Thursday, June 01, 2006

The Secret To Overcome A Negative June Afternoon

Heard of that song by Roxette many years back?..................................

Yeah,it's "June Afternoon".It came to mind today as it is the first day of June.But the day didn't start well.I was woken up by negativity.Whew,I was wondering what did I do to manifest it??What happended?Don't fret,you will find out by the time you get to the end of the post.

Last night............I had a chat with my mum,she was complaining about my brother's attitude.She seemed agitated about the whole family.I had to explain to her my brother's situation to make her understand his response towards her.My brother is doing his final year project in poly.He had this marvellous idea(I personally endorse it) that he wanted to use for his project.He was full of confidence in presentating it to his lecturers in was rejected.When he showed me the idea,I had this feeling it will be rejected due to the conservative society we have here.I believe if we are doing this in the States,we might be the next Bill Gates.As you can see,my brother was feeling down because of the rejection,and he doesn't want to talk much when he's down,no matter who you are.It's just his character and we got to accept him as he is.

I had this debate with my mum as why the idea should be accepted.She feels the same way as the school.But I totally disagree with her.In fact,I started screwing the school about them being too conservative and cowardly.They should be more bold in their stand.This is all a matter of perspective.There's no right or wrong.It can be right or wrong.I think as I was criticising,I was giving off a lot of negative energy.That was how today's negative incident manifested................

1400hrs...........I was forced to wake up by my dad.Damn it,I knew it was going to be about negativity.If it's not about the condo,it's about my mum,or my brother or my fucking relatives.It's all the same.....................I was very irritated when my sleep was being disturbed.To make matters worse,his complaining went on for 2 hours.............on and on and on................I wasted 2 hours today just listening to his nonsense.He's always trying to justify his actions.Simple reason,because he is in the wrong.And it's hell listening to his justifications and complains.And to listen to it the first thing you wake up!!!!!

But.......................I take responsibility for manifesting this.It is possible that last night my screwing of my brother's lecturers attracted this today...........So try not to speak negative about people.Even if it's for a good cause.Unless you are confronting the person directly.I think this is a good lesson to learn.Gossip attracts negativity.One of the reasons I hate to read the Newspaper and watch the News is because of the negativity they keep focusing.You always hear of people dying in some foreign countries because of some accident.It lowers your energy level.Trust me on this.

At last..........the secret to overcome negativity.............
No matter what happends,go with the flow,know that it is for your highest good.Don't make things worse by getting frustrated and getting more negative.

There you are,the secret to overcoming this negative June afternoon.

Thank God at least I have another 1 hour plus to catch up on my work before going to New Creation Church.It's sad,today my favourite Pastor Prince is not here.Some old pastor took over him.I don't know that pastor's name.But his preaching is OK.At least he can keep me entertained for the 1 hour plus.Kok Leong brought a friend along today.A fine young man by the name of Han Yang.Haha it sounds as if I am old.Well,compared to him I am.He's only 18.But I am 22.Well,I choose to be 22.Although you might know my actual age.Haha,I am never old.

Met Jed today in church.Heard that his grandma passed on last Thursday.Felt sad for him.He was very close to her.But we got to accept that life and death is just part of our existence.Praise God,as Christians,we do not die.We merely evolve into another body and we rise up to Heaven to be with Father God.To enjoy till eternity.

Jed spoke to me about the videos on seduction.He wanted me to quote him a price.I insisted that he pay me whatever he feels is fair.I think that's to be fair to him.As I am typing now,the DVDs are being burnt.I am going to pass him the DVDs tomorrow.He wants to pay me 50 bucks for the 3 DVDs.Praise God,the money came in just when I need them.Remember last night I was considering about spending on food?Today the answer just came.It is very very true that our Heavenly Father wants the best for us.No matter what,food,clothing,house,cars and etc.......He is our shepherd,we shall not want.

Damn,there was some problem when burning the DVD.The disc got ejected.I got to redo again.Ok,let's press on...................

Kok Leong and I went to Bugis to see Han Yang off to the MRT station,then we went for Milkshake at Mac.I felt hungry and asked him if he wanted to share 20 pcs Nuggets.He said he wasn't that abundant.I told him he could just pay whatever amount he felt like paying.Then it occured that I could use the points in my Ezylink card to claim the nuggets.Praise God I had a lot of points to claim.We enjoyed ourselves and had milkshake as well.

2300 hrs......seems that 9047 H would be coming.We didn't come,instead 9167 U came.Kok Leong commented,why not 9067 A?The air con was good.I believe 9047 H was in the depot today.I don't mind any Leyland Olympians.Although it was only for a few stops,it was quite an enjoyable ride.

Reached mum asked me if I wanted to go for a walk.I said OK,since the past few nights I rejected her.We walked for around an hour plus and walked back home.I watched my emotions and words this time.I don't want to wake up tomorrow to negativity.And here I am,back and blogging..................

I am going for my haircut tomorrow..............Probably ask my wife and see if she wants to come along and comment on the hairstyle.Haha I have no choice,she has been nagging me to cut and next week I am going for reservist.Don't want to get caught by the RSM(Really Stupid Man) again.Last time I went in January I got caught while going to canteen.Damn,this time must be careful.He thought I was NSF.I think I really look young. wife looks slightly more matured than her actual age.I look younger than my actual age.......I think that's why God brought us together.We were meant for each other.We are pretty compatible.She's cancer and I am virgo.Even chinese signs we are also compatible.I'm a monkey and she's a dragon.

OK,time to go on with work.Before Mr Negativity comes home and attack me.I got to finish work fast and escape to my room.See you guys..........tomorrow.........I shall be visiting my grandma.It would be interesting to write about her................stay tuned.


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