Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Tuesday 23rd May 2006

OK,I have evolved today,from yesterday..............agree?Everybody evolves daily,if we can choose to look at setbacks and obstacles as growing opportunities.

Started today with a fresh morning.I woke up feeling fresh.Slept earlier last night.Really makes a difference.I had quite a lot of thoughts today..................would like to share some of them.Especially those pertaining to manifestation stuff.

The morning was pretty normal.Praise God,I managed to fix the computer.I thank Him for the wisdom I received today.Everything is well again.Lunchtime came.As usual,I was waiting for the bus.As usual,I tried to manifest 9012 H as svc 143.If you read my previous posts,I have tried to manifest this bus on a few occasions,but it didn't appear.Suprisingly,it appeared today.But..........on the opposite side.Damn.9066 C came again on my side.Better than nothing,at least a Leyland Olympian,and the air con is quite good.

The appearance of 9012 H on the opposite side led me to reflect on what I have done so far.Why can't I manifest it on my side?2 answers came to mind.Firstly,I think it's because of my belief system.I keep believing that the bus schedules are fixed.Everyday,at that time,9066 C will come.And that I kept believing that if 9066 C doesn't come,some other buses will come,but not 9012 H,because it's timing is different.So this may be sabotaging my manifestation.

Secondly,I must have some how been able to believe that 9012 H will somehow come,but not at that timing,at my bus stop.I didn't know what bus reaches the opposite side at that time.Only today then I found out.So it is also possible that my belief system allows 9012 H to fill that "unknown" on the opposite side.Probably I haven't reached the belief that 9012 H can somehow come on my side.Well,that's something to chew on.Food for thought.But definitely,tomorrow I am taking the opposite direction.I'll board 9012 H first,then decide what to eat next.

Lunch was great.I learnt my lesson yesterday.I had my Sashimi with Rice,this time I bought some minced Tuna Toro(Belly) to go along with my rice,and Lynton Park Spring Water.For dessert,I had Green Tea Ice Cream.Great,I was very satisfied.After lunch,I went to Border's to look for "Secrets of a Millionaire Mind".This was the book that reminded me who I was when the bitch screwed me the last time.It saved me from flaring up at her and giving her a tirade.Kino called me this morning and told me it was out of stock.I went to Border's and the counter girl knew what I wanted.She told me it was a good book.I agreed and asked her how many of the mindsets she had.She replied that she don't know.I stopped there.Then we discussed about Robert Kiyosaki,Brian Tracy and other great books.I recommended her Joe Vitale's Attractor Factor.It's good to see and know that there are like-minded people in existence.I'm training my wife up to be like me.However she has a problem with reading the books are they are all in english.I have to translate them to her in cantonese when she needs help.But I believe bit by bit,her mindset will change.When our kids are of age,I'll train them up from young to have the correct mindset.I know we'll have 4 future millionaires in our household.All 4 of them will be successful just like their parents.

Anyway,the book was also out of stock at Border's,and they said the supplier is not going to take in any more stock due to the low demand.I decided that I will attract it somehow.I was told to go to amazon.com.I went and placed my order.It was surprisingly smooth today,my brother helped me to transfer the funds over because I usually don't put the money in the bank,I prefer to pay cash.I tried the last time and I was so fustrated.Praise God for my great brother and his friend,whose account he used.My book will arrive in mint condition and everything will be smooth sailing.

Lesson learnt for both bus and book:You will get whatever you want,not in your terms but the universe's.

OK,that's for the daytime.Evening came.My brother joined us for dinner tonight.I called up my wife to inform her that I won't be joining her for dinner tonight.I had a T-Bone Steak and Baked Alaska with my uncle and my brother at Bosche Steakhouse at Serangoon Gardens.It was great.We were very full.Praise God for another wonderful day.

Tomorrow will be another great day!YEAH!!


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