Sunday, June 04, 2006

The Nothing-Important Can Be Done Cum Explosive Day

Interesting headline isn't it?Well,I think it fits the description of today.Even though the day is as described above,there are still many things to be grateful for.

If we consider midnight as the beginning of a new day,then I would say I started this day by EXPLODING!Imagine pay for a brand new car,the first person to drive it is not you,but someone you dislike utterly.I won't use the word hate as it is too strong.Read on for the whole story..............

As you can see and feel the emotions involved...........I will begin the story............I may have mentioned this dad bought a condo.They are unable to move in because there were many renovations not done and there were many problems with the ceilings,floor and etc.......

One day,my brother suggested whether he could go there for a swim,since we are already considered residents.My dad disallowed him to do it.My brother didn't say anything.We both were pretty pissed about this matter.Then few weeks later my dad came and gave the excuse that there were some problems with the bathroom at the condo and he can't let my brother go there and swim.If not the contractors will pull a quick one and claim that we caused the problem.OK,fine,let it be.......................

This morning at around 4am,he came and tell me that the BITCH(my aunt)'s daughter and granddaughters are coming to Singapore and they are going to swim at the condo.WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?That bitch just make a bit of noise,by jumping the chain of command,by asking my uncle instead of my dad whether she could bring her granddaughters to come and swim.She is trying to use my uncle to force my dad to agree to let them swim.Damn it,they can swim,my brother can't.What kind of FUCK RULE is THIS???!!!!I was boiling mad when I heard this.Anyway,I have decided to ignore this matter altogether.After all it's not my problem right?Here I am,staying happily in my dream home,why should I bother about all these bunch of losers?I have decided to............

Let it be.....let it be........let it be yeah let it be...........there will be an answer.................let it be.......

Nice song yeah?I woke up this morning at 11am,my dad thought I was going with him,I said NO.I am not going to see those losers today.I told my brother what happended,he was also pissed.So my mum,he and I stayed at home.My mum wanted to do spring cleaning.Wah,I was really tired after the spring cleaning.I took 4 hours to clear part of my room.But at the end I felt pretty satisfied even though I was down with flu.I am sensitive to dust.

I finally finished at 3 plus,almost 4.Had a quick lunch,bathed and went down to Kinokuniya to collect my book.Bought Sashimi Rice back home and got my books wrapped.Took 9589 K home,it was a great ride.There was this hot chick on the bus that caught my eye.She has style.Oh no,mustn't let my wife see this.Well,I think it's OK to admire God's creations as long as you don't lust after them.

I think women get jealous easily.They don't understand how men think.We may look at other women,but end of the day,our hearts are still with our wives.We look at them for fun.They may be good looking and catch our attention at that moment,but once they walk pass,we can't even remember how they look like.

I reached home around 6:30pm.Was quite tired.Didn't really feel like doing work.But I forced myself to at least achieve something today.I covered the basics,then went to rest a while.I had fun playing Sega Mega Drive's Super Ghouls And Ghosts.A 1988 or 1989 game.Thank God I didn't buy it.It's quite a silly game,keeps repeating over and over again,there's no ending.

Around midnight,my mum asked me if I wanted to go out for a short walk.I agreed.We went to eat some Nasi Lemak and then had a short walk.She wanted to get home early because she wanted to go to school early tomorrow morning.

I didn't do anything important(in my own perspective) today.But thank God for today.It's a chance to be created and evolved.God bless you all,I wish everyone a happy and blessed week ahead.


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