20/06/2006,Another Unique Day Of This Year.Introducing........Iori Yagami

Why all the Iori images today?You know why by the time you finish reading everything.......
OK,besides 6/6/06,today is another interesting day.Coming up first..............
How An Office Cleaner Manifested A Few Million Dollars In Just 18 Months
This is a true story from Stuart Wilde,in his book "The Money Bible".I am quoting what he said.
A friend of mine worked out how high a stack of $10,000 worth of 50-pound notes came to.Then he cut little pieces of paper and made up stacks,putting a real 50-pound note on top of each stack.In this way,he placed a hypothetical million pounds on his kitchen table,and he concentrated on them.He was an office cleaner,but 18 months,he has his million and several million more.Get a pair of scissors.
You can try this.I am going to try it.
How To Manifest A Life Partner
First,relax in a comfortable chair,or lie flat on your back and induce a state akin to sleep.Then assume the feeling of being married.
(For women)
Imagine a wedding band on your finger.Touch it.Turn it around the finger.Pull it over the knuckle.Keep the action going until the ring has the distinctness and feeling of reality.Because so lost in the feeling the ring on your finger that when you open your eyes,you will be suprised that it's not there.
(For men)
If you are a man who does not wear a ring,you could assume greater responsibility.How would you feel if you had a wife to care for?Assume the feeling of being a happily married man right now.
That concludes this section.I wish everyone god speed in manifesting your life partner,if you have not found one yet.
OK,coming on to the happenings of today.I had another smooth day.It's prosperity tour again and it's great to be home once again.
Kok Leong and I had dinner at Ghim Moh Hawker Center.We had Johnson Lock's Roast Duck.We shared a whole duck and ordered Braised Pork Belly with Yam.It was a prosperous meal.The duck tasted really great.I believe they marinated it with some chinese herbs.The skin was crispy and it was hot when served.
After dinner we decided to go home.On the way back,we passed by East Sussex Lane and saw 2 newly built houses for sale.The design was pretty cool,with plenty of glass windows.Interior color was mostly black and white,just what I liked.From there I received some ideas of designing my house.
We crossed Holland Road and walked towards our home.The feeling is really great when you walk around our prosperous neighbourhood.After going home,we made our way towards Fifth Avenue for Gelato.It has been a long time since we had gelato.
It was a long walk from home,we decided to take a bus.................
On board,we saw this girl wearing a pair of extremely short pants.She has this very fuckable look.By the way,we had this code which we use when describing a fuckable female.
Introducing.........The Four-Lettered Word To Replace The Eight-Lettered Word Starting With F.(Not in every aspect)
I coined the 2nd meaning of this word back in 1997.Only my close friends and my brother knows what it means when I use this word.And the word is...........
Why?You may ask..........What has Iori has to do with fucking?
If you look at Figure 2 and Figure 4 at the beginning,it looks as if Iori is raping someone.In the game,my brother likes to execute the super when he's fighting Mai Shiranui.If you have been playing KOF(King Of Fighters),you'll know who is she.She's this sexy ninja with big-boobs.I have heard many people commenting when they executing the MAX super on her,they say they are raping her.It leads me to think that because she looks too fuckable,that's why she was raped by him.Anyway,that's my imagination.......
So when my friends and I say "Iori",we know there's some fuckable female around us.It has to replace the word fuckable because it's not very nice to say fuckable when everyone can hear you.
Alright,that's why you saw the images at the start.I used it to induce curiosity.
Back to my story............the "Iori" got down 2 stops later.Kok Leong saw her pulling her pants downwards from her crotch and he made a joke out of it.He said she was "jammed".We had a laugh.I leave it to you to imagine why it was funny.Guys should get the joke.
We alighted 2 stops after her and had a nice time chatting while having Gelato.We had 3 scoops each.I had Cookies and Cream,Dark Chocolate and Coconut Sobert.There was a new staff there today..............
How To Tell Whether A Gal Has High Sex Drive
Immediately I started to use my code.Kok Leong asked where.I nodded my head towards the counter."Why?" he asked.He was puzzled because she was not dressed in a sexy manner.
Hahaha here's the secret to tell if a gal is horny.First,look at her lower lip.If her lower lip is extremely thick,or thicker than her upper lip,she's horny.You can get her into bed easily.
Second,the amount of body hair also tells a story.If she has a lot of hair on her hands and legs,she's also under the horny category.
Third,by birthdate.Those born under these dates are under the category.Namely 6th,15th and 24th,4th,13th,22nd,31st,8th,17th,26th.Those mentioned above are the extremely cases.Of course there are others who are not as bad.Let's face it,all humans are horny,depends on how bad is the situation.Use it as a guide and have fun.Hahahaha.
OK,after the meal we tried to take bus.Kok Leong wants to collect the bus tickets of 9000S to 9099H.He still has a long way to go.We waited for a long time,finally 9087S came as 174.We alighted at Tangs and took MRT home.
That ends today.I hope you enjoy reading and have gained insights.God bless you all.
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