Thursday, August 03, 2006

The 7-DAY Exercise That Will Change Your Life

I'm back again,nice to see you again..........hope everything has been well for you.

It seems that this is quite a challenging period for many of us.A few of my friends have been writing me E-mails,sharing the challenges they are going through.Well,I am also going through some challenges.You can read about my stories later..........I will share with you a 7-Day Exercise that can change your life.

Are you ready for it?First of all,are you really commited to changing your life for the better?Are you willing to do anything it takes to improve your life?

You are?

Great,then let's begin...........

Do you have a rich man's mindset or a poor man's mindset?

You don't know?

Well then,let me reveal the 3 symptoms of a poor man's mindset........

1.Blame.......a poor man's mindset is always blaming people and circumstances.It's always easy to point fingers and not look at themselves.Let's see......there are many things to blame......

How many things can they blame?Government,employer,family,parents,economy,manager,up-line,down-line,cross-line,God,spouse,children and etc.......hahaha you fill in the blanks.

The only thing that they don't blame is........................?


2.Justifying...........a typical answer when you ask someone with a poor man's mindset "Why are you not aiming to be rich?" will be "Money is not that important."

Does that sound very familiar?

When you share your goals with some of your friends,when trying to bring you down,is that a typical reply?

Listen up,my friend:Money is extremely important in the areas in which it works,and extremely unimportant in the areas which it doesn't.And although love may make the world go round,it sure doesn't pay for the building of any hospitals,churches,or homes.It also doesn't feed anybody.

Hey,want to have some fun?

Next time if someone tells you that money is not important,put your hand on your forehead and look up as though you are getting a message from the heavens,then exclaim "You're broke!"

To which,that person will undoubtedly respond "How did you know?"Then you stretch out your palm and you reply "What else do you want to know?That'll be fifty bucks,please!"

Hahaha see what happends after that.

You are welcome to post comments on what happended after you did that.

To put it bluntly,anyone who says money isn't important doesn't have any!

3.Complaining.........This is the ABSOLUTE WORST POSSIBLE thing people could do to their HEALTH or WEALTH.


Simple,because like attracts like.Whatever you focus your attention or energy on expands.You have a choice in attracting good or bad into your life.

Have you noticed this........complainers usually have a tough life?It seems that everything that can possibly go wrong does go wrong for them.Their justification will be "Of course I complain - look at how crappy my life is."

And now you can explain to them why is their life crappy.Oh yes,do yourself a BIG BIG FAVOUR by getting away from them.Because negative energy is infectious.

Let me share a personal story with you..............many years ago,I was also a complainer.I always complained about how crappy life was.How lonely I was..........all good things only happend to others and never happend to me.............I was condemned in life and etc............

I have 2 friends who share this hobby.We always got together and start complaining.Then we'll see who is the worst off.The one who has the most serious complain will feel good,because he feels good as a victim.

It always starts off with one person.The next person will say "If that is bad,wait till you hear what happend to me............." and the story goes on and on.

Speaking from personal experience,my life was indeed crappy back then.Thank God I discovered the law of attraction and I stopped complaining.Instead,I always give thanks for the good life I'm living.

As a result,I have a lot more blessings now than my complaining period.My life has changed for the better as well.

Of course I still complain occasionally nowdays,although not as bad a those days,I want to kick this habit totally.

Yes,I do get away from negative people.I can't stand them,they are like poison,they spread mind virus.I don't like gossipers too.When I work at the clinic,I come across a lot of such people.I usually don't talk to them or get out of the clinic,pretending to be going for breaks.

But the point I want to stress is that when you are surrounded by complainers,you become negative as well.The victim mentality sets in and destroys your future.Trust me on this.I've been through it.

Are you a victim or a victor?

You choose.

I am a victor.Though my name is not victor.*smile*

OK,are you ready for the 7-Day exercise that will change your life?

I am trying this myself,still trying to perfect's a challenge.Are you ready to take it?


OK here you go............

For the next 7 days,I challenge you not to complain at all.Not just out aloud,but in your head as well.But you have to do it for the full 7 days.Why?Because for the first few days,you may still have some "residual crap" coming to you from before.Unfortunately,crap doesn't travel at the speed of light,you know,it travels at the speed of crap,so it might take a while to clear out.

I have tried this..........and I failed for the first few days.I'm still striving not to complain.You might do better than me.

Please post your comments if you have done it successfully.I look forward to you living a better life.

This post is actually for my friends.My friends who are going through a challenging period.Don't worry,I won't tell you to shut up and get away from me.I just want to encourage you and get you through this tough period.

I treasure our friendship and I hope this post will change your life for the better.

OK,now it's about myself...........plenty happended during this period.

Hmm..........hope this doesn't sound like complaining.But anyway,it's the truth.

I nearly got into a car accident on Sunday.All thanks to Dennis Trident.Well,a leopard never changes its spots.I always give people chances,but I think she's just incorrigible.Can't blame me for disliking her.

After lunch on Sunday,the Pharoah suggested that we have a drive to NUH.Because Trident is going for some medical appointment this week,so he wanted to make sure she was familiar with the location.

Actually it's crap,it's because he wanted to go there himself.So no choice,I had to drive.From city area to NUH(National University Hospital),the fastest way is to go by AYE(Ayer Rajah Expressway),exit from South Buona Vista Road.

When I reached the Lower Delta Road exit,suddenly Trident commanded me to exit.I was driving on the extremely right lane,had to cut across 3 lanes to the exit.It was really dangerous.Anyway I did it because I didn't know where exactly they wanted to go.

There were many cars approaching from behind at a high.It was very dangerous.After the exit I asked her where exactly she wanted to go.She said NUH.I said fine,direct me how to get there.She said AYE.

