Friday, July 21, 2006

TRUE Personal Ghost Encounter Part 2 & A Message From GOD Today

Hi,I am back again.Did you miss me?

It was a tiring trip to Penang.But in life,you have to fight for your future.Success always comes with a price.Pay it and you won't regret for the rest of your life.I had to get out of my comfort zone and travel all alone to Penang to attend a course which will help me in my new career.

Got into debt for the whole thing.I needed the money for expenses and the course.You'll read about how God cancelled the debt for me.Praise Him.He's always blessing me in many ways.Of course,my enemies were very jealous..............but I remember in the bible,there's a verse that says that God will prepare a table with food for you.You will sit there and watch your enemies and they will see you eat as they try to attack you.But they can't touch you.It happended to me.

Since you are hearing about this..............I'll just complete this part of the story,before continuing with the TRUE Ghost Encounter Part 2.I know you are dying to hear about the next part,but let's just hear about God's goodness first.I want to give Him the Glory.

You probably know.............I borrowed 2000 plus dollars from my mum to go for this course.I told her I'll pay her back in monthly installments.If I make the money back,I'll increase the amount I'm paying her.She agreed.Praise God for my mum.If not for her,I would still be struggling.

I told the Pharoah about it,he told me that he couldn't sponsor me for the trip as he was fighting a war.My enemies are questioning him about sponsoring me for all the trips.As you have seen in June's posts.I was fine with it.After all,it's my own future.When you are building your future,you do you best to depend on yourself.But if God sends someone to help you,accept it.

I was back on Tuesday morning and had to work on Wednesday morning.It was really tiring,had to rest for a while before continuing with my usual work.Wednesday morning,the Pharoah asked me how much I spent in total for my trip............I told him the full amount.

He said that this is the last time he would help me,because many people are complaning about me going on trips so frequently.They said that I'm leading a retiree's life.The fact is I am not.It's just that they are ignorant of what I am doing.

I am fine with that,after all,I don't want losers to spread their negativity to me.Besides,I'm not leading a retiree's life,I'm leading a super-blessed life.PRAISE GOD!!As a son of God,I am really blessed.Before and after the trip,I am blessed all the way!

My enemies made a lot of comments,saying that I don't know the value of future is doomed.(HAHAHAHAHAHA you believe so?)And all sort of negative things you can think about.The Pharoah told me he was in a very difficult position.He told me that I must not tell anyone that he blessed me with the money for the entire trip.

Then he asked me "Am I really helping you or harming you?" I told him not to worry,this is the biggest favour he can do for me.And I am really grateful.Not only that,I know that God will bless him too,although he's not a believer.

Oh well,the moral of the story is this........when you are under God's protection,your enemies can't touch you.They can rant and rave all they like,but they can't affect you.Like it or not,you are still blessed.Which makes them really frustrated.Hahahaha

I'll tell you what God said to me today.This is something important and I think you can benefit from it.............

You probably know my character..........I hate it when people treat me unfairly.I always treat others fairly.When I knew that those bastards back-stabbed me............the first reaction was to get even with them.I had this nice drama script planned out,just to spite them and be sacarstic to them.

For the past 2 days,I've been working out how to get back at them................BUT................Today..........

God spoke to me.He said that I am degrading myself to their level if I got even with them.....not only that,I am allowing STRIFE in my life,which gives Saturn a chance to get a hold on me......

God showed me this analogy of a leper(a person with leprosy).If a leper punched you.........would you punch back?Chances are you won't.Because you don't want to be afflicted.Similarly with these bastards.............if I start to get even with them,I'm inviting strife into my life.........and I am going down to their level of being negative and jealous...........and then the vicious cycle starts..........

What a great analogy!

God said this "If I am with you,who can be against you?".Which is perfectly true.Try as they did to sabotage me,those bastards didn't succeed.Since I've already got my debt cancelled,why should I try to get back at them?Their plan has already failed,that's already bad enough for them.Why "dirty" my hands?

So if someone tries to bring you down,what will you do.............................?

Get angry?Try to plot revenge?Work harder to prove them wrong?


The answer is try to live happily and be prosperous.The better you are in life,the more jealous and angry they get.Don't have to whack them back.Why degrade yourself?????


So in this case,God has prepared a table for me to eat............I am sitting there,relaxed.........looking at my enemies as they try,in a futile attempt to "harm" me.Praise God.I hope this testimonial will inspire and lead you to believe God and rely on Him more for your life.Our heavenly Father always wants to bless us.As His children,we must understand His heart towards us,and not buy what the Devil says.

The devil is a deceiver.But use God's word against him,he'll flee from you in 7 directions.

Time for Ghost story.............this happended in the same year as the previous story.........

2001 July................After passing my driving test,I was waiting for my enlistment for National Service.My youngest aunt called me up for lunch,she wanted to hear about my ghost encounter at Mandai Crematorium.I agreed to go..............

