Tuesday, June 06, 2006

6/6/06 The Omen.Are You A Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobes?

Indeed,there's an omen today.I didn't watch "The Omen" today,but there were clearly some omens a few days ago that led to today.Read on for some interesting stuff...........

I was reading Alan Greenspan's Biography recently.I was somehow led to do some calculations on the dates of births of the previous U.S. Presidents.One person stood out from the rest,and that was the late President Ronald Reagan.His name was mentioned many times in the biography.The next coincidence was that I was travelling on a train one day and there was an article on the Straits Times comparing Ronald Reagan and George W.Bush.Another coincidence that happended was while I was going through Joe Vitale's Hypnotic Selling Secrets Workshop,one of the speakers showed a picture of Ronald Reagan and asked if he's a persuader or a manupilator.

These 3 coincidences led me to read about this man.I love to go to wikipedia.org to find out information about all those famous people,so that I can analyse their birthdates and their character.

There was quite a long article about Reagan and I took about 3 days to finish it.Today is the last day.And I stumbled upon this interesting word..................


Anyone knows what does this word mean?Want to know??Read on............

Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia is a fear found in the Western Christian world, which originates in the belief that the Biblical verse, Revelation 13:18, indicates that the number 666 is linked to Satan or the Anti-Christ.

Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobes avoid things related to the number 666, such as a building in which the number is prominently displayed. Rarer is trying to avoid the number as it relates to other numbers. For example, the fraction two-thirds has a repeating decimal of .666. (Note that in base 12, two-thirds is 0.8, and 0.666 is the fraction 6/11.) A severe hexakosioihexekontahexaphobic may avoid this as well as 5/3, 8/3, 11/3, etc. People with this phobia consider it bad luck to get 3 sixes in a hand of poker, even though this is usually quite a good hand.

It's a long word.Don't ask me how to pronounce it,I don't know.It's interesting to know this word,after being a Christian for so long.It is written in the article that both President Regan and his wife are Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobes.They changed their house number from 666 to 668.

I am definitely not a Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobes.Although it is stated in numerology that 6 is bad for me.Based on personal experience,I don't have any bad experience with the number 6,though I did have some bad experiences with people born under the influence of 6.They are not bad people,just that we can't get along that's all.We are from different worlds.

Alright,tonight I decided to blog early because I have to go for reservist tomorrow.Got to wake up damn early tomorrow morning.May God bless me with wisdom throughout the 3 days.Father God,I submit this issue to your wonderful hands.Thank you for the blessings that are to come.In Jesus' Name,Amen.

I didn't have a good night's sleep last night.Probably due to indigestion.I slept at 8am this morning.Woke up around 3pm.It was terrible,shouldn't have overeaten last night.Damn,the KFC is really oily.Praise God that I recovered after a good rest.Now I know that I can't take oily stuff late at night,because I need to drink tea to remove the oil.When I drink tea,I can't sleep.Part of the reason I couldn't sleep was due to the effects of the tea.

Although we have all the 6s today,it was quite a good day for me.There was no disturbance and I managed to proceed on with my work quite smoothly.

Let's just analyse this date for fun.6th June 2006.In chinese elements,Fire Dog Year,(Before 3am it's Water Snake Month.After 3am it's Wood Horse Month),Fire Tiger Day.

Considering it the start of the Horse month,the 3 fiery animals are present,Dog,Tiger and Horse.These 3 animals combine to form fire.The year pillar and day pillar contains fire,plus wood on the month pillar.WOW!Those who are afraid of fire had a bad day today.

If my analysis is correct,those born between 6th May to 6th August had a hard time today.Until 3pm,then it starts to improve.

OK,now I know why I had such a good day,because I love fire.Or rather my 8 characters need fire.Those who are born in the following period would have had a great day like me.Especially 8th November to 4th Febuary,followed by 7th August to 6th October.

I hope those lucky ones have been blessed and those that went through a rough patch managed to survive and learn something from the experience.

I went down to Orchard with my mum today and had my favourite Sashimi Rice with Tuna Belly.I think I understand why I was craving for raw fish.It's due to the "Heat" today.Fire periods are always good for me.Water periods are bad for me.Worst is metal periods.For my wife it's the opposite.That's why we compliment each other.

After the meal,my mum wanted to go to the supermarket to buy some steak for tomorrow's dinner.However,the steak at the supermarket suck,we ended up not buying any.My mum said she'll go to the market to buy some tomorrow.Hurrah!I love steak.Thank God for a wonderful mother.

OK guys,I will share more tomorrow.Got to go and sleep now.Stay tuned,I will share about reservist tomorrow.God bless.


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