Friday, April 27, 2007

How Can Playing King Of Fighters 2002 Train Up Your Mental Strength

It's weekend.What are you plans?For me it's going to be the same old boring weekend.Or rather a negative weekend where I have to strategise and fight wars.

Anyway,that's not the subject today.You are not going to learn how to fight wars,but rather how to fight yourself.Have you heard of the saying "The greatest enemy in life is yourself"?I think that's pretty true.Sometimes you want to achieve something,but it's you stopping you.

If you really want to do something,no one can stop you except yourself.What do you really want?Are you willing to pay the price for it?

Back to the subject of King Of Fighters 2002...Being a King Of Fighters fan,I've been playing it since 1994.Despite the 13 years of playing,I'm still not that good at it.Why?Because I believed that I wasn't good enough back then.

But after going through so many self-development books and audios,I decided to make myself better.At least better than last time and not give up and run away from problems.I used to have this problem with using the slammers,i.e. Clark Steel,Goro Daimon,Orochi Yashiro.

I didn't know to slam my opponents.Actually it's a mental block.I just needed to practice and I'll be able to do it.Recently,I decided to get over this mental block.I decided to practice till I'm able to use the slammers.

Started with Clark first.When using slammers,the first thing you need to do is to gauge the distance correctly.If you are too far,you can't slam.If you are too near,you may get attacked by your enemy.

I tried to use a combo (Heavy punch then slam).I failed many times trying to execute the combo.Because the timing was wrong.You need to be very fast.The minute when the first hit is executed,you need to do the semi-circle forward+heavy kick to complete the combo.

After many many tries,I'm now able to it.It all comes with your mindset.If you believe you can do it,you can do it.Believe that you can't,you are also right.

However,that is not my main topic tonight.As promised,I'll show you how you can use King Of Fighters 2002 to train up your mental strength...

You probably know about the Desparate Super Moves(You can only execute them when you have less than 10% of life left).They are supposed to deal a ton of damage to your opponent.But it's not easy to execute them and make sure the move hits the enemy.

Some of the moves are slow.If you did not time correctly,you risk getting counter-attacked.Others can only hit if the distance is correct.If it's too far,you'll miss.Speaking of the desparate moves,some of them are slightly more complexed than the normal Super Moves.

You need speed,accuracy and timing in executing them,so that they hit the opponent.

Now,here's where the mental strength training comes in...

When there's only 10% of life left,what's your normal reaction?You'll be nervous right?Nervous because you might be K.O.ed anytime if you are not careful.And when you are nervous,it's not easy for you to execute the Desparate Moves correctly.

I don't know if that happends to you.It happends to me.I'm training myself to calm down so that I'm able to execute the moves accurately.When I do that,I'm fighting against myself.My mind will keep responding nervously,and if I don't keep it in control...I'm unable to execute the moves correctly.

Let me quote a real life example.You probably know about Ryuji Yamazaki's Desparate Move.You need to do a semi-circle backwards 2 times on the joystick followed by B+D.The semi-circle backwards 2 times need to be done very fast,if not the move will not execute.

Now,there may be many ways of making sure the move really hits.I've seen experts going into counter-attack mode(B+C button together),then keep comboing with special moves and ending with the Desparate Move.

I admit here that I'm not that good.Because I don't spend as much time as them training.But my way of doing it is to jump and land in front of the enemy.Then quickly execute the move.I notice this method works.

Instead of moving forward and risk being counter-attacked,jumping over is a good way to execute slam moves.

Ok,back to the topic again.Now,when my life bar is only 10% left,I start to get real nervous.To make things worse,I need to concentrate on getting close to the enemy without being attacked.The enemy will keep moving around.You need to keep gauging the distance and where to land.As well as the direction you are facing,so that you execute the move correctly.

Once the facing direction changes,you need to change the execution.For example,semi-circle backwards may change to semi-circle forward.It depends on which direction your enemy is.

When I first started off,I wasn't able to execute the move at all.It was a total flop.I only get one chance for every match.There are 7 matches,excluding Rugal.Trust me,if you are an average player,you won't want to try those moves on Rugal.

In all the 7 matches,I have only 1 chance per match to try out Yamazaki's Desparate Move.Sometimes the first opponent of the enemy team is too easy.And I end up with a full life bar.I need to wait till the third opponent to have a chance to do the Desparate Move.

When that opportunity comes,I need to calm myself down.Then look for a chance to execute the move and make sure it will hit the enemy.Certain opponents are easier to hit,while others are more difficult to hit.