We met at Tampines Mall Ponderosa for lunch.It was a wonderful meal,I had steak,as I related the encounter to her..........then I asked her if she had ever been to the Old Changi Hospital......She said no,and asked if I wanted to go that day.

I said I didn't mind.But it was only the two of us,will we encounter anything?She was apprehensive.But later she told me that she had a Buddha pendant with her.I was quite happy to go because I wanted to find out if there was any old toilets there.

We took bus 29 from Tampines Interchange to Hendon Road.A few nights ago,I went with the Pharoah and the other bastards,we went up a hill and saw the hospital there.But it was all pitch dark.I decided to go up the hill again that day.

We reached the Old Changi Hospital at 4:20pm.It was very quiet as usual,as that place is abandoned.We walked up the slope............the old building loomed nearer and nearer...........and finally,we hit the entrance.

It looked like an old mansion.I wondered if we were at the right place.My aunt suggested that we go in and explore.A musty smell greeted us as we walked into the building.The paint on the walls were falling off,and there were debris all over the floor.It wasn't a good sight.

I asked my aunt again if we were at the right place......................then if someone heard us...............a strong smell of medicine greeted us.After a few seconds,the smell "disappeared".

Sensing something wrong,we ventured deeper into the building until we reached another corridor.There were windows along that corridor and on the right side there was a ward.When we almost reached the end of the corridor,my aunt told me to look out,her daughter saw a little girl at the end of the corridor waving at her when she was there.

I went to that spot but didn't see anything.Anyway,we turned back to go outside of the building.As we were leaving,the strong medicine smell came again.And same the previous encounter,the smell "disappeared" after a few seconds.I was pretty curious about what happended,I walked back again...........and I discovered that....................

The smell only came when I was standing in-between the frame of the door leading to the other corridor.I walked over the frame and didn't smell anything.I walked back to the other side,still no smell.Only when I stood in the middle then the smell came.It was pretty strange.

After that,we decided to leave the place and try to find the other entrance to the hospital.We walked down the slope once again and walked along the road leading to Changi Village.On the way we found a staircase leading up to the hospital.We decided to venture upwards.

This time we ended up at the canteen of the hospital.There was nothing much there,only an abadoned stall and some old Coca Cola Stickers on the wall.We got through the canteen and reached another part of the hospital.

There were 2 parts to the hospital,one has 5 stories while the other had only 2 stories.We have been to the 5th storey just now and we decided to go to the shorter building.There was a door leading into the building.It was very dark inside.We went in..............that place seemed like a specialist clinic in the active days.

The whole place was quite stuffy.There was no ventilation in there...............THEN.................IT CAME.....................

Suddenly,there was a cold wind blowing around us.It made my hair stand and send a shiver down my spine.My aunt whispered that we were not alone...........we had better leave.As she was talking,she took out her pendant..................

The wind subsided.Everything seemed calm once again.We quickly left the place and walked down to the main road.I went back and told the Pharoah about this.He became excited and wanted to go and explore the place.

The next time,9 of us went...........and to his disappointment,there was nothing.

If you want to encounter those "things",you must minimise the number of people in your group.Too many humans around,they won't come out.

OK,that concludes my ghostly encounters.Actually there are more.But I think we should move on to Prosperity stuff.This is only for entertainment purposes.

Tomorrow,you will hear about something very important about money.I'm sure you'll love it.So stay tuned.God bless you and have a wonderful night!


Blogger Christopher said...

Thanks for the great writeup. I have a few issues here. I was actually quite upset to be in my workplace now, getting jealousy everyday and even get critized about my character. Like what you said, there are already having leprosy, why dirty your hands, I tried to ignore them or even just play around with them while I know they are jsut bullshit... one thing i noticed is that they know how to tlak about people but they themselves are like shit too.. one time he criticize abt my style, then you know what I saw, edward hairs were like full of dandruffs and some web cobby stuff... I was thinking, why are u critizing me.. I know you have a potential gf but theres no need to criticize others. One thing you are right brother, never let them know your target, they were like putting fire onto it, oen thing i scolded them, if you are not encoraging then shutup dun discourages. they never listen. part 1 of 2 lolx

6:22 PM  
Blogger Christopher said...

part 2 of 2 continue...

Since they were in my workplace, I can't possibly stay away with them for long, just to suck thumb while work on my website, once I get rich one day, I will just pay back the 2 mths and just leave the palce, leaving them with jealousy lolx.... they are really low class people. they think that they have a little computer knowledge, they think they can conquer the world, but I always believe that there are bigger stronger mountains somewhere... like the bible says... you exalt yourself and I will bring you down, you humble yourself upon lord and I will exalt you. right brother? another verse is, Matthew 20:16 the first will be the last, and the last wil lbe the fisrt. keep on writing good stuff heehx

6:31 PM  

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