Which Are The 3 Influences That Makes You STAY BROKE In Life?Part 3
Oh well..........Praise God that I've recovered.I'm back again!You haven't been hearing about my personal happenings recently.Reason is that I've decided to provide more value-added content for you.After all,why would you want to read about my life?You are more interested in improving your own life right?
Which is the reason why you are reading this blog right now..............My role is to provide good quality content that can help you reach the life or level you desire to reach.But if there's any lesson I have learnt that I feel is important,I'll share it with you.Other than that,you will mostly hear about the good stuff from other authors.
Hopefully all these will help you more faster towards your destination in life.:)
Alright,let's start with the final influence that will make you stay broke................it is............
What did you experience when you were young around money,wealth and rich people?These experiences are extremely important because they shape the beliefs - or rather,the illusions - you now live by.
Let's look at an example of Josey,who is an operating-room nurse who attended the Millionaire Mind Intensive Seminar............
Josey had an excellent income,but somehow she always spent all her money.When we dug a little deeper,she revealed that when she was eleven years old,she remembers being at a Chinese Restaurant with her parents and younger sister.Her mom and dad were having yet another bitter arguement about money.
Her dad was standing up,screaming and slamming his fist on the table.She remembers him turning red,then blue,then falling to the floor from a heart attack.She was on the swim team at school and had CPR training,which she administred,but to no avail.Her father died in her arms.
And so,from that day forth,Josey's mind linked money with pain.It's no wonder then that as an adult,she subconsciously got rid of all her money in an effort to get rid of her pain.It's also interesting to note that she became a nurse.Why?Is it possible that she was still trying to save her dad?
After the seminar,Josey changed her beliefs and is on the way to financial freedom.She is now a financial-planner,still helping people.But this time one-on-one,to understand how their past programming runs every aspect of their financial lives.
The next example involves the author's wife..........when she was 8 years old,she would ask her mum for a quarter when the ice cream truck came down the street.Her mom would reply,"Sorry,dear,I don't have any money.Go ask Dad,Dad's got all the money."
The author's wife would then go ask her Dad.He would give her the money,she got her cone and was happy.
Week after week,the same incident would repeat itself.So what did she learn about money?
First,that men have got all the money .Once they got married,she expected money from him.
Second,she learned that women don't have money.If her mom(the deity) didn't have money,obviously this is the way she should be.To validate that way of being,she would subconsciously get rid of all her money.She was quite precise about it too.Whatever amount of money she was given,she'll spend every single cent.
It was expected that this caused problems in their marriage.It nearly cost their marriage.Thank goodness they both learned how to revise each other's money blueprints and most importantly,create a third money blueprint specifically for the relationship.
OK,let's see how you can improve your situation....................
Here's an exercise you can do with your partner.Sit down and discuss the history each of you brings to your thoughts about money - what you heard when you were young,what was modelled in your family,and any emotional incidents that occured.
Also,find out what money really means to your partner.Is it pleasure or freedom or security or status?This will assist you in identifying each other's current money blueprint and help you discover why you might be disagreeing in this arena.
Next,discuss what you want today not as individuals,but as a partnership.Decide and agree upon your goals and attitude with regard to money and success.Then create a list of these attitudes and actions you both agree to live by and write them down.
Post them on the wall,and if ever there's an issue,gently,very gently,remind each other what you decided together when you were both objective,unemotional and outside the grip of your old money blue prints.
AWARENESS:Consider a specific emotional incident you experienced around money when you were young.
UNDERSTANDING:Write down how this incident may have affected your current financial life.
DISASSOCIATION:Can you see this way of being is only what you learned and isn't you?Can you see you have a choice in the present moment to be different?
DECLARATION:Place your hand on your heart and say...
"I release my nonsupportive money experiences from the past and create a new and rich future."
Touch your head and say...
"I have a millionaire mind!"
At last,you have the 3 influences that are stopping you from becoming rich.Do the exercises and you'll be able to breakfree from the poverty mindset.You probably have heard of this............."Prosperity is a mindset,so is poverty".Don't get trapped in the poverty cycle.
One last lesson before I close............I think I've learnt another valuable lesson today..........how to work with people with different points of view.Sometimes you may feel that being in partnership is very easy.It may sound fun and easy,but trust me,it's not.
Before you are in partnership,you may be the best of friends.............but once you start working together.........it's another story.You will start noticing the other party's flaws and vice versa.There will be a lot of differences in opinions.
