I seldom write about people.But this is one person that I respect tremendously.I didn't know too much about him.Until after this trip to Xiamen.I discovered that he was not the person I made him out to be.
He is none other than my Ah Gong(My mum's father).My initial impression of my Ah Gong is that he's a very serious and strict person.Though he's easy going,he can be pretty stubborn at times.
He is 84 years old this year,but he's still healthy and strong.As you can see in the 2 photos below.The photo directly below is taken at Huan Dao Road Waterfront Park,Xiamen.

The photo below is taken at the Xiamen Ferry Terminal,going towards Gu Lang Yu.The cute little boy is my cousin Jia Jia.
You may be wondering what made me respect my grandpa so much...
Well,the story starts off when I was around 9 years old.One night,my parents left me at home with nothing to eat.I was terribly hungry then.Around 9pm,my grandma called.She asked if I had eaten.I said nope.She said she'll cook and bring down some food for me.
I thought she was kidding.You know...adults like to give empty promises to kids.(Well,I won't do that to my kids)
At around 10pm,my grandma and grandpa arrived at my home with a few dishes and rice,all put in a tiffin carrier.There was Fried Fish and Braised Pork.I was very touched by what they did.Nearly cried.
My parents came back,surprised at why my grandparents are at my home.Then my grandma told them the whole story.My parents left me at home because I was naughty.
Till this day,I have not forgotten what my grandparents have did for me that day.I'm looking for any chance to repay their kindness.
That was in Singapore.When I went over to China,I discovered that my grandpa was a philantrophist.He contributed a lot of money to repair the roads to his village in his hometown.Besides the roads,he helped to raise funds for the village school,refurnished the temple and his ancestors' house.
When I went back with him,I realised that he was very well respected there.His brother passed away at a young age.My grandpa took up the responsibility for providing for his brother's children.
I realised why they respected him so much.He was very generous and kind towards his relatives.When they saw him,you could see the joy in their eyes.They are sincerely happy to see him back.
See the house in the photo below?That was built by my grandpa 31 years ago.Back then his business wasn't doing very well.But the relatives asked him for money to build the house.He agreed even though he wasn't that well to do.Of course my grandma was pretty mad about it.

Before I went over,my grandma told me to be wary of my grandpa's China relatives.Why?I asked my grandma.She told me that they very "gian lui"(money face in Hokkien).Not only that,they are also busybodies.
I was quite careful when I went over.But they were not as bad as what grandma commented.In fact,I kind of liked them because of their sincerity.
After sometime then I understood why grandma didn't like them.It seems that they keep asking for donations from grandpa and he seems to spending a lot of money there.I asked grandpa why did grandpa object to him donating money to the village projects.
His response was quite overwhelming.He spoke indignantly...
"Your ah ma is a 'gian siap gui'(miser in Hokkien).To me,doing good is more important.This type of money is well spent.After all,my doing all these,I'm sowing good seeds.As long as my children & grandchildren are blessed,I'm happy.It's money well-spent."
I agree with him.As long as the money is spent blessing others,it's money well spent.I totally agree with my grandpa.However,not many people agree with me.Especially my parents.Well,see if you agree with this...
If you can give,it means that you have plenty.You can't outgive God.God blessed you to be a blessing to others.If you become miserly and selfish,how can God trust you with more blessings?Of course the above is my own theory.I believe that I'm living in an abundant world.I believe that God blessed me to be a blessing to others.And indeed,when I start blessing others,I myself get more blessings.
Try it.Be a giver.When you start giving,you will receive more.The good energy gets transferred.
The photo above shows the door of my grandpa's ancestors' home.The whole house was refurnished because of his donations.
The photo below shows the roof of the ancestors' home.Look at all the holes being patched.It was all my grandpa's contributions.
Of course my grandpa suffered certain setbacks when he was too helpful and generous.There were some people who tried to cheat his money.There was this relative who cheated him RMB 3 million.But this joker's son died mysteriously a few years ago.Is God fair?I think He is.
Grandpa asked my uncle to help him get the money back from this joker.I went with them to negotiate.Although I didn't participate,I found this joker very cunning.He kept telling my grandpa how pitiful he was and how bad his financial situation was.
My grandpa felt sorry and didn't really pursue the matter too forcefully.That's his weak point.He tends to sympathise with people easily.Even if they are pretending to be in a sorry state.In the end the case was left hanging.
Interesting,although grandpa didn't study the Laws of Prosperity like me,he seemed to know a little bit about them.One day,I was chatting with him about this relative from my dad's side who is always jealous of others being better than him.And whenever this happends,that relative will try his best to sabotage that person who is better than him.
The response from my grandpa startled me.This was what he said..."How can this person attract good into his life if he keeps getting jealous of others?"
Then he continued...."We must be happy for others,celebrate their success and happiness.In this way,then we will also attract good into our lives."
Wow,isn't that from Randy Gage's Prosperity CD album?But hey my grandpa doesn't understand english,let alone speak it.
One thing that drew him closer to me was this...
I didn't know he had the same interest as me until the day we returned from Xiamen.I bought a biography of the World's Tea King,Li Rui He,at the Xiamen Airport before leaving.Grandpa asked me what I bought.I showed him.He told me it was good to read such books.
Then I asked him if he read a lot of biographies.He told me yes.He loved to learn from the successful people.Hey,that's just like me.I love to read biographies too.Throughout all these years of studying in Marco University,I have learnt a lot from biographies.
Hahaha I was so happy to know that there was someone in the family who shared a lot in common as me.I always thought I was the odd one out.I'm really glad that I went to Xiamen this time.If not I wouldn't have known my grandpa for who he really is.
I'm thankful to God that He has given me wonderful grandparents.I know that there's ONE gift I can give them to make them happy.Just that ONE GIFT...
And that is to be successful and make them proud of me.My grandparents are always very happy when any of their grandchildren achieve results,whether in studies or work.One of the reasons I have to become successful,other than for myself,is for them.
May God bless them with great health,happiness and bless my business.And bless you reader.May you be prosperous.