In this case,the ones that are easier to hit are...Yashiro,Terry,Joe,Maxima,Kensou,Chang.These are all I can think of for the time being.Reason is because they like to move close to you.And you can easily block their moves.

Like for Yashiro,he likes to use the move where he jumps up and hits down at you.You can easily counter that.As for Terry,he likes to keep doing Burning Kunckles.Just need to block then execute the Desparate move.

Those more difficult to hit are...Athena,Choi,Chris,Kim,Vice.These few characters like to keep jumping around.It's difficult to land near them and execute the moves.Sometimes if you are lucky,you can hit them with the Desparate move.

Now,it took me many tries to calm myself down to execute the moves.I had to keep training my mind to keep calm despite the excitement and nervousness.During the first few tries,it's going to be tough.

But keep going.Don't give up.I kept doing it.And now,I'm able to keep calm and execute the moves with more precision.

Another combo move that requires precision and speed is Orochi Yashiro's (Quater-circle backwards+A,catch the opponent,run forwards,Press C then Forwards+A and immediately Semi-circle backwards,forwards + C).

It took me many tries to master this one.I've seen people ending this combo with the Super Move instead of the normal slam.I will try to master this one too.

But the moral of the story is that you can train up your mental strength by playing this game.Although it's just a fighting game,you can also gain something from it.I'm sure you can,because I've gained more mental strength from this game.

Think about real life,when a situation arises,what's the first thing you need to do?Keep calm right?I personally believe that learning to keep calm during situation is a very important discipline to have.

Another use of this discipline is this...Consider this scenario...You are very angry because someone insulted you.You fumed and felt like shouting all the worst obscenities you can think of at that moment.

However,whatever you could think of at that moment was very limited.You kept repeating what you said immediately.Your mind seems to be blank.

After the incident...

Your mind starts working.Then you start wondering..."Why did I use this word and that word?It will be more impactful than what I said."

But you did not consider that moment,you were fuming mad.That's why your mind couldn't think clearly.As a result,whatever words you used at that moment didn't have the greatest impact.

Now,think about this from another perspective...what would happend if you had kept calm?What would happend if you thought out your words correctly at that moment?And make sure that they had the most impact on your opponent?

You would end up laughing and your opponent would be the one who will be fuming mad.But instead,right now,you are the one fuming mad.Sounds silly?It's the truth.Has this happended to you before?

But let's face it,sometimes you didn't expect people to be so rude.That's why you are not prepared for their insults.But that's life.How are you able to know who will insult you?And when?You can't tell.

And when you lack preparation,you can't fight well and strategise.You need to fight there and then.However,keeping calm at that moment will decide your fate between victory and failure.

Which do you want?You decide.

Many times I was insulted and I got really angry about it.Ended up I lose the verbal war.Because I lost my ability to think and respond correctly.The worst words to use is vulgar words.Well,I do use them sometimes.Though I personally feel that when you want to really insult a person...

Using vulgar words is a low class method.The high class method of doing it is to be sarcastic.


In order to be sarcastic,your mind needs to be calm.You need to think carefully where to poke at that person,so that he/she will flare up.You need to know which are the hot buttons to press.Once you can do that,they won't try to be funny with you again.

At the same time you must be sarcastic with style.Especially when you are dealing with the elders.Sometimes these old fools are too free.They like to insult youngsters,saying that they are old and wise while the young people are young and stupid.Always doing the wrong things.No discipline and spend and lot of money etc etc etc...

I'm sure you encountered this kind of shit before.My rule is very simple "If I don't live off you,you got no damn right to teach me how to spend money."

I get frustrated with these people.It's none of their damn business.I don't live off them anyway.And why can't they mind their own business?

But always keep calm.Remember that.When you are calm,your sarcasism can reach it's full potential.Hahaha.And these losers won't dare to insult and talk any nonsense about you the next time.

OK,let me share with you a few tatics...when you want to push hot buttons,always know what your opponents get affected by.Which are the things that they are really frustrated about?Example...Maybe they are broke?Or maybe no galfriend or boyfriend?Or maybe they just hate the world for some stupid thing...

I don't know.You got to figure that out yourself.But no matter what,keep calm at all times.

Hope you had fun reading as much as I did writing.Have a blessed weekend ahead.:)

Oh yeah,for your enjoyment,take a look at this Awesome Combo Video Clip below...

