Saturday, June 17, 2006

AT LAST!!A Peaceful Day After The Turbulence

Finally,a restful day,after the past few turbulent days............although they were tough,but they were necessary for me to evolve from as a person.

The important thing is to learn something from those turbulent days.As long as something is learnt,time is not wasted.I would like to quote this from Napoleon Hill,"In every adversity,there is a seed of equavalent or higher benefit."

I feel that we shouldn't be afraid of adversity.It's always very uncomfortable to be in the middle of adversity.There are moments where you feel like collapsing.But always hold on!The darkest moment is just before dawn.I have become wiser after the turbulent period.

I think one more important lesson to be learnt is: Never be at someone's mercy.If you are,better try to think of a way out.Because there's a high chance of you perishing.That person can play you out anytime.

Somehow today everything went very smoothly.I was not disturbed when working,and no one provoked me today.Praise God for this day.

Went out for family outing as usual.Suprisingly there were no attacks and hostility today.Everyone seemed to be at peace.There should be more peaceful days like this.

Went to Roxy Square today.The big shot was in a good mood today,he is ok with everything.We had dinner at Red Star,after many weeks of being deprived from going there.We had Pork Ribs,Roast Chicken,Almond Chicken,Guitar Duck(It sucks big time,don't order that) and Bean Curd With Crab Meat.

I managed to gain support for my trip on Monday.Once everything goes smoothly tomorrow,Monday is going to be fun!!!I'm certainly looking forward to it!

After dinner we went to Bras Basah for tea.I'm starting to dislike that wretched place.Why?Because there's nothing much to do there,nothing much to eat there and Mr Negative likes to go there.It reminds me of all the sucky nights where I wasted my time going there.

But sometimes we got to be a bit more compromising.My philosophy is this,if people respect me,I respect them.If they treat me well,I'll treat them well.If they give me shit,I'll just cut off contact with them.I'm too busy to hang around losers.

I don't seem to be concentrating tonight.Pardon me if it's boring.There are many things on mind tonight.I need to start planning for July and to start meeting deadlines in June.We seem to be proceeding too slowly.With a new team member,I need to start planning how to fit him in and what is his job scope and responsibilities.

I will come up with something interesting tomorrow night.Stay tuned.

I wish everyone a blessed Sunday tomorrow!


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