Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Which Are The 3 Influences That Makes You STAY BROKE In Life?Part 3

Hi and welcome back to Part 3................I have been quite busy and sick these few days.There's a flu virus going around in Singapore.Many people caught it.My nose went "running" the whole of Monday and yesterday.

Oh well..........Praise God that I've recovered.I'm back again!You haven't been hearing about my personal happenings recently.Reason is that I've decided to provide more value-added content for you.After all,why would you want to read about my life?You are more interested in improving your own life right?

Which is the reason why you are reading this blog right now..............My role is to provide good quality content that can help you reach the life or level you desire to reach.But if there's any lesson I have learnt that I feel is important,I'll share it with you.Other than that,you will mostly hear about the good stuff from other authors.

Hopefully all these will help you more faster towards your destination in life.:)

Alright,let's start with the final influence that will make you stay is............


What did you experience when you were young around money,wealth and rich people?These experiences are extremely important because they shape the beliefs - or rather,the illusions - you now live by.

Let's look at an example of Josey,who is an operating-room nurse who attended the Millionaire Mind Intensive Seminar............

Josey had an excellent income,but somehow she always spent all her money.When we dug a little deeper,she revealed that when she was eleven years old,she remembers being at a Chinese Restaurant with her parents and younger sister.Her mom and dad were having yet another bitter arguement about money.

Her dad was standing up,screaming and slamming his fist on the table.She remembers him turning red,then blue,then falling to the floor from a heart attack.She was on the swim team at school and had CPR training,which she administred,but to no avail.Her father died in her arms.

And so,from that day forth,Josey's mind linked money with pain.It's no wonder then that as an adult,she subconsciously got rid of all her money in an effort to get rid of her pain.It's also interesting to note that she became a nurse.Why?Is it possible that she was still trying to save her dad?

After the seminar,Josey changed her beliefs and is on the way to financial freedom.She is now a financial-planner,still helping people.But this time one-on-one,to understand how their past programming runs every aspect of their financial lives.

The next example involves the author's wife..........when she was 8 years old,she would ask her mum for a quarter when the ice cream truck came down the street.Her mom would reply,"Sorry,dear,I don't have any money.Go ask Dad,Dad's got all the money."
The author's wife would then go ask her Dad.He would give her the money,she got her cone and was happy.

Week after week,the same incident would repeat itself.So what did she learn about money?

First,that men have got all the money .Once they got married,she expected money from him.

Second,she learned that women don't have money.If her mom(the deity) didn't have money,obviously this is the way she should be.To validate that way of being,she would subconsciously get rid of all her money.She was quite precise about it too.Whatever amount of money she was given,she'll spend every single cent.

It was expected that this caused problems in their marriage.It nearly cost their marriage.Thank goodness they both learned how to revise each other's money blueprints and most importantly,create a third money blueprint specifically for the relationship.

OK,let's see how you can improve your situation....................

Here's an exercise you can do with your partner.Sit down and discuss the history each of you brings to your thoughts about money - what you heard when you were young,what was modelled in your family,and any emotional incidents that occured.

Also,find out what money really means to your partner.Is it pleasure or freedom or security or status?This will assist you in identifying each other's current money blueprint and help you discover why you might be disagreeing in this arena.

Next,discuss what you want today not as individuals,but as a partnership.Decide and agree upon your goals and attitude with regard to money and success.Then create a list of these attitudes and actions you both agree to live by and write them down.

Post them on the wall,and if ever there's an issue,gently,very gently,remind each other what you decided together when you were both objective,unemotional and outside the grip of your old money blue prints.

AWARENESS:Consider a specific emotional incident you experienced around money when you were young.

UNDERSTANDING:Write down how this incident may have affected your current financial life.

DISASSOCIATION:Can you see this way of being is only what you learned and isn't you?Can you see you have a choice in the present moment to be different?

DECLARATION:Place your hand on your heart and say...

"I release my nonsupportive money experiences from the past and create a new and rich future."

Touch your head and say...

"I have a millionaire mind!"

At last,you have the 3 influences that are stopping you from becoming rich.Do the exercises and you'll be able to breakfree from the poverty mindset.You probably have heard of this............."Prosperity is a mindset,so is poverty".Don't get trapped in the poverty cycle.

One last lesson before I close............I think I've learnt another valuable lesson to work with people with different points of view.Sometimes you may feel that being in partnership is very easy.It may sound fun and easy,but trust me,it's not.

Before you are in partnership,you may be the best of friends.............but once you start working's another story.You will start noticing the other party's flaws and vice versa.There will be a lot of differences in opinions.

Whether or not your partnership will workout,it depends on whether you can accept each other's flaws and views.And another crucial element is trust.Without the 2 ingredients mentioned above,you can call off the partnership.

Why all of a sudden you hear about this you may wonder..........well,there were some issues between my business partner and me.We had a misunderstanding between us.It's all because of Starhub's fault!My e-mail didn't get through and my partner's SMS didn't get through..........

He thought I was playing punk with him.I had to clear up the misunderstanding.Apparently he doesn't trust me.But I don't blame him cause he was cheated many times.

Why I said he didn't trust me?There were a few incidents that showed this.It was also partly my fault cause I didn't communicate well.This is one area that I need to improve on.

He had the idea I was idle all day,leaving him to do the websites.Just because I went to the course in Penang,I can slack and let him do the other stuff.If I was really slacking,I will be blogging EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Until he knew that I went without sleep a few nights ago then he realised that I was not slacking.Is trust important?

Misunderstanding was one issue.The next issue was a difference in working style.He wants to work superfast,whereas I believe in working at a more comfortable pace so that I can come up with more quality work.I'm a person who needs to think and plan before I execute.I tend to feel very uncomfortable rushing through something without plan.

The first problem we had was about writing sales letters.I foresaw this problem the first we spoke about writing sale copy for another product.He wanted the sales copy in 2 days.I knew that it was an impossible feat.I can come up with a sales letter in 2 days.But what's the point if it's crap?

Indeed,I reread my sales letters,they were really crap.That time I didn't argue with him.Let him have his way first.I decided to ask Patric Chan how long did he take to write a sales letter when I was in Penang.Patric said the minimum time he took was 2 months.That shows why his websites are selling like mad.

I lost my cool today when the same problem arose,though this time the deadline was next Tuesday.My partner's solution was to copy from top selling sales letters and put everything in.I admit I was very sacastic about it.I told him to try it.He said that we would compete and see whose sales letter is better.I took up his challenge.After all I took Joe Vitale's course on Hypnotic Writing.

But if you ask me personally,I don't give a damn.I don't care whether I win or lose.Simply said,you need more time to write a good salesletter.With such a short time span,whatever that comes out will be rubbish.Anyway,we'll see about it............

I had this idea of giving away FREE E-books for people who come to the website to vote.So stay tuned on this.

I'm well-aware of his situation,he wants to break through so that he can come back to Singapore.That's why he wants to work fast.But you can't just rush through everything.I'm very confident of saying that sales copy can't be rushed because I've heard from the experts.

The next issue we argued about was about learning technical stuff.He mentioned that we need to know about database management and web designing.Personally,I haven't heard from Patric Chan,or Joe Vitale or Michael Glaspie and other internet marketing experts that you need to know all these to make a lot of money from your website.

He told me about this database expert who was making millions from residual income.I don't know anything,so I'm not going to say he's wrong.But the issue here is different views.He and I have different "education backgrounds" about the internet.

I realised that many people tell me that I need a programmer and web designer in my team.I was puzzled because I don't need those flashy sites.I just need a site with good sales copy.Flashy sites won't make you money.It'll only earn you "wow,what a cool site!".That's all.

Oh's not easy to deal with people...........I'm trying my best to accept his views as well.If you know me,I'm a person who insists my way if I know it's the right way,if I'm not sure,I'll shut up.At the same time,I hate quarrels and confrontations.It's tough.

But then............expect all these to happend.If you can survive through all these,your friendship and partnership will be stronger than ever.Meaning if you can accept each others' shortcomings.

I think it's the same for romance and relationships..............when you first meet,both are perfect in each other's eyes.Hahaha you'll hear "Oh.......she's so perfect." and "He's soooooo sweet."Hahaha few months later you hear something obscenely different..............

I went through it before.........

Don't be overly excited about the other person.Let time tell what kind of character he or she is..........then judge for yourself.I've learnt it the hard way.Last time got played out by a few bitches.I'm very careful nowdays about people.

Hahaha okok,it has been a long post.I just had to get it off my chest.I was rather frustrated just now.I don't hold anything against my partner,he's just inexperienced in certain areas that's all.He's a nice guy,always ready to help his friends.It's just a difference in opinion between us.

Thank you for reading my long post.I'm not exactly sure when will my next post be.I promise to blog as soon as I possibly can.There will be more life-improving content coming in for sure.So in the meantime,take care and God bless you.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Which Are The 3 Influences That Makes You STAY BROKE In Life?Part 2

Before I begin,I apologise for my late post.You were supposed to hear from me last night..........but I didn't sleep the night before doing business stuff.I fell asleep while waiting for my mum to finish using the computer.

You'll hear from where I left off..............

The 2nd influence is..................


What did you see when you were young?

