Tuesday, October 03, 2006

What To Do......When You Are Overwhelmed With Negativity Over Your Enemies?

I discovered something today...........and I want to share it with you.

If you have felt very negative and bitter towards your enemies,then this post is specially dedicated to you.

Before I begin.....I believe you know this.....if you harbour hatred and bitterness,you are hurting yourself.And if you are a Christian like me,you are actually blocking God's blessings for you.

But then when you are in the situation,it's very difficult to cool down and just forgive them like that..........Right?

Well,it was very tough for me.Let's assume you are like me.

So what can you do to release this hatred and bitterness?


Just ask yourself what are your goals in life......what's the lifestyle you want to lead?What is the "perfect life" for you?

Then go to places where "your perfect life" lies.For instance,if you have a dream car,go to the car showroom and look at that car.If you have a dream house,go to your dream house or to the area where you desire to stay in.

Once you are there,start visualising in your mind how would your life be like once you "reach there".

When you start doing that,you start feeling "prosperous".You mood starts to become better.All of a sudden,you enemies seem so small and so distant.....

You know that they are not so important after all.They are not so worthy of your attention after all.Your goals and dreams are more important.

You agree with me?Well,if you don't know,then try it out.

Christopher and I did this today and it worked for the both of us.You might want to try it.

As you may have realised,we have been under attack by our enemies recently.He's in a worse situation than me.He sees his enemies daily,whereas I only see my enemies on weekends.

Well,hopefully I don't have to see them at all.

What Christopher and I did was to go for our "Prosperity Tour".We went to our dream houses,visualised our future and then went to Gelato Ice Cream.

It helped tremendously.It gave me more strength and excitement to work.All of a sudden,my enemies seem to far and distant.

That's why.......it's already 6:04 AM now and I'm still in front of my computer.I'm so excited about my future.

I want to work as much as I possibly can.

You can too.I'm sure you have a dream and goal worth pursuing.One that will make you excited.If you don't have one,then find one.After all you only have one life.


Came to realise that my wife was suspended from work.I was suprised because her superior seemed to like her.Her superior said before that she had a bright future.I was shocked when I knew that she was suspended.

Then the reason came out......she lost her temper with her assistants.She kept changing assistants because they couldn't work with her due to her temper.Well,recently she has been going through some stress,that's why she's more tempremental.

And so am I.But thank God we didn't lose our temper with each other.Praise God we are a loving couple.

But she did something which I don't quite agree with.There were a few occasions,she refused to show up at work because of her mood.Her superior was super pissed with her because of this matter.I feel that she shouldn't work based on her mood.Oh well,I'll speak to her about this when she's in a better mood.

Interesting thing,I lost my temper with my enemies and didn't turn up for Sunday outing.The pharoah(my boss) got pissed with me too.Oh well,I guess that's why God made us a couple.There are many coincidences in our lives.

Oh well,I've come to the end of my posts.Hope you've enjoyed reading.I'll see you soon.I got to go back to work.

Meanwhile,stay blessed and prosperous!

"There Is Nothing Expensive Or Cheap....It's A Matter Of Whether It's Value For Money" - Marco The Great

Recently,I've been bombarded by my enemies.You probably know who they are.......the usual 3......if you don't,read my previous posts about them.Anyway,I'll introduce them for the benefit of those who don't know.

They are:Porno King(King of Pornography),Dennis Trident and Zero.

These 3 always like to backstab.Well,there's a saying...."You can choose your friends,but you can't choose your relatives."

So I got to tolerate these 3 buggers because they are my relatives(expect the last one).

Anyway,the culprit this time is Zero.He kept commenting that I'm spending a lot of money on expensive stuff.I didn't know all these until the Pharoah(my source and provider) told me.Then I was being compared with my cousin Richard.It seems that Richard is a very prudent spender,unlike me......

Well....is that true?

Read on.....

Why is Richard a prudent spender?Because he knows how to say that things are "expensive".Oh,so expensive is the keyword to use,to show everyone that you are a prudent spender?

Is that the case?

Well,people can comment that a cup of Gelato Ice Cream that costs $4.90 expensive.....but when they purchase Japanese Imported CDs from HMV which costs $50 and above,they don't say anything.....

Interesting right?

Is $4.90 more expensive than $50?

Think about it.....

I think a 3 year old can tell me the answer.

Well,I hate it when people tell me the things that I buy or eat are expensive.Especially if I'm not spending their money.Who the hell are they to teach me how to spend?!

Oh well,as you can see,I was very pissed with Zero for backstabbing me.

But anyway,God revealed something to me..........

He told me that no matter how old I am,or where I am,as long as I'm leading a richly blessed life,there will be someone who will be jealous of me.And these people will always try to badmouth me and try to bring me down.

Well,that's a good revelation.

