Sunday, June 11, 2006

At Last!The 5 Steps To Attracting Whatever You Want,Revealed!

Thank God that I had a good sleep today.I was able to sleep soundly and wake up when I had enough sleep.The past few days had been quite tiring.I decided not to go out today because it's Negative Outing day.I don't miss the company anyway.

Woke up at 4 and started to get busy.I targeted to cover 2 E-books today,on top of what I am supposed to finish.I cleared majority of the stuff during the day.I'm getting really charged up these days.It's always good to have a target to meet.I'm a person who always like to be on the move,always going places and meeting targets.

I was reading another book by Stuart Wilde,it's called "The Force".It's about gaining control of your life.I think this is pretty important to me.Sometimes I find my life out of control.Acutally I have long known that I am responsible for any good or bad happenings,but somehow I just can't grasp the concept on how to get rid of "bad attractions".I will share some insights and important points from the book when I read more of it.Stay tuned to that............

Right now I always try to view obstacles and setbacks as lessons to be learnt in life.That's why I am sharing them here,so that we all can learn.I hope that I am able to inspire those who you who may be going through some trials at this point in time.

Finally today,my parents started talking to each other,after the cold war of 3 weeks.Well,this could be good and bad for me.Good thing is there is finally peace in the family.Bad thing is there might be some shit in store for me.I don't know what.But then thank God that there is peace.Whatever shit there is to come,I'll just take it as a chance to learn more.

I had dinner at around 6pm.Had BBQ Pork Slices With Bread.It was quite filling.I was extremely satisfied.I continued on with work.I listened to Joe Vitale's 2nd call on Attracting A New Car,though I fell asleep after quite some time,I did grasp a few things.

He mentioned a few things that I find it's quite important.I shall share them here.Before I start,I don't think I have mentioned anything about "The Attractor Factor",5 steps to attracting what you want inside you.Let me give some background first before talking about the call.

First of all,here are the 5 steps to attracting whatever you want in life......

Step 1:Know what you don't want.

Step 2:Know what you want.

Step 3:Get clear.

Step 4:"Nevillize" your goal.

Step 5:Let go.

Let me explain each step in detail.......

Step 1:Everyone will know what you don't want.For example,we don't want to be poor,we don't want to have less freedom,we don't want to settle for less,we don't want to suffer.........the list goes on.........

So list out what you don't want.You should know what you don't want.

Step 2:List out what you want.That's very simple,just turn the previous step into the opposite.For example,if you mention that you don't want to be poor in step 1,now you say that you want to be rich.For not having freedom,you change it to I want freedom.So on and so forth.

One point to note here,you must be very specific on what you want.Let's say you want to attract a new car,what model,color,brand do you want?What kind of seats?Will there be a sunroof?How about the tyres?You must be very specific on everything.

To list another example,let's say you want to attract a marriage partner.What kind of personality?What kind of looks?What height?Body shape?Big boobs or small boobs?*laughs*

So be very specific and list out what you want.Be daring to dream and think big.Imagine if you can have anything you want,what will you have??

Step 3:Get clear.This is the time when you will start fighting yourself.A part of you will tell you it's impossible to have what you want,or that you should be more realistic and etc......

That's very normal.It happends to everyone.For example,if you want to attract your dream car.Some part of you will tell you that you can't afford,what will your friends say?And many negative thoughts will surface.

Why is this so?Reason is because of the beliefs you had since young.They are sabotaging your progress.What you should do is to question them gently........

Let's have an example here.Let's say I want to attract a brand new Mercedes Benz S-350 now.My mind will start telling me things like "How can you afford it?" "What will your family and friends say?" "How are you going maintain it?"

We shall take the first one "How can you afford it?".You should start asking yourself gently,why can't you afford it?The next thought will come "I can't afford it because I am not rich yet".Question yourself again "Why do I believe this?".Keep questioning other beliefs as they come out of your mind.Keep doing it until you feel at peace with yourself.

This is just a simple example.I admit that it is scary at times when you aim and think big.But if something is worth doing,go all out for it!

Step 4:"Nevillizing" your goal.This is my favourite step.The essence of this is to get into the feeling of having what you want.As Joe Vitale puts it,as if it is a hallucination.

Let's use the dream car as an example.How would you feel when you own that car?Get yourself into that feeling.Close your eyes and visualise.Imagine yourself holding the key to the car.How does it feel like?

You glance through your window and see the car parked at the porch.You hold your key and go downstairs.You put the key into the keyhole and open the door.As you open the door,what is the smell of the leather seats like?What is the smell of a brand new car like?

Now you start getting into the car.How does the leather seat feel like?Put your hands on the steering.How does the grip feel like?Now you insert the key into the ignition and start the engine.How does the engine sound like?

You switch on the air-con now.Is it powerful?You try to turn on the audio as well.What music would you hear?What kind of music do you like?

Are you feeling excited now?Do you feel happy?

Maintain that feeling.Keep doing this constantly.Preferbly 3 times per day.Live your life now as if you already own that car.That's all for step 4.

Step 5:Let go.This is where many people have problems,including me.By letting go,you are not overly concerned whether you get your car or not.You are just playfully desiring it.You allow it to come to you and not figure out how to get it or how it would come.

A point to note,let go doesn't mean doing nothing at all.You are still required to take action.Not planned action,but inspired action.

Inspired action is action that bubbles within you.You feel an inner nudge to do something.For example,when you leave home,you always turn right.Instead of turning right,something tells you to turn left.Follow this instinct.

I shared in Friday's post that my body wanted me to go towards the cookhouse instead of the vehicle shed.My mind wanted to go to the vehicle shed.That's a kind of inspired action.If I followed my body's direction,I would have found what I wanted sooner.

And there you are,the 5 steps in Attractor Factor.I wish everyone God Speed in realising your dreams.

A little bit on the remaining of my day.I went out with my parents for supper.We went to eat satay,but sadly there was no satay today.I tried the Mutton Rendang Rice instead and some Fried Chicken.It tasted great.I ordered some Intestines too,with Curry Gravy.

Great meal.After that we went to MacDonald's to buy some Milkshake.Then it's time for tea at Bras Basah.Thank God,don't need to go to the condo today.Hehehee I'm a blessed child of God.Praise God.

OK guys,I hope you all will have fun attracting whatever you want in life.After all,it's my mission in life to inspire others to be able to live better lives.In the days to come,I hope I can share more with you all.See you tomorrow.


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