What were your parents and guardians like in the arena of money when you were growing up?
Did one or both of them manage their money well or did they mismanage it?
Were they spenders or savers?
Were they shrewd investors or were they non-investors?
Were they risk-takers or conservative?

Whatever you see from young,creates what you are today.As you know the saying "Monkey see,monkey do."

There's this story about a woman who prepares a ham for dinner by cutting off both ends.Her bewildered husband asks why she cut off the ends.She replies,"That's how my mum cooked it."Well,it just so happended that her mum was coming for dinner tonight.So they asked her why she cut off the ends of the ham.Mom replies,"That's how my mum cooked it."

So they decided to call grandma on the phone and ask why she cut off the ends of the ham.Her answer?"Because my pan was too small!"

The point is that generally speaking,we tend to be identical to one or a combination of our parents in the arena of money.

Here's a story about another participant from the seminar.............

This elderly went up to the stage sobbing............the author asked him what was wrong.He said "I'm 63 years old and I've been reading books and going to seminars since they were invented.I've seen every speaker and tried everything they taught.I've tried stocks,real estate,and been in over a dozen different businesses.I went back to University and got an MBA.I've got more knowledge than 10 average men,yet I never made it financially.I'd always get a good start but end up empty-handed,and in all those years I never knew why.I thought I must just be plain old stupid.......until today.

"Finally,after listening to you and doing the processes,it all makes sense.There's nothing wrong with me.I just had my dad's money blueprint stuck in my head and that's been my nemesis.My dad went through the heart of the Depression era.Everyday he would try getting jobs or selling things and come home empty-handed.I wish I would have understood modelling and money patterns forty years ago.What a waste of time,all that learning and knowledge has been."He began to cry even harder.

The author replied,"No way is your knowledge a waste of time!It has just been latent,waiting in a 'mind' bank,waiting for the opportunity to come out.Now that you have formulated a 'success blueprint',everything that you have learnt will become usable and you will skyrocket to success."

And indeed,he has accumulated more wealth in the last 18 months than in the past 18 years combined.

This phase should sound very familiar to you."Save for a rainy day."So should you save for a rainy day?

NO,absolutely not.If you save for a rainy day,you will get rainy days!

But don't get me wrong.You should still save.Instead of saving for a rainy day,focus on saving for a JOYOUS DAY or save for your FINANCIAL FREEDOM!

It was mentioned earlier that you either model your parents' behaviour over money or you become the exact opposite.Why would that happend?Does anger and rebellion ring a bell?In short,it depends on how pissed off you are towards them.

When our buttons are pushed,we freak out and what comes out sounds like "I hate you.I'll never be like you.When I grow up,I'm gonna be rich.Then I'll get whatever I want whether you like it or not."

Hey,that sounds so much like me.Did you make that comment before?Sometimes you get so pissed off that you wish there and then you were rich,just to opposite your parents or relatives who run you down.Ever had that happening?

What is your motivitation for becoming rich and successful?This is important...........because if you want to "prove" people wrong or just to'll find out what will happen by reading on..............

Many people who come from poor families become angry and rebellious about it.They either go out and get rich or at least have the motivation to do so.Whether such people get rich or work their bums off trying to become successful,they are usually not happy.Why?

Because their root of motivation for money is anger and resentment.Consequently,money and anger become linked in their minds,and the more money such individuals have or strive for,the angrier they get.

Eventually,the higher self says,"I'm tired of being angry and stressed out.I just want to be peaceful and happy."So they ask the same mind that created the link what to do about this situation.To which their mind answers,"If you want to get rid of your anger,you're going to have to get rid of your money."So they do.They get rid of their money subconsciously.

The result is overspending,wrong investment decisions.In short,they lose all their money.If they don't get rid of the anger,this cycle will keep repeating.They will never be happy no matter how much money they have or don't have.

If your motivation for acquiring money or success comes from a nonsupportive root such as fear,anger,or the need to "prove" yourself,your money will never bring you happiness.

Let's touch a little bit on fear.Do you sometimes have these thoughts in your mind?

"What if I lose what I have made?" or "Everyone's going to want what I have." or "I'm going to get creamed in taxes."

All these thoughts are stopping you from making good money and living happily.How can you get out of this cycle?Simple.............

By unlinking your money motivation from anger,fear,and the need to prove yourself,you can install new links for earning your money through purpose,contribution and joy.That way,you'll never have to get rid of your money to be happy.

OK,it's time for exercises again................

AWARENESS:Consider the ways of being and habits your parents had about money and wealth.Write down how you may be identical or opposite to either of them.

UNDERSTANDING:Write down the effect this modelling has on your life.

DISASSOCIATION:Can you see this way of being is only what you learnt and isn't you?Can you see you have a choice in the present moment to be different?

DECLARATION:Place your hand over your heart and say...

"What I modelled around money was their way.I choose my way."

Touch your head and say...

"I have a millionaire's mind!"

We have come to an end for today's part.Stay tuned for part 3.I'm not feeling well today,go to go and eat dinner now and rest.Besides,I have plenty to do for my business.Have fun with changing your blueprint!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Which Are The 3 Influences That Makes You STAY BROKE In Life?Part 1

Welcome back again!I was wondering what to share with you tonight.There were many things which I felt were very good to share.Among all the good stuff,I think what you will be hearing in the preceding paragraphs are the BEST among the lot of information I wanted to share.

You'll probably hear about the other stuff in the next few days.

Let's begin...............

I'm picking out points from T.Harv Eker's book,"Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind".You probably know,this is the book that showed me who I really am when I was down-trodden.I'm excited for you,because what you will be reading about will bring you closer to becoming a rich man.

What determines the amount of money you'll have?

Education?Your job?Your wealth luck?Your rich relatives?The number of lottery tickets you buy?

Answer is..............ALL OF THE ABOVE may play a part,but they DO NOT determine how much money you'll have.

Your MONEY BLUEPRINT or MONEY THERMOSTAT will determine how much money you'll have.You can also say that your money blueprint is the beliefs you have towards money.Certain beliefs are in your sub-conscious mind,you have no idea that they exist.

Don't worry,you will be taught how to change your MONEY BLUEPRINT by the end of this post.Just keep reading on.

Next,let's talk about the 3 influences that makes you stay broke in life.............if you are not wealthy,these 3 things may be obstructing your path towards being a rich man.

They are............

First:Verbal Programming(What did you hear when you were young?)

Second:Modelling(What did you see when you were young?)

Third:Specific Incidents(What did you experience when you were young?)

Let's go through each of them in detail.............


What did you hear when you were young?Does the following sound familiar?

1.Money is the root of all evil.

2.Save your money for a rainy day.

3.Rich people are greedy.

4.Rich people are criminals.

5.Filthy rich.

6.You have to work hard to make money.

7.Money doesn't grow on trees.

8.You can't be rich and spiritual.

9.Money doesn't buy happiness.

10.Money talks.

11.The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

12.That's not for people like us.

13.Not everyone can be rich.

14.There's never enough.

15.We can't afford it.

I believe you have heard more than 5 of those statements above.These statements get programmed into your sub-conscious mind and cause you to "repel" money.Next,you'll hear about a story of how Stephen,a participant of the Millionaire Mind Seminar went from being broke to a millionaire.

Stephen was earning over $800,000 per year and had been doing so for the past 9 years.Yet he was still barely scrapping by.Somehow he managed to spend his money,lend it,or lose it all by making poor investment decisions.Whatever his reason,his networth was exactly zero.

Stephen shared that when he was growing up,his mum used to always say,"Rich people are greedy.They make their money off the sweat of the poor.You should have just enough to get by.After that you're a pig."

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what was going on inside Stephen's sub-conscious mind.No wonder he was broke.He was verbally conditioned by his mother to believe that rich people are greedy.Therefore,his mind linked up rich with greedy,which of course is bad.Since he didn't want to be bad,subconsciously he couldn't be rich.

Stephen loved his mum and didn't want her to disapprove of him.Obviously,based on her beliefs,if he were to get rich,she wouldn't approve.Therefore,the only thing for him to do is to get rid of any extra money beyond just getting by,otherwise he'd be a pig!

Now,you would think that in choosing between being rich and being approved of by Mom or anyone else for that matter,most people would take being rich.Not a chance!The mind just doesn't work that way.Sure,riches would seem to be the logical choice.But when the sub-conscious mind must choose between deeply rooted emotions and logic,emotions will always win.

Let's go back to our story.In less than 10 minutes,using some extremely effective experiential techniques,Stephen's Blueprint changed dramatically.In two years,he went from being broke to becoming a millionaire.

The next story is about the author himself.When he was young,his father would sit down at the dinner table with the newspaper,check the stock pages,slam his fists on the table and shout,"Those stinkin stocks!"

He then spend the next half hour ranting about how stupid the whole system is and how you have a better chance of making money playing slot machines in Las Vegas.

After many years after growing up,the author was unable to make any money from stocks.This programming caused his results.He was programmed to pick the wrong stock at the wrong time sub-consciously.

After he reconditioned his mind,he started to make money from stocks.

Now,it's time to show you how to change your money blueprint for this part............

AWARENESS:Write down all the statements you heard about money,wealth and rich people when you were young.

UNDERSTANDING:Write down how you believe these statements have affected your financial life so far.

