Friday, June 02, 2006

At Last!The Missing Link To Manifestation!!

I'M EXCITED!!!!REALLY EXCITED!!!Read on..............

I've discovered something which will really help speed up the process of manifestation.This question has been in my mind for a very long time and FINALLY I found the answer.............

Has anyone ever faced this situation??

You try to visualize something in your mind,and this scene in your mind leads to another scene,then another and yet another scene,till finally you realise that your mind is elsewhere and picturing something that is not related to what you want to visualise............

OK,if that's not clear,let me state an example.............Let's say you want a life of prosperity and what do you visualise??

Dream car?Dream house?Bank account book with the desired amount?Eating good food in a restaurant?Travelling the world?

So many things mentioned above,which one do you focus your mind on?Let's say you visualise your car,you driving the car.This may lead to your mind wandering to your dream house,and maybe you looking at your bank account with the desired amount..........After a while,your mind might wander off to think of something that is not related to having a prosperous life.

So what's the missing link??????????????

What do you think??????

Want to know?????

OK,here it is...............Neville Goddard says that we should pick a scene that best describes the situation and include words that we might hear from others.For example,if you want to visualise an abundant life,you picture your sibling or friend congradulating you on your success,that you have reached financial abundance,or you might want to visualise your parents telling you that they are proud of you because of your success.Or whatever your creative mind can think of.Remember,whatever it is,try to include the 5 senses.

You should feel,hear and get into the emotions of being prosperous.


When this happends,your mind will start attracting the conditions to make this scene a reality.

OK,that's the secret I want to share tonight.HAPPY??Go try it.I wish you all God Speed in manifesting your desires.

Next highlight.I promised to write about my grandma tonight.Well,she's one of those wonderful people in my life.She's very caring towards her children and grandchildren.Can be quite fun and humourous at times.Nice person to talk to.

I consider her one of the important people in my life,besides my parents,my brother and my wife.She and my grandpa are important to me.Why?Read on...............

I was moved to probably would if you read till the end................

This happended many years ago,when I was a little kid.I think I was probably 8 or 9 years old then,one day my parents were mad with me.They left me at home with nothing to eat.I was so hungry and desparate.I felt very helpless................Then...............The phone rang......................

My grandma was on the line.She asked for my mum,I said she was out with my dad.Then she asked if I had eaten.I said no.She asked me why?I said I was naughty and my parents left me at home.I was very hungry and helpless............

She told me not to worry,she will cook something and bring it to me.I was quite young then.......I started to cry............I was moved by what she said...........It's usually when you are in trouble and someone gives you a helping hand,you really appreciate this person for what he or she did at that moment in time.

I didn't know how she would come.................but I knew she would..............20 minutes later,she and my grandpa were at my door.She cooked a few dishes for me and rice.Among the dishes were Fried Fish,Braised Pork and some vegetables.I was really touched that my grandpa took the trouble to drive her down to my place.Two of them only..................I really appreciate what they did for me back then.I was moved to tears...........just because of me,they were willing to go through the trouble.Thank God for them.

My parents were shocked to see them at my home when they returned.Even till this day I still remember that fateful day.If I can do anything to make them happy,I will.I will return good for good.May God bless them with a long good life.I want to bless them more and want them to be great grandparents to my 4 kids.I respect them from the bottom of my heart.

OK,finally,it's about today.I woke up early to go to the barber to cut my hair.My favourite baber was no open.Maybe because it's Friday and they are malays.OK,so I had no choice,I went to the next door to try.A malaysian lady greeted me.I told her what style I wanted.She didn't seem to understand.I knew she was not that professional.She kept insisting that I cut Armani Style.

Well,as long as it's short and I won't get caught by the RSM,who cares?Anyway,I'm not going for Mr Universe or Singapore Idol competition.So I allowed her to proceed.Wah,to me it looks horrible!She said it was very nice,it suits me.When I looked into the mirror I got a shock.It really sucks.My wife said it's good.I don't know what's women's taste.I know definitely it's different from me.

So what's the equalvalent benefit?Hahahaha I won't just go like that.I made use of the chance to explore the toilet.I was always wondering what's the original toilet of those blocks.I tried the Malay Barber's,it was renovated.Today,finally I got the answer to this.......................

Annoucing the Race Course Road HDB original toilet....................ARMITAGE SHANKS long-type.

I was quite happy to at least know the toilet brand.

Went home to rest a while,then went to have dinner before going to visit my grandma.Wah,the bus waiting time nearly killed me.But at last I managed to get onto a double decker bus.9171 G as 133.I got 22 points because I paid cash.I reached at 1945hrs.

My grandma was alone at home.We had a nice chat then my youngest uncle came home at around 8 plus.My grandma was quite upset recently about my uncle and his wife.It seems that my uncle commited adultery in China while on a business trip and his wife caught him.Currently,his son seems to be going the wrong way.My grandma is very worried about them.She told me she prayed to God every night about them,hoping that they will all reconcile.At this moment,I would like to pray for them too.Father in Jesus name,restore all the peace in that family.Although they are not yet believers,they are still your creation.They are your lost sheep.Guide them back to where they should be,bless them and make them whole as a family again.In Jesus name I pray,Amen.

My youngest uncle bought back Hagen-Dazs Ice Cream,Rum and Rasins for my grandma.She loves wine and was quite happy.She enjoyed it.We watched TV together and chatted.It was a nice time.I always enjoy their company.Forgot to mention,they are from my maternal side,not my paternal side.I hate those fuckers from my paternal side,except my Doctor Uncle.The rest of them are crap.