Another case.......when I went to Penang,I stayed in Bayview Georgetown Hotel.It's reasonably priced and provides good service.The Porn King purposely went to travel agents and tried to ask about the price of the hotel.

Then he went in front of the Pharoah and claimed that I stayed in a very expensive hotel.Based on some stupid untrue facts that he gathered from the travel agents.(God knows if they are actually true.)

And I was questioned about it.

Damn,when will all these stop?I don't think they will.

So my point is this......nothing is expensive or cheap.Question is whether it's worth spending or not.I can sell you something useless for 1 dollar.If you have no use for it,it's still expensive.

If you spend 80 bucks on Shangri-La hotel's buffet,you feel satisfied with the food and service,it's not expensive.It's worth the money.

Never never say anything is expensive.NEVER.Trust me.

When you say it,you are indirectly telling yourself that you can't afford it.I'm changing this habit.Because when you say something is expensive,you shut your mind off how you can afford it.

The word "expensive" is ONLY for BROKE PEOPLE!And for people who decide to be BROKE forever.

Now I know why Porno King and Zero and broke for life........you should know why.

Next post......

How You Can Pray More Effectively......PROVEN Technique!

It has been a long time.......how's everything?Hope you have been prosperous.I've been very very busy with work.But all these are worth it.In life,if you want something,you must pay the full price.

You are hearing from me again today because there's an important message for me to share.It has been in my heart for a quite sometime.Let me finish the main point of this post,after which them I'll update you with what happended ok?

If you are a Christian,then this post should prove to be quite beneficial to you.Probably you are one of those who needed this.God has been urging me to share this here.....

Have you ever wondered which is the best way to pray?

Many people like to say "You better pray hard.".Do you pray hard?Or do you pray soft?You may be wondering what is "pray soft".Frankly,I don't know either.

Do you know what is "pray hard"?If you do,then "pray soft" is the direct opposite.

Well,my interpretation of "pray hard" is to pray loudly and to pray profusely.To keep praying and praying...in a frenzy way,till God responds.Question is...........does this work?

Does "praying hard" work?If it doesn't,then what's the effective way to pray?

Here's the secret..........

When you pray,you need to have a FOUNDATION for your prayer.When you have a foundation for your prayer,your FAITH increases.And when your faith increases,your prayer gets answered.

I'm sure you know that God responds to FAITH.

And what can you do to have a FOUNDATION for your prayer?


Before you pray,go into the word of God(check your Bible) for verses that pertain to your situation.Read through and meditate on those verses,then start to pray,holding onto the promises as you pray.

Let me quote an example......

I just found out that my friend Christopher is facing a lot of challenges at his workplace.He keeps getting sabotaged by those collegues of his.He felt really negative.

I was prompted to pray for him.In his situation,he is surrounded by enemies.He needs protection from the Lord in this instance.

Psalm 91 is about protection.Before I prayed for him,I went through Psalm 91 and meditated through it.I clamied all the promises stated in there in the name of Jesus.

Then I started to pray for Christopher.

Afterwhich,if anything happends,I'll still be able to STAND IN FAITH.Because I've already laid a FOUNDATION in my prayer.I've already claimed the promises in Psalm 91.

Let's talk about your situation......let's say you are in a financial crisis now and you want to pray for a financial blessing.....

You can go through Psalm 23.There's a verse that says "The Lord is my shepherd,I shall NOT want.".Meditate on that verse,then start praying.

Usually,after you pray,how fast the situation improves will depend on how much FAITH you have.In certain cases,there are more challenges that come before the blessings.

The main key is how do you fight on despite the negative circumstances?

You have to use your FAITH.

Yes,it's easier said than done.I've been through it too.I know how you feel.But once you have a FOUNDATION in your prayer,no matter what the devil throws at you,you are not affected that much.

When the challenges come,you can just remind yourself of the verse you meditated on.And there you are,your FAITH allows you to BELIEVE THAT THE BLESSING IS ON ITS WAY.

This is a PROVEN way to have your prayers answered.Of course there are also many other ways.I read this from Kenneth E Hagin.(I love his books).

In order to use this technique effectively,you need to immerse yourself in the word of God.You have to know the Bible well.Which are the promises you can claim.There are many of them.

Hope this helps.God bless you.

OK,now about me..........are you wondering what happended to me these 2 months?Well,I've been very busy with planning and setting up my internet marketing business.I went for a course in Penang and learnt quite a lot.

I'm still in the setting up stage.Hopefully I can launch my product and site in December.

Recently I've actually came across quite a lot of things that I want to share.I'll share them in subsequent posts.A lot happended.Some will actually benefit you.Others are just for entertainment purposes.

Use my experience to benefit yourself.You can avoid hard knocks.

I'm planning to write once per month.Currently,my schedule only permits that.I'll consolidate everything and then post everything at one shot on a single day,but multiple posts.

Now for my next post........