A Super-Blessed+Funny+Prosperous BUT.........__________ DAY

Picture 2(The Ticket For A Complimentary Welcome Drink)
Picture 3(Milk Snow Ice With Chocolate Sauce)
Picture 4(Durians For Sale?????)
Picture 5(Durians Bought By Us..........Packed Up........7 Kgs Heavy.......Travelled 200km)
Hello everyone!I just came back from Segamat again!This time with my mum.Firstly,thanks for dropping by to read my blog.I saw the numbers on the counter jumping.Thanks for visiting.I hope to be able to share more value-added stuff with you guys in the days to come.
I bet you are wondering why there is a blank in today's heading.................Well,it is there for you to imagine what you want to insert in..............I believe after reading everything,you would find an appropiate word to fill in the blank.
23rd June,my wife's birthday.I wasn't able to celebrate with her because she is away for work.I called her up to wish her a Happy Birthday.We shall celebrate when she comes back.Anyway,I have a surprise for her when she comes back.
Alright,now for the fun stuff...........My Adventures In Segamat.
This time I went with my mum.2 of us only.I decided to take the 1st class carriage instead of 2nd class.Monday when I went with my grandpa and uncle,we took the 2nd class.It was very cramp and noisy.
I do feel prosperous taking first class.I highly encourage everyone this,if you can afford it,always go for the BEST in LIFE!Sometimes you may feel a little uncomfortable parting with the money because reality always tells you there is not enough.ALWAYS REMEMBER THIS:It is your BIRTHRIGHT to have the BEST!Money is INFINITE if you have the CORRECT BELIEFS.
The question is do you honestly,sincerely believe it?I leave you to think about this.Whether you BREAKTHOUGH or not depends on your BELIEFS.
What's the difference between the 1st and 2nd class?Plenty.1)The seats are more spacious.2)More leg room.3)You can lower the back of the seat more to sleep.4)Less people,so less noise.5)The higher consciousness people are there.6)Free drink(Not important).7)Air-con is cooler.
See Picture 1 for a more information.
Which brings me to the next point........the Welcome Free Drink sucks big time.The apple juice tastes like chemical.I'll have mineral water next time.
Interesting point to note...........the train company printed out the ticket so nicely,but it is not congruent with the drinks offered.It kind of amuses me.I wonder how much they spent on printing.I'm sure you agree the ticket looks kinda attractive.See Picture 2.
By the way,today I learnt that "minum" is drinks in malay.Before they sent our drinks,I was joking with my mum,I wondered what kinda minum they'll serve.
My question was answered when a malay girl came and asked what we wanted to drink.Choices are as follows:Kopi,Teh,Milo,Oren Jus and Apple Jus.
I chose Apple Jus and my mum had Kopi.She said the kopi tasted terrible.On the return trip she had Oren Jus instead.I forgot to ask her how it tasted.
1210hrs.We reached Segamat Train Station.Today I was able to get return tickets for the 1732hrs train.After the tickets,we went over to the bus terminus to take a bus to Shi Wei Fu Restaurant.I was craving for the Crispy Duck.For details,refer to the 19th June Post.
I ordered the usual stuff,but added a plate of Fried Rice and some vegetables for my mum.It was a prosperous meal.Today we had a suprise.................
The founder(Mr Lim Gu) of the restaurant was in.He walked over,introduced himself and had a friendly chat with us.I find his character similar to Sir Richard Branson(someone whom I look up to).He loves travelling and attempting the impossible.
Mr Lim Gu told us that he attempted to travel around(I forgot which part of the world exactly) in 60 days by driving.He showed us his certificate,which is on the wall beside the stairway to the upper levels of the restaurant.There was a look of truimph on his face.
We were introduced to the VIP rooms at the upper levels,which he proudly told us that his is the only restuarant in Malaysia that has a KTV set in the VIP rooms.He adopted the idea from China.
When we reached the first level,he showed us the ultimate Set Dinner,which cost 1200 Ringgit.It consists of Abalone,Suckling Pig,Pork Ribs,Shark Fins and a host of other good stuff.I was tempted to go and try it someday.
After lunch,we made our way back to the Segamat City area.It was a long wait at the bus stop.........some blue cabs stopped by and asked if we wanted to board.Even those with 1 or 2 passengers.
One thing I like about these country folk is that they are more caring towards others.They are willing to lend a helping hand if they see the need.They do it automatically without being asked.Of course not all may be like that,but I generally find them amiable people.