Whether or not your partnership will workout,it depends on whether you can accept each other's flaws and views.And another crucial element is trust.Without the 2 ingredients mentioned above,you can call off the partnership.
Why all of a sudden you hear about this you may wonder..........well,there were some issues between my business partner and me.We had a misunderstanding between us.It's all because of Starhub's fault!My e-mail didn't get through and my partner's SMS didn't get through..........
He thought I was playing punk with him.I had to clear up the misunderstanding.Apparently he doesn't trust me.But I don't blame him cause he was cheated many times.
Why I said he didn't trust me?There were a few incidents that showed this.It was also partly my fault cause I didn't communicate well.This is one area that I need to improve on.
He had the idea I was idle all day,leaving him to do the websites.Just because I went to the course in Penang,I can slack and let him do the other stuff.If I was really slacking,I will be blogging EVERY SINGLE DAY.
Until he knew that I went without sleep a few nights ago then he realised that I was not slacking.Is trust important?
Misunderstanding was one issue.The next issue was a difference in working style.He wants to work superfast,whereas I believe in working at a more comfortable pace so that I can come up with more quality work.I'm a person who needs to think and plan before I execute.I tend to feel very uncomfortable rushing through something without plan.
The first problem we had was about writing sales letters.I foresaw this problem the first we spoke about writing sale copy for another product.He wanted the sales copy in 2 days.I knew that it was an impossible feat.I can come up with a sales letter in 2 days.But what's the point if it's crap?
Indeed,I reread my sales letters,they were really crap.That time I didn't argue with him.Let him have his way first.I decided to ask Patric Chan how long did he take to write a sales letter when I was in Penang.Patric said the minimum time he took was 2 months.That shows why his websites are selling like mad.
I lost my cool today when the same problem arose,though this time the deadline was next Tuesday.My partner's solution was to copy from top selling sales letters and put everything in.I admit I was very sacastic about it.I told him to try it.He said that we would compete and see whose sales letter is better.I took up his challenge.After all I took Joe Vitale's course on Hypnotic Writing.
But if you ask me personally,I don't give a damn.I don't care whether I win or lose.Simply said,you need more time to write a good salesletter.With such a short time span,whatever that comes out will be rubbish.Anyway,we'll see about it............
I had this idea of giving away FREE E-books for people who come to the website to vote.So stay tuned on this.
I'm well-aware of his situation,he wants to break through so that he can come back to Singapore.That's why he wants to work fast.But you can't just rush through everything.I'm very confident of saying that sales copy can't be rushed because I've heard from the experts.
The next issue we argued about was about learning technical stuff.He mentioned that we need to know about database management and web designing.Personally,I haven't heard from Patric Chan,or Joe Vitale or Michael Glaspie and other internet marketing experts that you need to know all these to make a lot of money from your website.
He told me about this database expert who was making millions from residual income.I don't know anything,so I'm not going to say he's wrong.But the issue here is different views.He and I have different "education backgrounds" about the internet.
I realised that many people tell me that I need a programmer and web designer in my team.I was puzzled because I don't need those flashy sites.I just need a site with good sales copy.Flashy sites won't make you money.It'll only earn you "wow,what a cool site!".That's all.
Oh boy............it's not easy to deal with people...........I'm trying my best to accept his views as well.If you know me,I'm a person who insists my way if I know it's the right way,if I'm not sure,I'll shut up.At the same time,I hate quarrels and confrontations.It's tough.
But then............expect all these to happend.If you can survive through all these,your friendship and partnership will be stronger than ever.Meaning if you can accept each others' shortcomings.
I think it's the same for romance and relationships..............when you first meet,both are perfect in each other's eyes.Hahaha you'll hear "Oh.......she's so perfect." and "He's soooooo sweet."Hahaha few months later you hear something obscenely different..............
I went through it before.........
Don't be overly excited about the other person.Let time tell what kind of character he or she is..........then judge for yourself.I've learnt it the hard way.Last time got played out by a few bitches.I'm very careful nowdays about people.
Hahaha okok,it has been a long post.I just had to get it off my chest.I was rather frustrated just now.I don't hold anything against my partner,he's just inexperienced in certain areas that's all.He's a nice guy,always ready to help his friends.It's just a difference in opinion between us.
Thank you for reading my long post.I'm not exactly sure when will my next post be.I promise to blog as soon as I possibly can.There will be more life-improving content coming in for sure.So in the meantime,take care and God bless you.