DISASSOCIATION:Can you see that these thoughts represent only what you learned and are not part of your anatomy and not who you are?Can you see that you have a choice in the present moment to be different?

DECLARATION:Place your hand over your heart and say...
"What I heard about money isn't necessarily true.I choose to adopt new ways of thinking that support my happiness and success."
Touch your head and say...
"I have a millionaire's mind."

Alright,that's all for tonight.Stay tuned for the other parts.Right now,concentrate on doing the exercise.See you tomorrow night for part 2.

Friday, July 21, 2006

TRUE Personal Ghost Encounter Part 2 & A Message From GOD Today

Hi,I am back again.Did you miss me?

It was a tiring trip to Penang.But in life,you have to fight for your future.Success always comes with a price.Pay it and you won't regret for the rest of your life.I had to get out of my comfort zone and travel all alone to Penang to attend a course which will help me in my new career.

Got into debt for the whole thing.I needed the money for expenses and the course.You'll read about how God cancelled the debt for me.Praise Him.He's always blessing me in many ways.Of course,my enemies were very jealous..............but I remember in the bible,there's a verse that says that God will prepare a table with food for you.You will sit there and watch your enemies and they will see you eat as they try to attack you.But they can't touch you.It happended to me.

Since you are hearing about this..............I'll just complete this part of the story,before continuing with the TRUE Ghost Encounter Part 2.I know you are dying to hear about the next part,but let's just hear about God's goodness first.I want to give Him the Glory.

You probably know.............I borrowed 2000 plus dollars from my mum to go for this course.I told her I'll pay her back in monthly installments.If I make the money back,I'll increase the amount I'm paying her.She agreed.Praise God for my mum.If not for her,I would still be struggling.

I told the Pharoah about it,he told me that he couldn't sponsor me for the trip as he was fighting a war.My enemies are questioning him about sponsoring me for all the trips.As you have seen in June's posts.I was fine with it.After all,it's my own future.When you are building your future,you do you best to depend on yourself.But if God sends someone to help you,accept it.

I was back on Tuesday morning and had to work on Wednesday morning.It was really tiring,had to rest for a while before continuing with my usual work.Wednesday morning,the Pharoah asked me how much I spent in total for my trip............I told him the full amount.

He said that this is the last time he would help me,because many people are complaning about me going on trips so frequently.They said that I'm leading a retiree's life.The fact is I am not.It's just that they are ignorant of what I am doing.

I am fine with that,after all,I don't want losers to spread their negativity to me.Besides,I'm not leading a retiree's life,I'm leading a super-blessed life.PRAISE GOD!!As a son of God,I am really blessed.Before and after the trip,I am blessed all the way!

My enemies made a lot of comments,saying that I don't know the value of future is doomed.(HAHAHAHAHAHA you believe so?)And all sort of negative things you can think about.The Pharoah told me he was in a very difficult position.He told me that I must not tell anyone that he blessed me with the money for the entire trip.

Then he asked me "Am I really helping you or harming you?" I told him not to worry,this is the biggest favour he can do for me.And I am really grateful.Not only that,I know that God will bless him too,although he's not a believer.

Oh well,the moral of the story is this........when you are under God's protection,your enemies can't touch you.They can rant and rave all they like,but they can't affect you.Like it or not,you are still blessed.Which makes them really frustrated.Hahahaha

I'll tell you what God said to me today.This is something important and I think you can benefit from it.............

You probably know my character..........I hate it when people treat me unfairly.I always treat others fairly.When I knew that those bastards back-stabbed me............the first reaction was to get even with them.I had this nice drama script planned out,just to spite them and be sacarstic to them.

For the past 2 days,I've been working out how to get back at them................BUT................Today..........

God spoke to me.He said that I am degrading myself to their level if I got even with them.....not only that,I am allowing STRIFE in my life,which gives Saturn a chance to get a hold on me......

God showed me this analogy of a leper(a person with leprosy).If a leper punched you.........would you punch back?Chances are you won't.Because you don't want to be afflicted.Similarly with these bastards.............if I start to get even with them,I'm inviting strife into my life.........and I am going down to their level of being negative and jealous...........and then the vicious cycle starts..........

What a great analogy!

God said this "If I am with you,who can be against you?".Which is perfectly true.Try as they did to sabotage me,those bastards didn't succeed.Since I've already got my debt cancelled,why should I try to get back at them?Their plan has already failed,that's already bad enough for them.Why "dirty" my hands?

So if someone tries to bring you down,what will you do.............................?

Get angry?Try to plot revenge?Work harder to prove them wrong?


The answer is try to live happily and be prosperous.The better you are in life,the more jealous and angry they get.Don't have to whack them back.Why degrade yourself?????


So in this case,God has prepared a table for me to eat............I am sitting there,relaxed.........looking at my enemies as they try,in a futile attempt to "harm" me.Praise God.I hope this testimonial will inspire and lead you to believe God and rely on Him more for your life.Our heavenly Father always wants to bless us.As His children,we must understand His heart towards us,and not buy what the Devil says.

The devil is a deceiver.But use God's word against him,he'll flee from you in 7 directions.

Time for Ghost story.............this happended in the same year as the previous story.........

2001 July................After passing my driving test,I was waiting for my enlistment for National Service.My youngest aunt called me up for lunch,she wanted to hear about my ghost encounter at Mandai Crematorium.I agreed to go..............

We met at Tampines Mall Ponderosa for lunch.It was a wonderful meal,I had steak,as I related the encounter to her..........then I asked her if she had ever been to the Old Changi Hospital......She said no,and asked if I wanted to go that day.

I said I didn't mind.But it was only the two of us,will we encounter anything?She was apprehensive.But later she told me that she had a Buddha pendant with her.I was quite happy to go because I wanted to find out if there was any old toilets there.

We took bus 29 from Tampines Interchange to Hendon Road.A few nights ago,I went with the Pharoah and the other bastards,we went up a hill and saw the hospital there.But it was all pitch dark.I decided to go up the hill again that day.

We reached the Old Changi Hospital at 4:20pm.It was very quiet as usual,as that place is abandoned.We walked up the slope............the old building loomed nearer and nearer...........and finally,we hit the entrance.

It looked like an old mansion.I wondered if we were at the right place.My aunt suggested that we go in and explore.A musty smell greeted us as we walked into the building.The paint on the walls were falling off,and there were debris all over the floor.It wasn't a good sight.

I asked my aunt again if we were at the right place......................then if someone heard us...............a strong smell of medicine greeted us.After a few seconds,the smell "disappeared".

Sensing something wrong,we ventured deeper into the building until we reached another corridor.There were windows along that corridor and on the right side there was a ward.When we almost reached the end of the corridor,my aunt told me to look out,her daughter saw a little girl at the end of the corridor waving at her when she was there.

I went to that spot but didn't see anything.Anyway,we turned back to go outside of the building.As we were leaving,the strong medicine smell came again.And same the previous encounter,the smell "disappeared" after a few seconds.I was pretty curious about what happended,I walked back again...........and I discovered that....................

The smell only came when I was standing in-between the frame of the door leading to the other corridor.I walked over the frame and didn't smell anything.I walked back to the other side,still no smell.Only when I stood in the middle then the smell came.It was pretty strange.

After that,we decided to leave the place and try to find the other entrance to the hospital.We walked down the slope once again and walked along the road leading to Changi Village.On the way we found a staircase leading up to the hospital.We decided to venture upwards.

This time we ended up at the canteen of the hospital.There was nothing much there,only an abadoned stall and some old Coca Cola Stickers on the wall.We got through the canteen and reached another part of the hospital.

There were 2 parts to the hospital,one has 5 stories while the other had only 2 stories.We have been to the 5th storey just now and we decided to go to the shorter building.There was a door leading into the building.It was very dark inside.We went in..............that place seemed like a specialist clinic in the active days.

The whole place was quite stuffy.There was no ventilation in there...............THEN.................IT CAME.....................

Suddenly,there was a cold wind blowing around us.It made my hair stand and send a shiver down my spine.My aunt whispered that we were not alone...........we had better leave.As she was talking,she took out her pendant..................

The wind subsided.Everything seemed calm once again.We quickly left the place and walked down to the main road.I went back and told the Pharoah about this.He became excited and wanted to go and explore the place.

The next time,9 of us went...........and to his disappointment,there was nothing.

If you want to encounter those "things",you must minimise the number of people in your group.Too many humans around,they won't come out.

OK,that concludes my ghostly encounters.Actually there are more.But I think we should move on to Prosperity stuff.This is only for entertainment purposes.

Tomorrow,you will hear about something very important about money.I'm sure you'll love it.So stay tuned.God bless you and have a wonderful night!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

TRUE Personal Ghost Encounter Part 1..........My 1st Encounter With A Ghost.

Do you believe in ghosts?Have you ever seen or encountered?

Maybe yes,maybe no.............I had seen and experience these "things" a few times.You will hear my story about Mandai Crematorium for tonight.If there's more time,you'll hear about the others as well.If not,you'll hear the next parts when I return next Tuesday.

Before I begin,if you are faint-hearted,please stop reading............I don't want to be responsible for your sleepless night.*smile*

By the way,speaking of these things,I watched "Re-cycle" today.It was quite a nice show,though it wasn't that scary."The Eye" was really scary."Re-cycle" is more about storyline that horror.The storyline is good.Worth a watch.

