There Is No Such Thing As Failure
Nothing or no one can block us to success but ourselves.You have more control of your life than what you thought.You can choose to be a success or a failure.Yes,only you.
What does failure really mean to me?To me,failure means giving up and not trying again.When you do that you can forget about being successful.But at times it's wise to give up than to waste your resources on something that won't work out.
What happends when you fail at something?It simply means that you didn't do it the correct way to get your desired results.What you should do is to keep trying different approaches to solve the problem.
True enough,from time to time you will get demoralised when things don't work your way.But never give up.Keep going until you reach your desired outcome.
Mental toughness is essential here.You need to keep telling yourself not to give up.
Many years ago,I allowed circumstances to dictate my fate.Whenever things don't work my way,I will panic and finally give up.As a result,many things were left half done.
Thanks to what I learnt from Napoleon Hill about Persistance.When you keep persisting,somehow things will start to turn in your favour.However,you should have more than 1 plan,so that if it doesn't work out,you can still fall on others.
It feels good to go all out to achieve what you want.The best reward is the sense of satisfaction when you succeed.
My website is not doing very well.But I refuse to give up on it.There is always something to be done to improve the situation.You just need to keep looking and thinking of the solution.
But there are also certain things that I give up easily.I will only persist in things which I am confident that will work out.I don't waste time on things which I need to gamble on.
In particular,the area of women.If I show interest in a woman and she does not respond,I'll simply give up and move on to the next one.I had been stupid once.I wasted a lot of time and effort on one target and things still didn't work out.I should have given up early to cut losses.
This is like investing in stocks.In certain times,you need to sell at a loss to cut losses.Similarly if you try going after a woman and she is not interested in you,why waste you time?Move on to the next one.After all it's her loss,not yours.The world is so abundant,you are sure to find what you want.
You cut losses because you lose time.You time should be invested in people who are worth it.You time should be invested in activities that will further add value to you as a person.That could be learning a new skill.Never waste time on things that don't add value to you.
I used to.But I don't now.
In business as well,you must know when to give up and call it a day.Rather than further increasing your loss in time and money.In "The Tipping Point",Seth Godin shares when exactly you should give up.
It is stupid to give up too early.But it's equally stupid to not give up when you know that you are reaching a dead end.
I wish you success.In the next post,I will share with you how you can propel yourself to success and keep your mental attitude positive most of the time.So stay tuned till then.