Friday, June 16, 2006

BREAKTHROUGH:How To Overcome Anger And Cool Down Without Hurting Your Enemies.....

I think this topic has been on many of our minds.You are always taught to forgive and forget.Are you really able to forgive?To forgive is to forget as well.Can you forget what the other person did to you?

I think most of us would find it very difficult to forget.So in essence,we did not forgive.And by not forgiving,we are unable to attract the goodness we so desire into our lives.

Take myself for example,I had a lot of trouble with the bunch of hypocrites and Mr Negative.I'm having a tough time trying to forgive them.Everytime I try to forgive them and try to let bygones be bygones,some other nonsense will come from them again.

Why am I in this cycle?My personal view is that I have not let go completely and I keep attracting these people to do things against me.

So what's the solution to this?Fret not,I shall reveal the secret in a moment.This will help you to overcome the problem of forgiving those you really hate.

I got this method from Stuart Wilde's book,"The Money Bible".Here goes....

Try this:For example,if there's a person in way,your(female) boss,for example,start every morning by sitting quietly and seeing her in your mind's eye.Bring her up close to you so that you are eyeball to eyeball;then breathe a long breath in,and expel that breath into her heart.No matter how antagonstic you may feel,sent her Light and love,and do that ceremoniously 11 times.She will change,you'll see.

If you need certain people out of your way,don't wish them harm or evil,just do this:After you finished the 11 breaths,visualise them very small in the palm of your hand.Look down on them from above;look at them standing there in your hand,an inch high,for example.Then hold your hand up to your mouth and expel a short,sharp breath at them.Literally blow them away,saying,"I release you with love and Light to go in peace to your highest good,but go!"

Alright,I hope that helps.By the way,I'm sorry I didn't make it for the trip to Segamat today.Was played out.Wasted one morning.I will go on Monday and post some photos to share with you.

Well,I started the day off very badly.But I learnt a lesson about certain people.I know this will stick with me for LIFE.Or should I say I learnt more than one lesson.............?OK,read on and decide.........

As you all know last night,we planned to go to Segamat today.I woke up early,still feeling very tried,but since my mum wanted to go,I obliged.Anyway,I was looking forward to the trip anyway.But the sad thing was.................we were played out!!!!SOLID!

Too bad,the driver(Mr Negative) came up with some plans of his own,without us knowing.Until we were all in the car then we realised that he didn't want to go to Segamat,but just stay near the city center in Johore Bahru and to be back by 3pm to get away from the traffic jam.

I was very pissed.He is always making decisions on his own.Selfish decisions without regard for others.This is not the first time.He has done it numerous times.But I was super pissed today because I did not have enough sleep and wasted an entire morning.

He made up some cock and bull story about the jam and the weather.Always trying to justify his selfish acts.I HAVE ALWAYS TOLD MY MUM THIS,NEVER INCLUDE HIM IN ANY TOUR OR OUTING.He always spoils the plans somehow.Though to be fair,there were times he made the right decisions.But most of the time it's selfish decisions.

There is always negativity with him around.He spoils the mood for the trip.I was a little irritated by his negative comments yesterday,but today was really the worst.Got played out big time.He made a turn into the nearest exit on the North South Highway and turned back to Pasir Gudang.

I was too pissed to say anything.I shut my eyes and did some visualisation exercises.Indeed,I felt better.He got pissed with me for keeping quiet.It's fine,if I don't get my way,he is not going to get his either.I refuse to tell him how to get back to Johore Jaya Town,even though I knew the route.

In the end we all returned via the 2nd linkway at Tuas.I don't give a damn,I'm still young,I have plenty of chances to travel.But I learnt a lot today.Though it was painful,it was lessons well learnt.

Firstly,I know that this person can't be trusted.He will play you out last minute if it doesn't serve his selfish desires.

Secondly,you got to be indepedant.You will always fail(chances are very high) if you depend on undependable people.

Thirdly,with reference to the above,know who you are dealing with.Family member or not,if this person is not dependable,always check and double check with dealing with him/her.

Fourth,don't fall for the trap of the other party trying to make you miserable and angry.Understand this,you life is in your own hands.Nobody can stop you from reaching your goals!

Fifth,be calm when you know you are trapped.The feeling really sucks,there's nothing you can do about anything.But you can choose to feel better.Detach yourself from the situation.

So what was the conclusion?I am going myself to Segamat by train on Monday.I will not let anyone know except my mum.I will buy the tickets on Sunday.Wish me bon voyage!!Just kidding!

I reached home at around 1330 hrs.One morning wasted on sitting in that wretched car.I feel sorry for my mum,she had to pay the tolls for nothing.That fucker kept going around the highways.Nothing was achieved.

I AM VERY SURE HE'LL PAY FOR THIS SOMEDAY!He will know how it feels to be played out!

Anyway,the second half of the day was great!Met up with Kok Leong and we discussed about business.It was quite a fruitful day.Before that,I went to find out prices of the bus ticket and train ticket.I've decided to take the train there since it's cheaper and the timing is better.I leave Singapore at 0820 hrs and reach Segamat at 1210 hrs.

I feel excited when I have discussions about the business.It gives me a sense of direction.

Oh yeah,I took 9047 H again today.I was playfully desiring for a Leyland Olympian 133.It was around 1810,it came to my mind that I might have missed it.I was thinking,any Leyland Olympian will do.

1825 hrs,9047 H came.I was really suprised,it must have been late today.Sometimes it's good to just think that you might not something,but it would be good to have it anyway.I didn't expect it to come,but it came.

Sometimes when you think in your mind that it will definitely come,it pushes the object of your desire away.Hmm,I would say you need a delicate balance of letting go and focusing your desire.

Another similar instance happended when we were waiting for 197.Kok Leong wanted to take 9076 Z,I wanted 9074 D.No double decker buses came.In the end we got so fed up of waiting that we decided to take anything that comes.9061R came,I saw it from far."Darn!" I exclaimed,thinking it was another 51(because 9061 R is service 51).

It came as 197,9061 R was changed to 197.So things usually happend when you least expect them to sometimes.But notice that the double decker came only when we "got fed up" and "took whatever that comes".That is after we released.

My good friend Benedict called.It was great to be able to talk to him.He wanted to join my team in business.I promised him a position once he comes back and told him some of the requirements I expect of my partners.

He gave some ideas and feedback on this blog and product ideas.I'm impressed with his desire to do business.The interesting thing is this,I was considering asking him to join my team and today he called to say he wanted to join.Speaking of fufilment of desires.

We had a long chat,1 hour 18 minutes.It was a great chat,though it delayed the discussion with Kok Leong.I'm looking forward to work with Benedict.I'm sure we'll make a great team.

May God bless him in his coming exams this coming Monday.

The ending to this day was great!Oh yeah,before I end...................

A Final Tip:When you are in a bad mood,get away from those who can potentially make you feel worse.

Alright,good night people,see you all again tomorrow night.Stay prosperous and blessed!


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