Pull up a chair and relax...............hug someone tight if you need too...........Let's begin............

This incident happended to me 5 years May 2001.If I didn't remember the date wrongly,it's 16th May 2001.

A few days before 16th May 2001.........

I was on bus 138,just took it to the zoo and back to Ang Mo Kio interchange.On the way,I discovered Mandai Crematorium.

At that time,I didn't know Mandai Crematorium existed.I thought there was only Mount Vernon and Bright Hill.I was very excited about all these places,because I love to explore old,unrenovated toilets.You probably know this hobby of mine.

Why choose these places?Because the toilets of these places are usually not renovated.Reason is simple,because not many people go to these places.I was hoping to find nice toilets there.

From the bus,I tried to view the Crematorium.I couldn't,for it was too far it.If I wanted to go in,I would have to alight and walk in.I knew I would have to go back to Mandai Crematorium someday.Made my way back to Ang Mo Kio Interchange and kept wondering what kind of toilets I would find there............

Saturday came..........I asked the Pharoah if he wanted to explore a new place that I have discovered.He said yes.We drove to Mandai Crematorium.It was 8:40 PM at night.Unfortunately the gates were locked.I was rather disappointed.

When we approached the place,it looked really eerie.Darkness covered everything beyond the gate.I felt excited.............that place sure looks haunted.I made a firm decision to explore it.

16th May 2001 came............I did not particularly choose that day.It so happended that after my driving lessons at Bukit Batok Driving Center,I tried to ask Alex(one of my friends) out for dinner.He declined because he just got attached and wanted to be with his girlfriend.

Sometimes in life,you got to fend for yourself.If you depend too much on people,you'll be disappointed.Well,it's ok.I'm used to going out alone anyway.I's the day I'll explore Mandai Crematorium.................

I was very excited.I took a train down from Bukit Gombak to Ang Mo Kio.Through the whole journey,I couldn't wait to reach Mandai.................

Before I continue,back then,Mandai Crematorium was not like what it is today.No new buildings,only the few old blocks.It was very eerie even during daytime.

I reached the bus stop at 1615 hrs...............Crossed the road and walked in...........the whole place was very quiet.After a while,I reached the gates...............there was a very unwelcoming feeling.I felt uncomfortable...........But I told myself,I won't leave this place until I see my toilets.........

I proceeded on beyond the gate............the grey,gloomy old blocks appeared nearer and I walked,a chill came from the bottom of my spine..............but I continued walking.

Finally,I reached the main building.There was a location map in the open.The first thing I went to find is the toilet.I saw it,it is at the block at my left side,where the main office is.I walked towards the block,pass the office.There was someone working there,which lessened my fear.

I walked into the was very eerie.There were more than 10 cubicles in there.They were lined up in a straight row,from the entrance to the other end.It was a very big toilet.All the tiles were gray in color and the doors were made of wood.The whole place felt gloomy and eerie.Behind the sinks were the urinals.Many hidden corners inside.

I checked out the brands of the sitting and squatting toilets and made my way out.I wasn't in the mood to pee there.It was too eerie.Imagine if you were peeing halfway and suddenly something appears..........

I found out that the squatting ones were Johore Pipe Company and the sitting ones were American Standard.All were not renovated.Johore Pipe Company was in trend during the 80s to early 90s.After satisfying my curiousity,I made my way out.

Before I left the place,I tried to find out where they cremate the bodies..............I went back to the map and checked the location of the furnances.They were at the building just in front of me.It had the height of a 2 storied building,but there was only 1 floor.It had a very high ceiling.From far,it looked like a prison cell.There were many vertical wooden bars covering it.But it's actually a big hall.

I was wondering why was it designed in this way?I couldn't even see the furnance.It looked like some kind of prison.................My eyes were scanning the whole area for the furnance............

THEN SUDDENLY......................I saw something................

It was standing at one of the corners of the hall.Beside the corner,there was a door.I got shocked.What the hell was that?A very cold chill came up my spine.................

I tried to keep calm,turned my body slowly and once I faced the outside,I started to run.......until I reached the bus stop.I was really shocked............

It was 1637 hrs in the afternoon..........the sun wasn't that bright.

What did I see?I'll describe it to you.

This thing has an oval shaped body and an oval shaped head.It has no hands or legs.No nose,no mouth,no ears,only a pair of eyes.The eyes look just like human eyes,just that they are red in color and vertical.Imagine the human eyes being rotated 90 degrees clockwise........

The body and head were white in color.Light could pass through it.The pair of eyes were glaring at me.Luckily I was wearing sunglasses,that's why there was no direct eye contact between us.The glare made all my hair stand.I was so shocked that I ran all the way till I reached the bus stop.

I called up Alex.Asked him what was the thing I saw.At first I didn't believe it was something "dirty",because those things came out at night,not in the day time.Alex told me that after 3pm,those things start to get active.If they are very strong,they can come out during daytime.

I can never forget that glare for as long as I live.It's really scary.I couldn't sleep that night.The thing keep appearing in my mind.The next day I went to temple to pray and felt better.

OK,you'll hear the next story if there's time tomorrow.If not,see you after I come back.God bless.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

What's Your Attitude Towards Life & Death?Be Nice To Your Family While You Can...........

You may be wondering..........why a happy person like me talking about such a serious topic?

I'll tell you why...............just read Christopher's post and it was a really emotional post.It really makes me think about being grateful for and cherishing the people around us...........our family members and friends.............

It so happended that today was also my Granny's 13th Death Anniversary.Kind of had a lot of thoughts coming to mind after reading Christopher's post about his Ah Kong(Grandfather's demise).

Have you ever wondered............why do people cry during funerals,burial ceremonials and before cremation?

I've always wondered why............why do they cry?

13 years ago I didn't cry...........I saw everyone cry,but I didn't cry............I kind of accepted my granny's death as a natural occurance..........

Am I a cold person?Nope,I have emotions too.............but why cry when you know that it's inevitable that all of us have to leave this world someday?I feel that it's futile.Since the day you are born,you will surely die.

Tell you about my granny.............actually feel quite sorry for her at the end...........the period just before she got a stroke.............Before I start,let me give you a background of her...........

She was the 2nd wife of my grandfather.My grandfather had 4 wives.He was a playboy in his younger days.Because of the 3rd wife,my grandma was forced to leave the house,leaving my dad,Dennis Trident,the Pharoah and Porno King behind.

Years later,then she tried to find them back.Without her around,the 4 of them were bullied by the 3rd and 1st wife.They were treated like 3rd class citizens.Not enough pocket money to spend,no one to care for them and living in fear everyday.........fearing that the 3rd wife will backstab them in front of my grandfather and get them into trouble.

When they reunited with her,she tried to work hard to give them more pocket money,and to celebrate Christmas with them yearly,with presents.She did her best to keep the 4 of them happy.

Let's fast foward to the 1990s.........

She always looked forward to go out with the whole family during the weekends,but the Pharoah was always very impatient with her,telling her to walk faster and putting pressure on her just because she was slow.

Dennis Trident was even better.............she made my granny sign credit card for the jewellery she bought.When the Pharoah questioned them about the bill,she pushed all the blame to my granny.In the later years,my grandfather's 4th wife(remarried) somehow got "reunited" with us through some links.

The 4th wife gave jewellery to Dennis Trident as gifts.As a result,Dennis Trident stopped going out with my granny.Instead she kept going out with the 4th wife(she's quite a nice person anyway) and my granny was very upset.

Hey,what to do when you have children like that?

Porno King as usual,heck care about everything.

Though my dad is sometimes wrong in his attitude,one thing that I look up to him is that he's final.Among all the 4,he treats my granny the best.Whenever the Pharoah throws temper at my granny,he's the one to speak up for her and fight for benefits for her.He is the one who remembers what she has done for them when they were kids.

May 3rd 1993 Morning..............the Pharoah called up to say that my granny can't get out of bed.She felt numb.We rushed to her house..........on the way the Pharoah seemed to be impatient,he said "Damn,I hope she gets a stroke,so old already still don't die."My dad scolded him for that comment.

We rushed her to hospital.She was warded for a few weeks,then she got better and went home.Dennis Trident tried to find a maid to take care of her.There was this 52 year old lady from Malaysia who came to fill the position.I didn't like her very much,I found her very "fake".She's always sucking up to the Pharoah.

I heard from my dad that my granny was being scolded by the Pharoah for requesting for the fan to be switched off because she felt cold.Pharoah said that the maid was hot,so she should allow the maid to switch on the fan.

The best thing was this,after sucking up to Pharoah,every Sunday,she was entitled to go with us to Johore Bahru,just because she said that she knew the area well and could be our guide.What nonsense!She's meant to take care of my granny,what the hell is doing outside with us at Johore Bahru?What about my granny?

So you can see,there's no fairness here in this family...........

I think they sent my granny for physiotherapy.She went to a nursing home to stay for a while then she went back home.Granny felt very lonely,she tried to call up her children to talk to them.But none of them seemed interested in entertaining her.Their reason was that she didn't want to put in effort in exercising,so they want to make her realise that if she don't put in effort in the exercises,they will not talk to her.It was meant for her own good.

Few days later............she had a 2nd stroke............this time she had to go into ICA(Intermediate Care Area).I knew somehow this time she won't survive.She couldn't even talk..........only can open her eyes and look at us............

