Wednesday, June 27, 2007

NUS = National University Of Singapore.What About MUS?

You probably heard of NUS.Have you heard of MUS?Well,MUS is my school.As you know,I'm a Prosperity Teacher as well as a Student.I know I look more like a student than a teacher due to my boyish look.*smile*

OK,I promise you this...if you read every word I've written here,you'll be able to crack the code...what is MUS?

I am writing about my school because many people ask me things like "Where are you studying?" and "Are you working or schooling?".I decide to enlighten these people today.If you are one of them,then be prepared to be amazed.Or amused.It all depends on how you look at it.

If what I say makes sense to you,you might want to consider enrolling in my school.I guarantee you that it is going to be life changing.Your life will change for the better.I can't guarantee your success.Only you can decide to be successful.But life changing education?Yes,I can guarantee that.

There are probably a lot of questions on your mind right now...Questions like "Where is this school?","How much is the school fees?","Who are the teachers?","Any examinations or homework?","How long does it take to complete the whole course?","What courses are being offered?" and etc...

OK,let me answer your questions one by one...

1.Where is MUS?
It is anywhere you want it to be.It can be at your own home,any library or anywhere that you can study comfortably.

2.How much is the school fees?
It depends on how much you want to spend.You won't be paying me a single cent.All your money will be spent on buying the books that you need.

3.Who are the teachers?

4.Any exams or homework?
No.No deadlines.It all depends on you.How much you want to learn everyday.How much you want to do everyday.There are no exams or homework.Neither will there be any certs.

5.How long does it take to complete the course?
Forever.As long as you live.Our philisophy at MUS is to commit ourselves to lifelong learning.We commit ourselves to be smarter than yesterday and tomorrow we must be smarter than today.Keep improving!

6.What are the courses being offered?Or rather what's the curriculum like?
There are no courses being offered.But the subjects you will be studying are as follows...

a.Prosperity & Success(Law of attraction & how to manifest your desires)

b.Communication Skills(How to talk to people,to make friends and influence people)

c.Copy Writing(How to write good sales copy)

d.Investing(How to invest and make money)

e.Biographies(Learn from people who are already successful)

f.Spiritual Stuff(Books on religion,depending on your religion) *this is optional.

g.Creative Thinking(How to think and be creative)

h.Your current career(Anything relating to your current career)

7.How do I enroll?
Simple.Just drop me a comment and let me know which subjects you are interested in.I'll tell you what books to buy and study.

My rules are simple.My role here is to guide you on what to learn.The rest is up to you.The mission of MUS is to influence as many people as possible and to bring them to the road towards prosperity.

I won't be responsible for your success or failure.You will decide how successful you want to be.I hope you will be successful and prosperous.

Here's the answer to the code:
MUS = Marco's University Of Success.

I look forward to hearing from you.I definitely would love to share my knowledge with you on the books that will help you.


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