2230 hrs,after news,I made my way home.My mum met me downstairs and we went for a walk again.Went to Bugis for MacDonalds.I had a great meal and we walked back home.This time I controlled my emotions and speech.We passed by Mustafa and bought some Rasberries and Blackberries back.What a blessed day!!

OK,time to talk about some issues...............I realised that someone is hurt because of me.He is claiming that I left him out of the business meetings and proceeded without him because of his tight work schedule..........................

Would I do such a thing?Would I be so unfair?

See for yourself..............

I admit that I am displeased with him.I always give people chances before taking any action.I always give chances before I judge anyone.3 times.If that person still continues his nonsense after the 3rd time,I'm sorry,I have to take action.That's how I work.I can't possible tolerate one person's nonsense and affect the whole team.

As much as I try to be fair,I want others to be fair to me and cooperate with me.If there is no cooperation and trust,we can forget about teamwork.Do we all agree with that?

Let me list out case by case...............this person said he didn't trust me the 1st time.He said I conned him 400 bucks into doing business.How did that happend?

I was in MLM business and as you might know,in MLM you need to pay a signup fee,and buy products before you can start selling to anyone.That's a rule.Anyway,I don't dare to endorse anything I have never tried before.So I suggested that he buy the starter's pack and a book by Joe Vitale.Attractor Factor.

After buying everything and doing nothing,he said I cheated him just because I overslept one day and didn't pick up his call.He didn't even confirm with me the previous night.Case 1.

Case 2.Books case.We all shared the cost to buy some books to sell.Actually I was the one who found the deal.I asked Kok Leong if he wanted to share the cost and sell.He said yes.And then I was meeting this joker,I wanted to be fair,so I asked Kok Leong if he is OK to let this joker be part of the deal.He seemed reluctant.I told Kok Leong that we shouldn't hide things from our partner.Kok Leong reluctantly agreed.

We agreed that Kok Leong will sell the books,I would be in charge of reconditioning them.The joker will do nothing,since he is busy with his job.Although he do nothing,he will still share the profits.Just because he is our partner.Am I being fair?You decide.........

Of course Kok Leong cocked up,he didn't manage to sell the books.I was upset with him.But I took it that maybe it was really due to circumstances.The second time he tried again and still didn't get it sold.OK fine,I told him,we will think of another way out.

I called up the joker and told him we were not able to sell.He said OK.WAH..........after a few days,he SMSed and said we were hiding things from him and that he wants his share back.He openly said that he didn't trust us.OK fine,I have nothing to hide anyway.I bought the whole bag of books to show him that we didn't sell anything.

How would you feel if you were in my shoes?You be nice to someone,take care of their interest and they say they distrust you..................

Case 3.................He asked me out one Saturday night.I think I listed out this case in one of the previous posts.Just check one of the Saturday posts and you'll know the story.No point repeating here.I wasted time going down to Orchard and he went home to slander me in his blog.I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE WASTE MY TIME!DON'T EVER TRY IT!

Case 4.............Just happended Monday.He said that we were hiding things from him when in the first place,he was the one who said he didn't want to watch the movie and that he always work overtime on Monday.I didn't call him out because of the above 2 reasons.He SMSed me and got mad just because I didn't call him out.As usual,I am hiding things from him.At first it wasn't a business meeting.But because of his nonsense,I decided to proceed without him.I had enough of these shit!!!

Now,people are saying that I did not give him a chance to contribute.Did I not?Read on.........

One night at Shaw Subway,I specifically said that I needed product ideas.I would like to have some input from them.Kok Leong gave me some ideas a few days later.Someone didn't.After a while he said he wanted to leave because he felt sleepy.OK,I can understand after a long day's work,he is tired.Fine.But I still want the basic commitment.

Why am I so pissed you ask?First of all,I find that people are not commited.They have time to go Orchard to look at "Beautys and the Beasts",but no time to finish up the work.Can't even spend 1 hour per day on the business.Got the cheek to tell me that there is no hope,nothing can be done!!!OK never mind,I don't care what he does,as long as end of the day I get results.He is 1 month slow.Majority of the team has finished the tasks.

Point 2,I have been so tolerant and accomodating and people have the cheek to tell me they don't trust me.I have been hiding things from them.OK,to be very fair,I admit my own mistakes.It is true that I overlooked the E-Bay matter.I apologize for my mistake.I was too busy thinking about the other things.OK,I am sorry for that.Books I have already updated the status.Still not happy.

Fucking hell,what is there to hide?I don't understand!If I wanted to cheat him,I would have done it long ago.Seriously,he is really a sucker.It's easy to cheat him.But I won't.I don't need to cheat or hide anything from anyone.I stand upright.I take my stand NOW!!!I GOT NOTHING TO HIDE!!

No contribution of ideas,still have the cheek to make noise and slander me.The whole mind obessed with women everyday.I'm not in the brothel or porn business!Never mind,let him say whatever he wants.If he wants to get out,all the better.I don't need partners like that in my team.I DON'T OWE ANYONE AN APOLOGY THIS TIME BECAUSE I AM NOT IN THE WRONG AND I GOT NOTHING TO HIDE!

I'm getting really upset about this matter.But I still forgive him for his ignorance.Understand this my dear readers,a good friend may not make a good business partner.Get this clear in your head.Don't follow my footsteps.You need commited people,not necessarily people who get along really well with you.Play hard,Work hard!!

Of course if he can prove himself to me,I will consider accepting him again.If not then let's just fuck it!But the bottomline is,no matter what happends,I will still go on!

OK,long post tonight.I call this a mixed feelings post.One part with tears,one part with displeasure.I pray that someone wakes up his idea soon.May God pour out more wisdom to him.

God bless everyone.See you guys tomorrow night.


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