At 1445 hrs,the "Mercedes" came......finally.It was a crowded ride............We alighted at the New Town area and explored the streets and lanes.There was nothing much to see there,except supermarkets and fast food restaurants like KFC and Pizza Hut.
We started to walk towards the old town.On the way I took a lot of nice photos of the older houses as well as the Segamat River.After crossing the bridge over Segamat River,we walked into Jalan Sultan.............and we came across this cafe that sold Snow Ice.We took a rest inside the cafe and had some Snow Ice.
After being recharged,we continued Jalan Sultan...................AND.......Picture 4 please......
We passed by this flower pot with a few durians on it.6 in all.I thought it was just for decoration purposes................then..............an old voice spoke in hokkien from behind..................
"Durians for you?"
"How much?"
"Cheap lah,only 3 bucks per kilo......"
"Can you give a better price?"
"Why don't you take everything?Only 6 here,I weigh everything and pack them for you."
"OK,how much?"
"Tell you what,it's 7 kilos here,I'll charge you only 20 bucks."
"OK,I'll take it,but can I bring it on board the train?"
"Of course you can.Only airplanes don't allow durians.........."
"You sure?"
"Yes,I'm sure.If you want,I can send you to the railway station in my car."
"It's ok,we can manage.Thanks anyway."
That was the deal.We bought the 6 durians and I hang onto the bag you saw in Figure 5 all the way till 1645hrs,when I reached the train station,then I put it down.
Before that,we went to Nanyang Coffee Shop for bread and coffee.I was in luck today.Was able to drink the old man's Iced Coffee.It tasted really great,compared to what you drink in Singapore.It's cheap and good.I think it's only 80 cents Ringgit.It's thick,has a tasty aroma and not too sweet.
Alright,after the coffee,we made our way to the railway station.It was really heavy.My 7 kilo baggage.I became the DURIAN MAN.Many people were looking at me.Hahaha but I enjoyed their attention.Seems that the whole world knows that we bought durians.
Finally I was able to put it down at the station.I went around the station taking photos.Saw some pretty chicks sitting at the platform.I noticed to of them stealing glances at me.When I turned back,they turned away.
I know I'm handsome,but don't have to be shy.Hahaha I was teasing.............
Too bad for them,I'm already married,and my wife looks better than any of them.
There were dark clouds looming above us.............the little platform seemed to be less illuminated than usual.I could feel the cool wind blowing............darn,a rainstorm is coming.....
What will happend to the durians?There was no shelther at the platform.I prayed that the rain will only start after I had boarded the train............
Time seemed to pass slowly...............the rain seemed to be falling any moment.........SUDDENLY.......
Oh great,the train has come............I was allocated to Coach B.I thought it was in the front,but I was wrong.It was right at the end................
We walked very fast towards the end of the train.Whistles were heard from a distance.Darn,the train is leaving the station soon.We had to board first then move slowly towards our Coach.Thankfully we boarded at Coach C.
Everyone on the train was looking at me.They must have smelled the durians.The staff on the train told me that durians were not allowed in the Coach.I had to put them in the baggage area.Wow,the smell of the durian was powerful.I could smell them whenever the door opened.I was 4 seat rows away from the door.
Everything went on smootly until we reached the Woodlands Train Checkpoint.It was 2040hrs........we got through pretty fast.BUT.....................the customs refused to open the glass door to let us back to the train.We stood there till 2110 hrs.Wah,with the bag of durians,it was quite tiring,after a long day.
Finally,we got back to our Coach.However.............the train started to crawl...........it was so SLOW.......I think about 20km/hr.It was like a car moving in a congested car park.And........we were delayed at Bukit Timah Railway Station due to another train coming from the opposite side.
We reached Tanjong Pagar Railway Station at 2215hrs.NO CAB..............darn it.We walked to the bus stop to wait for Dennis Trident.None came................no cab stopped too,even those empty ones.
Few minutes later single deck 145 came.Then I realised there was a Trident behind us.9685R.Damn,should have waited.But my mum was tired,she wanted to get home FAST.I willingly compromised.
Finally...........we reached home just before 2300 hrs.Benedict called me up and we discussed about business.Had a long chat as we had some serious issues to settle.That's for another day.
Sorry folks,I had a really tiring day.I'm stopping here for tonight.Hope you guys had fun reading today's post.I'll see you tomorrow night again.God bless all of you abundantly.
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