the food court.Sit on a bench.Close your eyes.With full awareness,taste the food,smell it's aroma,and feel it's texture.While keeping your eyes closed,pay attention to all the sounds in your enviroment.What's that music in the background?Christmas carols?The theme song of a movie?Can you tune in to the conversation of the people next to you?Can you hear scattered phases,words?Do any sounds strike you as attractive,or draw your attention more than others?

Now,put your awareness in your body;feel everything around you.The hardness or softness of the bench or sofa-is it wood,or metal,or fabric?

Now open your eyes and observe the scene around you,the people walking,the colors,the shops,the items in the windows,and the art galleries.

Now close your eyes and in your imagination note once again what you have experienced-the tastes,the smells,the textures,the colors and the objects you saw,the sounds you heard.Now pick an item from each of your sensory experiences.An example might include the following:strawberry ice cream on your tongue,the smell of baking bread,the touch of craggy rocks under your feet,a beautiful painting of the sun setting over hills,Christmas carols,and the theme song from the James Bond movie Goldfinger.Now tell yourself that all these sounds,textures,and tastes are all part of a story.Ask yourself what the story is.Ask your nonlocal self to reveal the story to you.Now let go and assume that your non local self will provide the answer in the form of a synchronistic experience(coincidences).

The exercise above is an actual example of an experience I had at a shopping mall during Christmastime.One year laterI was in Jamaica.I had taken a drive into the countryside.I saw a scene very similar to the picture in the painting-a beautiful sunset over a hill by the ocean.Upon inquiry I learned that this place was called Strawberry Hill and the James Bond movie Goldfinger had been shot here.There was a beautiful hotel on Strawberry Hill.I decided to go inside.They had a luxurious spa.The spa director was delighted to meet me and he told me he had been looking for me for the last several weeks because he wanted advice on Ayurvedic therapies.We ended up talking about a mutual collabration.Several years later I also met the owner of the hotel,who was a record company executive.His wife had an illness for which she consulted me,and we became close friends.He helped me with great advice when I produced my first music CD with healing meditations.Many years later your friendships have continued to evolve,and we feel bonded to each other in the spirit of love;we know we are karmically connected.


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