This went on till Sunday 11th July 1993.............finally she was able to be released from all these pain.

As usual..........the bunch of clowns cried till they drop...........why bother crying?Why bother crying about something which is inevitable?Why can't we treat a person well when he/she is alive?Why can't we be more accomodating towards old people,who are slower in walking?

They cried from hospital to sending off to Mount Vernon..............Goodness many tears to shed.........I wouldn't waste my energy and strength crying.............

Question to ask myself is this............when this person is alive,have I done my job as a (whatever relationship)?If I had done everything I can,there's nothing to cry about.We'll see each other again in's as simple as that.

You want to know why people cry so hard sometimes?It's because of selfishness.............why selfishness?Because they felt that they had mistreated the late person.They don't feel good.Now that the person is gone,they feel very bad.But what's the use?

If they want to,they might try commiting suicide and join the deceased in the other world,and start treating the person well..................OK,I know I sound bad...........but it's a fact.We should cherish our loved ones...........especially our immediately family............our parents,brothers and sisters.

Though God promised that with a long good life,he'll satisfy us.But why wait till everything is too late?We should start thinking that it would be better for them to mistreat us than we mistreat them.At least our consciousness is clear.

Friends,death is something that no one can escape.It's part of life.What we should do is to live our lives a fulfilled life.Be a blessing to others.Whatever you do,humans may not know,but God knows.Of course we are not trying to claim credit from God.But if we can do good for others,why not?

I personally hate attending funerals and ceremonies..............I hate to see people crying.It irks me............and affects my mood very much.I've decided on this................

During my funeral,no one is to cry.Even when they send me off,no one is to cry.I want the laughter that I brought to this world to continue after I have left.It would be good to have pop music during the funeral,especially those techno ones that make people dance.

I shall be looking down from Heaven and smiling at everyone.

Oh well,back to the crying case.............I'm not saying everyone is like what I mentioned.Of course there are some people who can't bear the demise of their loved ones.My heart goes out to all of them.I pray that God will bless humans with the wisdom of looking beyond death.

That God will take away all the hurt and sorrow that these people are suffering through.I know it's impossible to take away all the hurt and sorrow from this world.But at the best.

If everyone treats each other well,we would be living in a better world right?Start today by speaking kind words to those around you.Start to appreciate your family members,while they are still with you.Be grateful to God for your family and friends.You'll be happier my friend.*smile*

That's my sharing for tonight.This is also a tribute to my granny.I do miss her at times though.But I know that certain things happended for her highest good.

Since Christopher spoke about Mandai Crematorium,I'll share about my personal TRUE GHOST ENCOUNTERS tomorrow night.It's going to be interesting...........Stay tuned.

Monday, July 10, 2006

More On Emotional Freedom And "What's Stopping You From Being Rich?"

Greetings,you may be thinking that you are reading the wrong blog.............

Fret not,it's the same old blog,just that the title has been changed.If you notice,the previous title was not very captivating.

I hope to reach a larger audience.Not to satisfy my ego,but to benefit more people.Wouldn't this world be a better place,if everyone knew how to have what they want,without having to backstab and compete?

Although this may only make a minor difference,I hope you are blessed by reading this blog.

Before you read about today's topic,there were some additional points for yesterday's post that came to mind.

First,it's another application of being emotional will hear about 2 characters in my family that I apply this thinking on...........

One of them is Porno King's wife.She's quite a nice person,interesting and funny to talk to.Can be very entertaining.............

But she's always the best.To her,she has the MIDAS TOUCH.Everything that is related to her is THE BEST.Whenever you give her a gift,she'll have a lot of negative comments to make about the's not trendy enough,too big,too small,too sweet,too name it...........

Well,my mum got very upset with her.My mum always gave her gifts out of goodwill.Sometimes bought nice food for her to try.Instead of being grateful,she always had negative comments like "it's not as good what I bought at................."

I advised my mum not to get affected by her comments,after all,she just wants to prove that she's the best.The simplest way out is to not buy anything for her or give her anything.If you really want to give,just give,be grateful that you can give and ignore her comments.

I gave her a can of kaya I bought during my visit to Segamat.She told me that it was too sweet and she claimed that the Pharoah made the same comment.Well,fine,I've done my job of blessing her already.She can say whatever she wants.

The 2nd option is more difficult to execute,but it will bring you more blessings.

Another person that likes to be the BEST is my aunt's(mum's eldest sister) husband.He has this hobby of running others down.Whatever he suggests is the best.This is one of the few flaws of his character.He's actually a generous and straightforward person.Not those "fakers".

Makes a good friend if you can accept his bragging and running you down.

Anyway,he likes to ask me to recommend good places for food then say "Ai yah,I know that place,it sucks,I know of a better place,it's at.................."I made the mistake of recommending to him the places I feel are good when we met last time.

Now I'll just learn to shut up and let him be smart.In life,there are certain times you need to be quiet and emotionally detached to what is being said.

If you take what these 2 chaps say seriously,you'll feel upset and hurt.One of my quotes:"Let the "smart" be "smart".You don't need them to tell you how smart you are."

One last thing before you read about today's topic..............If you have read yesterday's post,you might want to learn about EFT(Emotionally Freedom Techniques) which is mentioned in one of the previous posts.It's posted on 27th June.It works very well,I tested it myself.

It's 5:23 AM now............actually finished the above at 2 AM.Was wondering what good information to share with you.............until I finished listening to Paul Zane Pilzer and something came to mind....................

So what's stopping you from being rich?Religion?Family?Friends?Beliefs?Enviroment?Circumstances?

Or maybe the question should be what's stopping you from wanting to become rich?

Well,what is your reason?

Mine used to be "don't know how to become rich","no point being rich,rich people are evil and unhappy","I have no money luck","I'm destined to be average,not rich.Only enough to survive","I am poor but happy","I have to be unscrupulous to become rich.I don't want to be unscrupulous."

Are yours similar to those reasons that used to be mine?

Let me share a story with you.............about the evolving of my prosperity conscious............

Frankly,when I first started out,I was anti-prosperity.Looking back,I had a lot of negative beliefs about money.This story begins during the age of 7..............when I started to handle money...............

When I started school,my parents started to give me pocket money..........but I remember very vividly on the first day of school,I didn't receive any money.Probably my dad forgot to give me my pocket money..........

During recess time,my friend John and I went to the school canteen.Back then,during the old St.Michael's School canteen at Essex Road,there were only 3 stalls,if I didn't remember wrongly.........

There was the Fishball Stall,the Malay Stall and the Drink Stall.I made my way to the Fishball Stall with John.Had nothing in my pocket..........I remember suggesting to John to buy a stick of 3 Fishballs for 50 cents.

The lady at the stall asked me what I wanted to buy.Being innocent,I answered that I had no money.She told me "If you have no money,get lost!".It was quite hurting to a 7 year old kid.

I didn't tell my parents about this incident,but I was envious of other kids who had pocket money to spend.Thank God,the next day I received my first allowance.It was only 60 cents.But better than nothing right?

I was very happy,went to buy Fishballs during recess time.But I had only 10 cents left.That was when the lack mentality of money started.The scarcity mentality towards money.

I realise this now............Since young,I loved to buy the best item that's avaliable.I loved to be extravagant.OK,Lillian Too's Astrology Book said that men born in Monkey year are all like that.She is right for my case.

The difference between now and then was this..........back then,I felt it was bad to spurge on things.I felt that in life,there's always scarcity.I always have to live in lack.Everything wasn't enough.

Though the circumstances were like that,I tried to think of ways and means to make more money.Ways and means of getting whatever I wanted.I'm ashamed to admit............that I used to steal from my classmates during recess time.When I saw something they had that I wanted,I would steal from them.

That was really bad.When you covert after what others have,you are indirectly telling yourself that you are poor.That you don't have and you desparately need it,thereby pushing it away from you.

Stealing is very bad.I could have got into trouble if I was caught back then.

Well,the good thing that happended was this,I did use the correct way to make money.I started to sell sweets to my schoolmates on the school bus.I remember when my school moved to Gentle Road,there was an Indian Store beside my school that sold sweets,ice cream and toys.I used to frequent the store to buy sweets to sell on the bus.

I managed to turn 60 cents into 2 dollars,which was a lot back then,for a 7 year old kid.Hey,I was rich...........I went to the Ice Cream Man and bought my favourite Magnolia Space Cone,which caused 80 cents.I only get to eat that if my mum comes to school to fetch me.

Now,I was able to afford it on my own.I was so proud of happiness came to an abrupt end when I reached home.I told my parents what I did and they scolded me for making money off my school mates.I was "demoralised" by what they said,but I ignored it.

I continued to "do business" on the school bus..............until one day.............someone complained about me doing business on the bus.Damn it,I was called to see the teacher.It was my chinese teacher,Madam Chio.

She said "This is a school,you come to school to learn,not to do business.One more time I catch you doing that,you'll get into trouble."

I had no choice but to promise that I won't do business again.I felt really bad that day,as if I was the greatest sinner on Earth.But come to think of it,was I really that bad??

Last time I thought I was bad to make money off my school mates,but now my perception changed over the years.........I am providing them with a service.I'm getting the sweets for them,if they buy from me,they don't have to rush to the store after school and risk missing the bus.The risk is on me.

