Sunday, June 25, 2006

I Will NEVER Ever Do THIS Again!NEVER!

Yeah,you heard me right.Never is a good thing to learn this lesson now,or never learn it my whole life.

In life,you have to be SELFISH!Yes,you heard me right.Don't get shocked to hear this!Selfish in the sense that you have to fight for your dreams and future.Don't let anyone hold you back.Once you made up your mind to do something,go all out for it!

My philosophy is this:Save yourself first,then save those around you.If you try to be a nice guy and gain approval from everyone,you drown and everyone drowns with you.If you save yourself first,you are able to save others too because you are in a better position.

I believe the title sounded very strong and kind of intriguing.I am very serious about this statement that I made,because something made me learn this lesson well!

You know what?To me,life is the best school anyone can ever attend.It's just that whether you learn or not.If you learn,you become happier.If not,you'll remain where you are.

What really happended then?

Here goes..........Today I shall share with you the impact of family members on your goals and dreams.So question is,do you share with them your goals and dreams?Or you keep them to yourself?

To me,both are alright.Depends on what kind of family you come from,and whether they are negative or positive people.Are they encouraging or discouraging?You got to decide.

For me,I come from a negative family.Except my brother of course.My mum is half half.Sometimes positive,sometimes negative.Well,you should know who else is definitely negative.

I don't mean to be nasty to him or belittle him in anyway.But he always has very negative comments.And my energy level really decreases when I hang around him for too long.You know what?As a son,I'm in a dilema.If he was an outsider,I could just ignore him and get on with life.If he was a friend,I would have cut off contact.But I can't.Because he is part of my family.

I did my best to compromise at times,like what happended a few hours ago.But it seems that I am putting myself down because of the negative energy.I didn't want to go out because I had a lot of unfinished work to do.By right I should be sleeping now,but because of my commitment to you,my reader,I'm blogging.

Back to the topic.I went out because I felt bad accusing him of something which wasn't really his fault.And because of being selfless,I was being bombarded with negative energy.I really feel low in energy now.Not because I am tired,but low in positive energy.

The result of having an itchy mouth is risk being run down.Whether the comments are for your own good or not............sometimes people don't understand that they are indirectly "killing" you when they start telling you what could go wrong...............and then when it becomes a self-fufilling prophecy,they'll say "See,I told you so."

So do yourself this favour................don't talk unnecessarily when you are with negative people.Of course,best thing is to get away from them totally.But in a bad situation like mine,just learn to shut up!That's the best thing you can do for yourself.

I mentioned that I will be going to Kluang this coming Friday.Immediately I was bombarded with what is going to happend to me............robbery,kidnapping,all kinds of mishap.Goodness,after hearing all that I did have fear running in me.

Hey,anyone know what's fear?It's FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL.

To make matters worse,I was even bombarded about my future.That I'll become poor just because I have not attended University and my future is very uncertain.............

So is my future uncertain?Do I have a bad future?Hahahaha I don't buy that kind of stupid comments.I know what kind of future I have.My wife and I will create and build our future.

I spent 4 hours debating about all this shit.Hey,why did I debate?Or rather why did I bother debating?Why am I wasting my energy?Certain things are being fixed in people's mind.I should just shut up.

OK,let's have an example here...............Do you believe that you are able to get the girl or guy of your dreams?I mean really believe............

Do you believe that you got to be very handsome and rich to have a pretty wife?

I honestly don't.If you don't believe me,go look for David DeAngelo's materials.Search for his name on the search engines and try to find his products on seduction.

I read up on some of them.I am not a seducer.I'm happily married,don't need to seduce anyone except my wife.I realised that it's very true that you don't have to be rich and handsome to get a pretty girl.Seen "Beauties and Beasts" along Orchard Road during weekends?

Someone challenged me on this.He said I didn't have results to show him.But the thing is that he doesn't know that I have results but didn't want to show him.Hahaha.I could imagine that if I really didn't have results,I would feel quite negative.Thank God I've already got my wife(whom to me is the prettiest).

I would be going to Penang in July to attend a workshop.I have no choice but to hide it from negative people.The reason why he said my future was uncertain because he didn't know my plans.And I don't want to tell him any of my plans,for the risk of being demoralised.

I admit this defense against negativity is not that high,so I can't afford to be bombarded with negativity.

Wah,I wasted 3.5 hours just now,listening to negative stuff.It really affected me.Painful lesson learnt is this..................Guard your mind closely,no matter what happends,shun negativity.This is what I mean by being selfish.Don't allow negativity to enter your mind.

I have decided to be selfish starting from tomorrow.I have to...........because of my future.The best thing you can do for the poor and downtrodden is not to be one of them.

Before I go,I would like to leave you with this tip.........remember this,when you have a dream or desire,do keep it to yourself.Don't tell anyone about it.Because when you tell others about it,negative energy starts to come in.People may be jealous of you aiming too high.Even though they may not say it,it's still going to affect the manifestation of your desires,because of the negative energy given out by them.

I got this from Thomas and Penelope Pauley's book,"I Am Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams,I Am I Am I Am".It's a great book.It changed my life.I'll try to share some tips from that book tomorrow.Stay tuned.
I will never do what again?

I will never let my guard down on negativity again!I will guard my mind and be selfish(the right way)!


Blogger Christopher said...

great tip there for both of ur story thanks

7:10 PM  

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