Monday, June 05, 2006

Bad Mood = Bad Encounters,PROVEN!!

Do we all agree with the headline?

Maybe some of us don't.But I assure you,this is very true,speaking from experience.

It's not that today is a bad day that's why I'm writing about this.Somehow this issue just crossed my mind.It happended many years back..............but at that time I didn't knew about all these let's all learn something from this experience.................

Yeah,I will write about today later.............after this important lesson that we all can learn from............

Here goes............

If I recall,it was 6 to 7 years ago.Back then I was not as positive-minded and as prosperity-minded as I am now.I used to hang around with losers who drag me down with them............We will sit around and complain about how unfair life us.

I was always trying to be the nice guy.I didn't want to hurt my friends even if they pull me down.I didn't realise that the biggest favour I can do for the negative and downtrodden is not to be one of them.

Nowdays I am very careful with how I hang around with.I don't spend time with negative people.If they really want to move up to a higher conscious,I am very willing to help them.But most of them are "happy" where they are.So we have to let them be.

During my poly days,there was this secondary school friend who still kept in contact with me.We knew each other since secondary 1.He was the complaining sort,there's always something for him to complain about.At the same time he was also very domineering and self-centered.It is very obvious during conversations.He is always trying to say what he wants and not listen to what others have to say.In worse cases,he'll ask you to shut up and listen to him only.When you try to say something he'll just cut you off.

God gave us two ears and one mouth.You should know what to do............*smile*

Being the nice guy,I didn't tell him off,neither did I cut contact with him.Whenever he ask me out,I hated it,but still went.................

There was once he asked another friend and me to go to KTV.He hogged the mics and did a personal "concert" there.My other friend and I were really pissed.......we swore not to ask him to KTV again.........

One fateful day,he asked me out.I was in a super lousy mood that day.But I still obliged,being the nice guy.I dragged myself along..................when the time came,he called up last minute to say he was going to be half hour late.Damn it!I was really pissed then..............

I saw 9075 B came when I reached the bus stop.I decided that since he was late,I could take a few stops then meet him when he reaches.I alighted at the start of Guillemard Road and walked to the opposite bus stop to wait for the next bus back.

SUDDENLY,IT JUST HAPPENDED....................

I felt a sharp pain on my shoulder,someone just assaulted me from behind.I thought it was another friend because I had this encounter before.I turned back and there was this crazy man in his late 40s.He was dressed shabily and it looked as if he didn't bathe for many months.

He shouted vulgarities at me and threatened to hit me again.I scolded him back and gave him a punch.I was still in a state of shock and didn't punch him hard enough.After a while,the bus came and I boarded it.On the bus an elderly lady told me it was better to escape while I can,you'll never know what the crazy man will do.

Here are a few things to think about...............

1)Why me?Instead of the other people at the bus stop.There were 3 including me.

2)Why was I there at that time?So many times I waited for buses there,nothing happended.Just that day.

3)Luck?Is it because it is a bad day to me that day?

Let me offer my personal view on this matter.I take responsibility for this incident.After so many years,at last I was able to figure out what was the cause.It is simple enough,the negative energy I gave out came back to me as a negative experience.I attracted all of it.

So in short,Bad Mood = Negative Energy Given Out = Bad Encounters.

Of course I will urge everyone to change the equation into something that works in your favour.I'll change it for you.

Slash away the Negative Energy Given Out and you'll be safe.Meaning to say don't get affected by your bad moods.I think bad moods are something we can't eliminate totally.There's a way to help you get through this...............Interested to know??

Read on...................

This is a very interesting method.I give credit to Dr Deepak Chopra for sharing this in his book "The Spontaneous Fufilment Of Desire".When you are angry or unhappy,your body will tend to have some kind of reaction.You may feel your stomach tightening,or your hands clenched into fists or a pain in your gut.

Place your hand on the part of the body where you sense the feeling is located and say out loud "It hurts here."Now,place your attention on the area of pain.Next,with every exhalation of breath,have the intention of releasing that tension that you are holding.For half a minute,focus on releasing tension and pain with every breath.Let it go,breathe out.

There you are,the way to release anger and frustration.Of course you could also use Sedona Method on this.It helps too.

A warning though:Do not supress the anger but release it as soon as possible.

I hope that helped.I know there might be someone out there who needs this.

OK,I shall talk about today.Quite a normal day.Not much happening.Had dinner at home,then went with Kok Leong to eat Western Food at Crawford Lane.Happy Chef Western Food,the best I had so far.Try it if you are in the area.

Wah,today the locked toilet is open for washing.I rushed in immediately to see my favourite SP.After his meal,we walked down to Bugis Village Mac to have milkshake.My mouth was a bit itchy so I went for the Buddy Meal at KFC.

After the meal we went to wait for the bus.We walked up to the CHIJMES bus stop and saw 9047 H came.Goody,Kok Leong got 21 points.I enjoyed the ride tremendously.

Reached home at 2310 hrs.Went out with my mum for a walk again.This time we walked all the way to Clark Quay then towards Beach Road back home.Reached at 1:30am.It was really good exercise.I got to go and bathe now.Tomorrow will be another great day!Praise God for all His blessings today.

God bless you all.I hope that tomorrow I'll be able to come up with something inspiring.Have fun!!


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