I am fulfilling their needs..............serving them.

If you are thinking that "Speaking about money hurts feelings"(A chinese saying).I agree,but it depends on what circumstances.We are looking at a business situation now.

Oh well,that's just one incident...............another incident was also from childhood...........I remember there was one time,the Pharoah gave me 10 bucks to buy food.I went and spent nearly everything.When I went back,he commented that I'm very good at spending money.

Well,I was at fault.As a kid,I didn't know how to "automatic".From then on,I was labelled as a spendthrift.The funny thing was this...............I started to hate money.

Yes,you heard me right,I started to hate money.Because it was wrong to spend and money gave me a "bad name".Sounds silly right?It's the truth.I don't think like normal people.

Because of that,my cousin Richard was elected as the Treasurer.Whenever we go out on weekends,he would be in-charge of paying the bills and expenses.Now the tradition still remains.My dad used to scold me for being stupid,for bringing myself a bad name by overspending.That made it worse...........I started to hate money more..........

Although I hated money back then.............I was jealous of my cousin.......that he had access to so much money,whereas I had nothing.And back then,my granny(Dad's mother) always commented that he was a good boy and I wasn't.My parents made the same comments too.

And I started to hate Richard as well.I did many things to make life unpleasant for him.Calling him names,picking fights and etc...............

OK,since they are not going to let me have money,I'm going to get money with using own means.I went to school...............and started to extort money from classmates.Oh my God.........I was really a bad boy.Well,those who said I was bad were right.I don't disagree with them.

I would extort money from a few classmates,one of them was Rui Yang and another was Benny.Bless them,they were really nice people.Whenever I asked them for money,they would give me.There was once Benny treated me during recess time.The 2 of them were from wealthy families.

Both their fathers were rich businessmen.Looking back,I really can't understand why I did all that....................when I came to know how to think,I was really ashamed of myself.

But back then,I was proud of being able to "get" money just to opposite those people.If they didn't want me to have money,I don't care,I was still going to get money anyway.No one can stop me.

OK,my character is still the same,if I decide I want something,nothing can stop me.But for now,I won't use underhand methods to get what I want.I believe in law of cause and effect.

So that was primary school days................secondary school days usual,there was "not enough" again.I used to borrow money from my friends................

I had a hell lot of debts back then..........speak of prosperity consciousness...........I think mine was negative back then.

It was very difficult to survive,with only 2 bucks per day.I used to buy Dragon Ball Cards and Street Fighter Stickers to complete the sticker book.The worst thing that happended was day,a classmate asked if I wanted to buy his complete set of Dragon Ball Cards and Coloured Comic Books.

He wanted to sell everything at $180.I agreed to buy,I didn't bother back then if I was in debt.I told him I'll return by installments.He agreed.But one day,he told me to pay up everything.He told his gangster friends to threaten me,if I didn't pay up,I would get beaten up.

They even called up my home,to get the money from my parents.............I got a scolding when I returned home.But my dad gave me the money to pay them.The matter was settled...........but I lost ALL my Dragon Ball Cards And Comics.They were stolen from my bag when it was left in the school hall.Damn.

All this led me to believe that I had no "money luck".It was my destiny that I always lost money................

There was one occasion,I borrowed from my friend Melvin to buy CDs at Popular Book Store.I remembered it was Aaron Kwok's "Xin Ge"(Love Dove) album in 1996.The debts were reaching neck level.I had to think of a way out................

The answer came................."Magic The Gathering Cards".

I started to use my daily allowance to buy multiple packs of Magic Cards,hoping to get a Rare card from the pack and sell them for a fortune.I didn't manage to get "Jester's Cap",but I did get a few other good ones.

I made quite a lot from Magic cards to sustain my lifestyle.

Polytechnic days came.............I stopped my borrowing habits.Starting to grow older..........started to become more matured in thinking.

Although I stopped borrowing,money was still slipping out from my hands.............what was happening?

I realised it.........only recently..............I always bought junk.I used to buy things which were not that essential.I bought it because I was in a bad mood that day.Especially CDs.I have a lot of CDs which I seldom listen.Those we bought during moody days.


Year 2000 came.......there was this craze over MacDonald's Hello Kitty soft toys.I realised a business opportunity.I told Daniel to queue up for the toys with me.

We skipped lessons one day and went to queue.We started at 6am and got the toys at 4pm in the afternoon.By right we should have went back to school to sell them,but we were too tired.We went home instead.

I tried to promote online that night.Managed to get a buyer who wanted to pay $180 per pair.Wow,that was really good money.We agreed to meet the next day to trade.

We waited at Jurong East MRT Station for an hour,but he didn't turn up..............I started to get angry with fate,God,the universe or whatever you call it.Damn,everyone gets profits,but why am I always losing out?Why is it so unfair?

In the end I managed to sell all 4 pairs,2 of them at $80,1 of them at $40,the last one at $20(thanks to Daniel,he wanted to tackle this gal so he sold it to her at $20).I didn't say anything,because he queued for the Kittys too.

This belief came to mind.........."Whatever good things I have no share,only the bad things come to me............"

And it was true.(It wasn't true actually,but my belief made it true).

2001 was my final year in Polytechnic.I went to Noel Gifts for industrial attachment.The pay was quite low due to the fact that we were on attachment.Guess what?

My first pay was delayed.I was really pissed.And the belief set in again..........."I am always paid late.....if not,I'll lose my pay."

2003..............this was the turning point of my life............this was the year I found out that it was God's will for me to be rich and abundant.(I wasn't a Christian back then).

Although I knew it,I still didn't fully believe it....................

That year was also the year I began to tithe.I learnt the benefits of tithing 3 years ago.Now I am abundant.I don't lack anything.My money is always enough.If I finish,more will come.

And I found that my money wasn't lost so easily..........I didn't lose money because of paying through the nose for something I wanted.There were no more "sudden catastrophes" that made me lose money.My finances became more stable.

But then I still didn't want to be rich..........I had the belief that rich people are unhappy and bad.They are proud and arrogant,thinking that money can solve all problems.

I remember clearly,when I joined the Neways MLM Business,one of the leaders asked me,"Marco,how much do you want to earn per month?" I was baffled.I didn't know how much I wanted per month.

When they told me I could be a millionaire,I didn't believe it.I was thinking,what's the use?If I became a millionaire,I would lose my friends,because they would be jealous of me.My family might label me as "the unhappy,proud rich man".

Right now if you ask me,it's my birthright to be rich and successful.It's my birthright to enjoy life and to have all the finest things life can offer.Material and spiritual things.Because I am a child of the Richest God.

I don't care what's your religion.It is also your birthright to become rich and successful.Question you believe it?

I learnt this before I became a Christian,so I'm telling you that your religion don't matter.You are born to be rich and successful.Period.

After attending Bob Proctor's "You Were Born Rich" program,my life started to change..........I started to see possibilities that I didn't see before.........I knew from then on that I can be whatever I choose to become...............

I set my goal of becoming a millionaire by the age of 35.But then come to think of it now,it seems to be too long.I should be able to reach the millionaire status by the age of 30.

Dear friend,let me tell you this............3 years ago,I didn't know how was I going to become a millionaire.I had no clue at all.I only knew that I wanted to be a rich man.That's all.

Only 2 years ago,then I started to see this path showing up.........the path changed this year.........but every step I take is bringing me closer to my goal day by day...........

It is OK to be fearful when you aim.I was fearful too...........back then.What if it doesn't work?You'll hear all the "what ifs" coming up..........but don't bother about it,just go ahead to your destination.You may not know how you are going to reach it.But you will.If you decide to.

Interesting...........when your consciousness level changes,you lose friends.Hey,it should be SHOCKING!!!!!!

OKOK,don't get so shocked.It's true that you'll lose friends.But the fact is,you don't need these friends anyway.They are not for your highest good.I'm a person who treasures friendship.I hate to lose friends.

But right now,I am only concerned when I lose good friends.I don't give a damn about those people who try to run me down when I share my goals and dreams.I cut off contact with a few people who told me I wasn't able to make it.You don't have to bother with people like that.Let them go.They are not qualified to be your friend.

They drag you down with be very careful when choosing friends.Another important thing is to only share your dreams with the right people.Those who will encourage you and not those who get jealous of you and run you down.

There are 4 people whom I trust and share my goals and dreams of them is my brother,the other 3 are Benedict,Christopher and Kok Leong.The 4 of them are people who think big and they are encouraging.

Of course they share their dreams with me as well and I'm glad to be able to encourage them.I would love to see them succeed.

Back in 2003,someone told me that I am not cut out to be a businessman.............he told me I would fail and get out of MLM.He was really afraid that I would prospect him.He wanted me to become a lecturer like him,get a fixed salary and be happy with that.

Well,I did get out of MLM,but I'm still a businessman,and I'm on my way to become a millionaire.

The other person said that I will fail in MLM.He was right and wrong.I decided to get out because MLM takes too long.My current business is the vehicle to financial freedom.

But anyway,these 2 people were only out to suck my energy and take advantage of me.Without them around,I feel so much lighter.

Now if you ask me,it's good to be generous to others.This is from me personally..............Do you know that it's a privilege to bless others?If you can volunteer for God to bless others through friend,you'll be super-blessed.