But before I exited,I said that AYE was the fastest way there.What the hell is she trying to do?I don't know.Anyway,I got to navigate through heavy traffic and do a U-turn to go back.

She's just God damn irritating.

When we were leaving from there,she commanded me to turn right and the Pharoah commanded me to turn left.Where the fuck do they want me to go?I was really irritated.In the end we got "lost" in the maze of roads there.Then there was a part where I did see a car approaching from the other side.Nearly got into accident.

Finally we got to South Buona Vista Road and managed to see AYE.She started her nonsense again.Trying to direct me where to go.She thinks she knows it all.But she should just shut up and enjoy the ride.

I made it a point,if she's on board,I won't drive.I will not tolerate her nonsense.She really tests my patience.It's a matter of time I'll tear her face in front of everybody.

Her nonsense didn't just stop there.My cousin Richard wanted to go to Great World City,he has to reach there at around 3pm.I tried to think of the fastest way to go because he was slightly late.

That bitch started her nonsense again,tried to tell me where to go.The most irritating thing is you have to justify why you want to go by your route.I can simply say that my route is the fastest.But it's terrible.I don't want to start a debate.As it is we are rushing for time.

I appreciate my cousin Richard for asking her to shut up and let me drive.Hahaha,he knew I was on the verge of exploding anytime.She should thank him instead.I know she won't like it if I explode.

Finally...........when she got off the car,there was peace.The Pharoah didn't say much.He is ok.It's only when the bitch(Trident) is around,life difficult.

Just out of curiosity,why did God let her live so long?A loser like her shouldn't stay in this world.Next is............I hope I don't see her in Heaven.She's one of the people I don't wish to see ever again.Whether on earth or in heaven.

Oh well,that's about her.

About me............I have been working overnight this period.There is so much to learn and so much to apply.But the good thing is I enjoy my work.Today my work load is not that heavy,that's why I am able to blog.

Another reason for blogging is to hope to encourage my friends who are going through a challenging period.

Hmm............I've been facing challenges too.You know something?

There is a price to pay for not following the herd.Or rather following the masses.

When you do that,people alienate you.Including your family members.But let me ask you this...........who are the rich and successful people?The masses or the minority?I'm sure you'll agree it's the minority.

You probably know why I have a few friends.Most people can't accept my way of thinking.That's why I only have a friends.They are people who are like-minded.But let me tell you something,if you want to be rich and successful,don't follow the herd.

If you follow the will be like them............unsuccessful and leading lives of mediocrity.

I know this statement will offend many people.But it's the brutal truth.I don't despise anyone.But being mediocre is not my cup of tea.

I am condemned in my family,because I don't have a university degree.Unlike my brother,who has a bright future.He has done well in school,they are sending him overseas for industrial attachment.He has good results,unlike me who got all the Cs and Ds back in polytechnic days.

Well,nothing against my brother,I know he'll have a bright future.I know I'll have a bright future too.But I got to overcome the condemnation that I'm facing now.Hahaha may God give me the strength to overcome all these.

Other people may condemn you.That's ok,but if your own parent condemns you,that's another story.Well,I'm not complaining or blaming anyone.I just want to try to break free from these negative influences.

I felt pretty down yesterday night.When I was on the last bus home,God actually spoke to me.He encouraged me to have faith and confidence in myself.After all,I don't need anyone's permission to succeed.If He's with me,who can be against me?

Praise God,He's always there for on the other hand only pray and worship when I'm in some kind of trouble.I'm ashamed of myself.Actually last night I didn't pray or anything,He just spoke to me through my spirit.

It was really encouraging.God spoke about jealousy and how it came about.I shall share it with you...............

How do jealous people come about?The seed of jealousy is unhappiness.You can't be jealous if you are already happy.People must be unhappy first in order to be jealous.

The next stage is when they see others having what they desire to have and don't have,this is where jealousy starts.When that happends,a vicious cycle begins...........

The more jealous they get,the further the object of their desires goes away from them.The more they can't get what they want,the more jealous they get.This cycle will never end...........

Unless these people wake up and stop being jealous.

How do you counter jealousy?

Simple,by being happy and grateful for all your blessings.From my personal experience,after being grateful for all my blessings,more blessings came to me.

I believe God wanted me to share this with you.Hope you are blessed.

Don't fall into the trap of jealousy.It will kill you.When people get jealous,they get sick easily.All the cancer and other funny illnesses go to them.

OK,that's all for tonight.I hope to be blogging again soon.It will depend on my work load.I will do my best to blog often.In the meantime,try the exercise and be blessed.

All The Best.


Blogger Christopher said...

yah i always fall into the trap of jealousy.... in love particularly... other thehn that, like cars, or bungalows not really at all... but when it comes to love. it is really killing me... sometimes when u see people kissing , my heart pains... when i try to acknolowdged it, it kicks back at me saying hey u r lonely and never did had any... i thus was depressed.... trying franically for anythign that comes... hmmm what do you suggests

10:04 PM  
Blogger Marco said...

Well,as a person who have been through what you went through,there are basically 2 ways to go about this....

1.The HARD to program your mind not to complain at all.You must know that when you are jealous,you are not affecting anyone,but YOURSELF.

When you know that you are hurting yourself,you will stop doing it.Of course the next thing is to actually choose your dream girl and "Nevillise" her every night before you sleep.Which is what I do.

2.The EASY to simply go into IRC,just grab anything that comes your way.

Have whatever experience you need and after you satisfy your curiosity,you won't feel jealous anymore.

Of course the setback to this is that you have to accept and tolerate whatever monster that comes your way.

If you ask me what to accept,I think anywhere from D and above should be fine.Don't go for something below grade D.

You won't have any mood if you do that.Hope it helps.

9:45 AM  

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