Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Many Were Ambushed By The Tiger At The Gate....But Not Me

Praise God for the narrow escape this morning.Indeed,the "Tiger" was on prowling around the camp gate this morning to ambush those whose haircut and dressing he did not find acceptable.Many of my campmates were caught by him even though their hair was relative short.

Some were made to cut their side burns,some were made to dye their hair back to black and others were made to cut everything short.Who is this "Tiger"?

He is none other than the Regimental Segeant Major,a.k.a. Really Stupid Man.Interesting......I've never seen him before,he's a stern-looking malay man in his mid-40's.He has a little moustache above his upper-lip.Speaks in a deep,arrogant voice.He seems to be scowling the whole day,as if the whole world offended him.

I asked the permanent staff of the camp,they said he is the new RSM.I think all those going back for reservist better be on the lookout for him.0715 hrs,he's prowling around for his next prey.

Everything went off pretty well today.There was a short test on the software we use for War Games.I forgot to mention,I am a Cyber Warrior.What's a Cyber Warrior?

It's basically a soldier that assists the various Key Appointment Holders during a War Game.We don't have to go outfield due to our physical fitness status.We are to learn how to be proficent in using the software.

I read that we were supposed to achieve 85% to pass.Seemed tough.I tried my best to figure out the answers from the tutorials.Everything went on smoothly,with some help from the instructors.I expect a perfect score for myself,since there is help given.But I am also OK if I don't get it.

It was great meeting up and catching up with camp mates after 5 months.Lunch was quite fucked up as usual.Well,you can't expect anything good from the cookhouse.They served Brayni(hope I spelled it correctly),Fried Fish and Braised Chicken Drumstick.I didn't take the drunstick.It looks as if it is not completely cooked.Eeeek,can't stand half cooked chicken.

Finally 1730 hrs came and it was time to go home.I hitched a ride from one of my camp mates and got off at Woodlands.I took MRT back.

Had a great dinner,steak today.Though it was a bit tough,but was still a great meal.I was too tired after dinner.Had a short nap,ended up waking up at 2230 hrs.I made it a point to wake up and blog.I can't let a day go by without blogging.

I hope you all had a great day too.I'm pretty tired.Got to sleep soon,tomorrow is the 2nd day.Thank God for all the blessings today.May God bless everyone.


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