By blessing others I mean without expecting any return.By lending a helping hand when asked to.But also exercise wisdom when doing so.Don't let people take you for a sucker.Be wise in that.

Alright then,the time is now 7:10 AM.I didn't know I can spend so much time blogging.Hope today's post helps you journey toward living a better life.

If you are new here,you might want to read the previous posts.Some of them are very empowering.................

I got to go now.See you again later.God bless.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

What Is Emotional Freedom?Are You Emotionally Free?

Welcome again to my personal post.Today you won't be hearing from any renowned author,only from me.It's a personal post.If you are going through a tough period,this post is for you.

I have been thinking of what to write idea came to mind because of what happended to me..............the urge became stronger when I read Christopher's blog.

My poor friend is really going through a tough period.Blow after blow after blow came to him.The main reason why you are reading about this topic is that I want to use this post to encourage Christopher,hoping that he will become stronger to fight the battles ahead.

First of all,let's look at what is emotional you know what is it?

This is my personal definition,it may be different from your definition.I personally define emotional freedom as being detached from things.Being detached from outcomes of issues,from insults,from the desire to control and dictate others and whatever that can cause you emotional turbulence.

Humans are programmed to be emotionally bondaged.Whether you like it or's due to your brought up.What teachers taught you when you went to school and how your parents reacted towards your certain behaviours.

You are programmed to want to gain praise and get away from insults.You are programmed to want to win,to be the best.All these are to satisfy your ego.But when you dig deeper,you'll find that it's futile.

Let's look at an example........If you are quarreling with someone,your natural reaction is to want to win the arguement,so that you feel good about it.But at the end of the day,if you win,what did you achieve?Nothing actually.You don't get to live longer,neither do you get paid more(unless you are a lawyer).In fact,the only gain is you gained another enemy and you gained more drainage of your energy.

You agree?

That is just one aspect of being emotionally bondaged.You are being too attached to the incident.It affects you and blocks your energy for accomplishing other more important stuff.Does this sound familiar?"I got no mood to do it.........."

This happends to many people.They get upset with others for playing them out,not honouring their word,for undeserved insults and you name it...........

There are many unhappy people in this world.Why?

Because they choose to be unhappy.Why?

Because they are trying to feed their ego.......which is always "hungry".

So question now is how to you detach from the situation?

Let's be very clear here.I'm referring to small incidents like quarrels and insults and being sabotaged.These are the small things that are causing people emotional turbulence and it's not worth it.

My favourite quote:"Stop trying to gain approval from losers/fools whose opinions don't matter."

Now,get this clear in your mind,you can't possibly please everyone that comes into your life.There are bound to be someone who doesn't agree with your points of view,working style,lifestyle etc.............

Are you going to please them just because of their comments?

This reminds me of a story about a Farmer,His Son and Their Donkey...............

Once upon a time,this farmer wanted to sell a donkey at the city.He brought his son along and travelled a long way to the city.

Initially,both of them rode the donkey(it's the natural thing to do).On the way,they passed by a young lady,who commented that it was very cruel of them to both ride on the donkey.

Upon hearing that,the farmer disembarked and let his son ride,while he walked alongside..........After a while,they passed by an old man,who commented that the son is very unfilal,he should let his father ride while he walk alongside.

The farmer told his son to get off and rode on the donkey..................this time,they passed by an old lady,who said that the son should ride on the donkey because he was still young.The farmer got down and the both of them walked alongside with the donkey.

When almost reaching the city,they passed by a young man,who said that they were fools not to ride the donkey.

So what would you do?

You see,many people are like the farmer,who is trying to please everybody.The question is,what good does it do to you?

This incident happended to Christopher,Benedict and myself.We had friends who would jeer at us when they knew we were aiming for high goals.I cut off contact with each and everyone of them.I don't know about Christopher and Ben.You got to ask them............

They are nice people,maybe they won't do it.For me I am tired of hearing negative comments from losers.I don't tolerate this kind of nonsense.

My question to you is who are you living for?If you please them by not aiming high,are they going to gain?Or rather are you going to gain?

Answer is everyone loses.They lose because they are losers.Losers always stick with losers.Make a quality decision to choose your friends wisely TODAY!

Ok,let's talk about being emotionally free from outcomes of situations.Sometimes you may find that things are happening well,then suddenly something comes along and cocks up everything.........

Ever had that happended to you?Want to know why?Don't get shocked ok???

YOU ARE THE CULPRIT!!Yes,you are the one who caused all that.

Not only you,but I am also guilty of sabotaging myself.........This happends because we accept what circumstances throw to us.............

Let's look at an example...............this is a LIVE happended to me many years ago...........

As you know,I used to play IRC to tackle girls.And there were many when I first started out,I made a lot of mistakes and had to learn from my failures.

However,that is a very "humanly" way of looking at this thing.In a spiritual way,I could have prevented all those "bad encounters" from

Simple.Just don't accept the circumstances and believe for the best.

I failed the first few times,was played out by some I had this concept in is very difficult for me to tackle a girl successfully.I accepted that it was difficult.

And it became a vicious cycle.The more I thought it was difficult,the more difficult it became.........

Whenever I make an appointment to meet up with any of the girls,there's always this fear that they will not turn up.Even if they turn up,I would fear that I am not good looking enough.And all this beliefs and fears caused my failure back then.

You see,when you fear,you start to "appear" desparate.And women can tell that easily.Once she knows and "labels" you as a despo.You are in trouble.She will come and climb over your head.You will find yourself doing a lot of things to please your own expense.......but achieving nothing at all in the end.

Trust me on this.............I've been there,done that.

Let's look at the other side of the coin...............if you detach yourself from the outcome,what will happend.............

When you detach yourself from the fears mentioned above,you don't give a damn whether they find you good-looking or not.Neither do you care if they turn up or not.If they don't,you are ok with it.It's their loss anyway.You start appearing cool and calm.

It gives you charisma and doesn't give you any emotional turbulence,which sometimes can affect you from a few days to a week.You'll keep wondering............are you really that pathetic?

Emotional turbulence kills.Especially jealousy.The most foolish thing to do is to feel jealous of other people's successes,pretty wives,gfs and etc.........when you do that,you are repelling that which you want.So never let jealousy get in your mind.

I was once jealous of people who are attached.What was the result?I was stubbornly single for 3 years...............until I let go of that jealousy.This is just one way of applying this concept.It applies to money,wealth,cars and other things as well.

Remember:Jealousy repels that which you want.

Let me just share with you a tip on meeting girls from IRC............what are the things to look out that you won't get cheated or played out.

Before that,I'll be releasing an E-book in the near future on this topic.Stay tuned.If you place your order early,you can get some bonuses.

OK,first thing to do is to make sure you are really talking to a girl.Make her call you on the phone and chat.Then you will know that it's not a guy impersonating.

Next,don't immediately ask for a date.Get to know her more first.If you can,make her yearn for you.I'll show you how to do this in my E-book.

Once she yearns for you,she'll try to ask you out.Try to make her ask you out.If you ask her out,you are at the mercy of her if she plays you out.It shows that you are desparate too.Unless you are confirmed that she is interested in you.

When meeting up,always set the appointment at a place convienent for you.So that if you get stood up,you can still save time doing things that you need to do.Secondly,this also takes off the pressure of "What if she don't come,what will I do?".

First meeting,never give treats.Go dutch always.Don't be a provider,be a lover.Then keep evaluating her.Give her the impression that if she doesn't impress you,she won't be considered.Be daring enough to state your real opinions.Don't be wimpy.

Also be on the lookout if she's out to get money from you,to suck you dry.Only pay her if she's a prostitude.Where your return on investment is certain.I've come across many bitches who try to give you false hope and suck your wallet dry!

Last but not least,don't be fearful of what she thinks about you.Always have the mindset that she's expandable.Unless she is your girlfriend.If not,always leave options open.Don't allow her to hold a rein over you emotionally.

OK,time for an application of emotionally freedom.This concerns money,it may be difficult for you to release,if you are in the situation.

This happended today.As mentioned in my last post,the Pharoah agreed to sponsor my trip to Penang this week.Today he changed his mind...............

I admit that I was partly at fault,though I did my best.Usually Sunday mornings we need to go to his clinic to help out.Sometimes we woke up late,went there and got grilled.This morning I made it a point to wake up early,but sad to say,no everyone was ready............

We reached there late and as usual got codemning looks from all of them,in particular the Pharoah.Well,I don't blame him because if I was in his position,I would be freaking mad too.So that was how I lost my sponsorship..................

Now to the main point of the story.............If it was a few years ago,I would have panicked.......because I was "losing" money.I would be very fearful about it.............and it would affect me the whole day................

Guess what happended today??The Pharoah purposely called up my cousin Richard in front of me,to ask him if he had changed enough Hong Kong Dollars.What is he trying to prove???

Make me jealous?I would...........if it was a few years ago.But now.........................?

Felt like telling him to go fly a kite.It is OK if he doesn't sponsor me.I could borrow the money from my mum first.After all I know that after the workshop,I'll be able to make the money back and return her.

AND ONE MORE IMPORTANT THING:"The Lord is my Shepherd,I shall NOT WANT."

