Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Tuesday 30th May 2006

Another great day of abundance today,and of course,another day of learning........I have something interesting to share,but the time you finish reading this post,you would know what it is............

Today my bus manifestation experiment went off very smoothly.I decided that I wanted to take a Dennis Trident to work the moment I left my house.While walking to the bus stop,I made a conscious decision to focus on other things,but at the same time I walked at my usual speed.I was thinking of the business idea that my brother shared last night.He planned to use it in his final year project but it was rejected.Shit,what a waste!

As I was immersed in my thoughts,indeed,9673 A came.I boarded happily and was on time for work.Everything went smooth today................until lunch time came............so did the first lesson of today came...............I went to Lido as usual.Today I saw Salmon Belly.Wow,it sure looks tasty,but it seems that I won't be able to claim so much for lunch,and there were some considerations about the cost.I had to remind myself today........I live in a world of abundance,it's God's will that I live enjoyably,not in lack or want.God will provide as He is my shepherd.I took a leap of faith and bought all the stuff that I wanted to eat,ignoring the cost,knowing that somehow God will provide the money for whatever I need to spend on later in the week.I made that decision because of a sermon I heard from Pastor Prince,which I will touch on later.

I really enjoyed that meal.Praise God,I have never tasted such good Salmon Belly.It was worth every single cent.Thank you Father God,for blessing me with this wonderful meal.Somehow the signs were that I was meant to have that pack of Salmon Belly.Later at night,I continued with Stuart Wilde's book on The Trick To Money Is Having Some.He mentioned that we should not attach any emotions to money.We should go with the "flow",knowing that there is abundance.One point that really struck me was that if all the world's money was divided between every single human being,each one of us would be a millionaire.But why are so many people still suffering in poverty?The key lies in the mindset towards money.I personally believe that Poverty Is A Mindset,So Is Prosperity.

How much money we attract depends on what we feel about money..........do we believe that we have to work hard and struggle so as to have money?Or we can attract is easily?It's very easy to preach all this,but when the crunch comes,it's a real challenge to keep the prosperity mindset.Do we all agree on this?

Stuart mentioned in his book that a way to counter this problem,is to only think and focus on surviving the next 72 hours.I think many people,including myself make this mistake of trying to plan too far ahead.The usual thought goes like this "If I spend now,what will happend next week?Next next week?Next month?And etc.........."

Here's a quiz.I read it in some book,I forgot the name,if not I would want to give the author credit for this.Here goes..............Imagine you are at a table,there is a basket of fruits on the middle of the table,there are 8 persons sitting at the table,including yourself.After distributing the fruits,you discover that there is not enough for everyone.What would you do?

A.Take your share first and ignore whether the others all have got their share.

B.Give up your share and go without it.Let them have it.

C.Expect the basket to be refilled and that everyone will have their share.

Read on for the answers.......................................

If you choose A or B,you are coming from lack.You feel that whatever resources you have is limited.Similarly with money,you feel that once you finish spending,you will have nothing left.You try to save and hoard.And you are emotionally attached to money or any resources that you have.

If you choose C,you are living in a world of abundance.You know that the universe or God will provide.There are infinite resources for everyone.You know that once the resource is exhausted,more will come.You find it easy to be generous with others because you know that once you finish what you have,more will come.And as a result,your life is always in abundance.

Which one are you?Many of us are in the first category.It takes mental strength to move to the second category.I'm sure some of us who use affirmations will hear ourselves or our other self telling us that it's not possible.Based on our parents' and teachers' teachings it is not possible.We have to compete in order to succeed.There is not enough for all.We fight tooth and nail to get what we want.I highly encourage everyone to "upgrade" yourself to the second category.It's worth the effort.Animals compete,humans create.

Well decide if you want to be an animal or a human..........I think the answer is pretty obvious isn't it?Hahaha................
I hope this shines some light on the issues you are or might be facing now.

Right,now on to the next point...................

What Kind Of Person Can Fully Receive God's Blessings?

I summarise this in one word.............are you ready for the word??

Ready?Here goes................


It's a simple four-letter word.The person who knows how to rest will be able to fully receive God's blessings.Why?You might ask.................
As we know,God is our heavenly Father.He loves it when we give our problems to him and rest.When we Rest,God works on our behalf.When we work,God Rests.Would you prefer to depend on your own strength or depend on your Heavenly Father,Almighty God,who sees further than you and will always provide the best solution to your problems?

I personally fall into this trap,when problems arise,be it financial or whatever problems.I allow myself to be overcome with these problems and forget that God is there to help me.When I am in a bad financial situation sometimes,I allow the situation to grab hold of me.I didn't hold on to the promises.Today I held on to the promises of God and fought the devil.And I prevailed.I got the money back somehow.Always remember that you live in an abundant universe.And that God's will is to make you live an abundant life and to make you happy.

OK,that's all for tonight.I got to continue with my work again..............Be blessed.Stay prosperous and abundant.


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