Remember this verse when you are in a tight situation.God is always there to provide.God is your provider,not humans.Bear this in mind!

Hahahaha despite the Pharoah's efforts to irritate me and cause emotional turbulence,I'm still smiling away.Because I know God loves me.He will provide for me.

Speaking of the more "difficult to release" turbulences,they are probably lost of a loved one,you know that your friend is going through a shitty period but you are at a loss how to help him,or losing things which you really treasure.

The place that we should aim for is complete emotional freedom.No matter what happends,you are still able to get through it.

It is possible..............but whether you want to train yourself to do it.

My advice,start small.............start to detach yourself from opinions of losers first,then detach yourself from the need to win in arguements.Bit by your thinking matures,you'll be able to see things which the majority of people don't see...............

You'll start having the wisdom to "see through" this world.It is a journey............but if you decide to will somehow reach the destination.

One final thought before I go.........................

Victor or victim?It's your choice..........

You are a victim because you choose to be one.Similiarly,you are a victor because you chose to be one.It's all in your own hands.No one can affect you or run you down,if you don't give them the permission to.

Last but not least,Praise God for giving me the inspiration to write this post.You are not hearing from me,but from God himself.I believe God knows that someone else,not only Christopher needs this message.Thank you for reading.See you tomorrow!

Friday, July 07, 2006

It's Storytime!!Find Out How These 6 People Got Manifested Seemingly Impossible Things.Part 2

Hi,I am back again.Praise God,I recovered from my flu and I feel great now!!

1 Good News And 1 Bad News................

Which one do you want to hear first?

OK,I'll tell you the bad news first..................BAD NEWS is.............I've been banned by Google Adsense.............because of itchy hands and being greedy.

Before I go into detail,thank you for taking time to click on the Ads and for reading my blog......yes,thank you for your support.

I actually planned to use the money from the Ads to advertise the internet business that Benedict are in the process of setting up.......we planned to get 20 bucks per day from the Ads and use it for advertising on Google..............

I admit that it was my mistake,I shouldn't have clicked on the Ads myself.Oh well,in life you always got to learn your lesson.Either the hard way or the easy way.I've learnt mine the hard way............

But it is ok...........I stumbled upon this website, ,there are a lot of people there who need prayers.Some of them are in very bad situations.If you are a fellow Christian Brother or Sister,please visit the site and pray for them.Thank you taking time off to pray for them.

I'm making it a point to visit the site everyday,to pray for those fellow Brothers and Sisters who needs God intervention.Please join me in this.Let's make this world a better place by doing whatever that's within our ability.

Time for the good news............the good news is that even though I have been banned,you will still have your daily dose of inspiration.Though I felt a little at loss,but I will not stop blogging,so that you will continue to get inspired to live a better life.

I'll go on with the remaining 3 stories,then you will hear about the lessons I learnt from the Adsense incident.They are priceless lessons to me.Hopefully you will benefit from them.

Alright,once again,sit back and's storytime again.............

How A Young Man Used His Imagination To Come In First In A Competition.......

This story concerns a young man(referred to as E.P.) who was a wonderful athlete and was good at many different sports.During this particular time in his life,he became interested in paddling outrigger canoes.He joined a team and was soon competing in local races.In his second year of pursuing this sport,he was on a team that competed in the 50-mile race from Molokai to Honolulu.

The Hawaiian outrigger teams usually took first place and were considered "unbeatable".E.P.'s team came in 7th and that was considered quite remarkable considering the great number of teams that competed from all over the world along with the Hawaiian participants.

After this race,E.P. began imagining that his team had won the race.He spent the next year forming a new team,practicing,and building his own outrigger canoe.He was convinced that if he imagined himself winning the race,his team would come in first.

He,next year,his team and at least a dozen others flew to Hawaii from Southern California to compete in the annual race.There were several teams with much more experience who were considered likely to place in the top ten,although the Hawaiians were still considered the favourites.

At the end of the race,E.P.'s team came in first,ahead of the Hawaiians and all the other teams.E.P. now holds a paddle engraved with the words "World Champion" which was given to him upon his team taking first place.

After winning this coverted title,this young man went on to coach other teams.He also began manufacturing paddles for outrigger canoes.His paddles are known throughout the world and used by outrigger teams who are among the top teams in the world.

E.P. now makes his home in Hawaii and enjoys coaching teams,manufacturing paddles,fishing and sailing his own boat.He also uses his boat as an escort craft for the annual outrigger races.


How A Divorcee Attracted "The House" She Wanted And A Husband......

Mrs J.K. was living in her twin sister's home after having been divorced.Mrs J.K. had three children,a son and a girl and boy twins.Her sister and her husband had three boys.Needless to say,this was a crowded household.

Mrs J.K. was very desirous of getting married and living in her own home.She had been dating a man but decided that she did not wish to continue the relationship and broke it off.Many of her friends attempted to "fix" Mrs J.K. up with eligible men they knew,but she was not interested in going on blind dates.Several of her friends commented that if she wished to meet an eligible man,she would need to get out and go places.

The twins believed in the creative power of imagination,and they had a friend who also knew the power of imagining.The three women determined that they would imagine a ring on Mrs J.K.'s finger,which would imply she was married.They did this for several weeks.During this time,Mrs J.K. also imagined herself living in her own home.However,when she attempted to do so,she found herself imagining a home exactly like her sister's.

One day,Mrs J.K. received a call from a friend who asked her to come to her home and help her wallpaper her kitchen.Mrs J.K. agreed to help her friend who lived a few blocks away in the same tract of homes.While she was there,a male neighbour came to visit her friend.

The friend introduced Mrs J.K. to her neighbour.He later called Mrs J.K. and they began to date.Five months later,Mrs J.K. married this man.

The interesting part of this story is that all of these people lived in the same tract of houses.There were only four homes in the tract of 1200 that had the same floor plan.Yes,this woman's husband owned one of the homes that had the same floor plan as Mrs J.K.'s twin sister.Even though Mrs J.K. imagined herself living in her own home,she had only been able to imagine herself living in a house identical to her sister's.


How Mrs L.M. Manifested A Handkerchief As A Gift.........

This is a story about the friend,Mrs L.M.,who had introduced Mrs J.K. to her new husband.During their friendship,Mrs J.K. tried to explain the principle of imagination to her friend who was very doubtful that "it" would work.

One day,Mrs J.K. asked her friend to come to one of Neville's lectures.Mrs L.M. agreed to attend but was not at all convinced that imagining she had what she wanted would result in obtaining it.But,she decided to imagine a very simple thing - the receipt of a handkerchief.She imagined that someone had given her one and then dropped the whole idea.

Much to her surprise,she received a handkerchief in the mail from a mother of a friend who came to her house for lunch while she was in town for a visit.This woman sent Mrs L.M. a handkerchief with a thank you note.

Mrs L.M. was not only surprised when she received the gift,she became very frightened as she thought there was something supernatural about it.

Mrs L.M. had attempted to disaprove that imagination produces the thing desired.When she received the handkerchief she had imagined,she interpreted it to be some sort of Black Magic and didn't want to know more about this teaching.


Have you gained something from the three stories?Hopefully you did...........If you are in a bad situation now,don't fret..........use your imagination to get yourself out of the situation.

It takes practice,but if you keep doing it,you will succeed.

Right,let's talk about the lessons learnt from the Banning Of Adsense.........

1.Greed always causes you to lose everything........I was happy with a few dollars per day.Actually never thought of using the money for Advertising back then.Until my website came up.I told my partner about this,he agreed to help with the clicking.

I had this idea that it would be harmless if I clicked only once on each Ad.Just to see what they are selling.......well,you'll never know,if I get interested in the products they have there,they are still earning........

The money coming each day grew..........and I started to get greedy,instead of clicking to see the Ads,I was clicking for the money.........OK,the rest of it is history.

2.I Did Not Fully Believe That I Would Get The Money............Now,I know this sounds can I not fully believe that I would get the money?Everything is written in the account..........I'll tell you the truth........

I was fearful of losing the money.........I was afraid that something will come along and make me lose everything.........That was one of the reasons why I lost everything.Besides the point that it was wrong of me to click the Ads myself.

3.I Did Not Educate Myself On Adsense.......what can be done and what can't be done..........I didn't find out.I might have survived if I went to an Internet Cafe to click........Hahaha joking,I don't have the time to do that.I have lots of stuff to do here.

But anyway,I heard that you can use the search engine.You can use to search engine to click on Ads listed I think.I found out too late.But never mind,you can benefit from my mistakes.*smiles*

Remember to educate yourself in that field,before trying to attempt any "stunts".If not you'll burn yourself.

4.In A Business Sense,This A Good Time To Learn How To Cope With Losses.........Although I may have lost a few hundred US dollars,I did feel lousy this afternoon..........but after a while,I decided to get up and continue fighting on for my dream.......

Don't allow obstacles and losses to stop you.No matter what happends,just let yourself "let go" a while,get over it,and FIGHT ON!!

I am starting on my next phase of work after this.............I'm feeling very energised when I think about my dreams..........the life I will have.............the blessings that will come........and what I can do for energises me.........

Do you have a dream that gets you excited??I urge to aim for something great..........something that will make you excited when you wake up...........

Come on friend,aim for the stars!!You can do it!!

I'll see you tomorrow again..........God bless you!