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

"It is not the difficulty of the task that stops most people - it's how difficult they perceive it to be." - Morris Goodman

Discover how a man survived an air crash...and recovered to lead a normal life.Despite being told by his doctors that he's going to be a vegetable for life.Even if he survived.

It's my 100th post today.There's something I want to share with you today.A story of how this man overcame all the odds stacked against him.Based on his fighting spirit and his will to live,he managed to create his own miracles.

Many of us today give up too easily.Myself included.How about you?Do you give up at the slightest obstacle you face?Especially when things don't go your way?

After reading about this man,I felt ashamed of myself.A normal person giving up easily?As compared to someone who wasn't able to speak at all and bedridden.I was really inspired by Morris Goodman,The Miracle Man.

I'll share his story with you here in summarised form.If you are really interested,go buy his book.I think it's worth every single cent.

Morris Goodman was at the pinnacle of his sales career.Although only in his early 30s,he had already founded his own company.In addition,he had qualified for insurance's exclusive Top of the Table Award.

Goodman also realized another dream.He had just bought his own single-engine plane.On March 10 1981,his plane crashed.

As a result of the crash,Morris Goodman was left with a broken neck and a body damaged so badly mangled he was hardly expected to survive.And even if he did survived,the doctors predicted that he would be a vegetable for life.

Though his body was destroyed,his spirit was stronger than ever.Unable to speak,eat or move,or even breath without the respirator,Goodman was determined to regain the full use of his body.

If you were in Morris Goodman's shoes,what would you do?What would be on your mind?Give up and die?Or to allow your survival to be dictated by fate?I think I'll probably just give up and go see the Lord in Heaven.But not Goodman.

Like every normal human being,he is also affected by the tradegy.But what made him different was he that he didn't just get pulled down by negativity.He fought negativity.He was determined to win.But question to win that big battle of faith?

Here's what he did.It's something you and I can do.It's very simple...Just 5 simple steps.

Step 1:When you have a huge goal,you need to split it up into smaller chunks.
Step 2:Priorotize each chunk.Which one should you start on first?
Step 3:Concentrate on what you are doing.Give it all you've got!
Step 4:Once you finish it,move on to the next important chunk.
Step 5:Keep repeating until you complete the whole goal.

The first issue at hand for Morris Goodman was survival.He needed to survive the operations immediately after the crash.There was nothing to be done,but to focus on survival.Despite his body feeling weak,he fought hard.Until his condition stablized.

Let's talk about you now...what issue on hand do you think needs to be handled first?Do that one first.

Once Goodman's condition was stable,he needed to communicate.At that time,he could only blink his eyes.Fortunately,his sister made an Alphabet Card for him to be able to communicate.He just needed to blink his eyes to tell them which alphabet he's referring to.

Next,he set himself a goal to be independant of the respirator he's using.Goodman knew that if he was to tell the doctors what he was up to,they would tell him it's impossible.At that point of time,he doesn't need anymore discouragement.

He started by taking 100 deep breaths,then a 5 minute rest.Then repeating the process.As he was doing this,his chest ached.After numerous practices,he was able to take 200 deep breaths.Very soon,that number increased to 300.

Finally,the doctor got him off the respirator.

Goodman proceeded on to try to get around independantly on a wheelchair.He succeeded after many sessions of physiotherapy.

After sometime,his speech therapist brought a machine for him to try.He was supposed to step on a pedal to form words and sentences.Goodman refused to accept that he was supposed to step on a pedal to speak for the rest of his life.

The machine fired up a white-hot intense belief deep within him that he would somehow overcome his physical limitations and continue on the road to full recovery.

Goodman made tremendous progress in his recovery.But he was still missing out on one of the pleasures of life-eating.Once he made up his mind to try,he told his nurse to go across the road to get him an orange freeze.She was skeptical whether he could swallow.He said he will try.

He started with small spoonfuls until the whole cup of freeze was finished.Goodman was so excited that he wanted to tell everyone of his amazing feat.However,the doctor was very mad when he discovered it.The doctor responded that Goodman might have easily choked to death.

Undeterred,Goodman worked on improving his swallowing so that he could improve his diet.As time went by,he was able to eat normally.In the end,he was served normal meals.

The next challenge he faced was trying to walk...Goodman started by practicing being able to support his own weight while standing.At first he could only stand for only 5 minutes.But every few days he was improving by only half a minute or so.

Whenever Goodman became frustrated with his slow progress,he would remember what his doctor said "If he survivies,he will be paralyzed,only able to blink his eyes the rest of his life.The most hope I can give you is that in 20 months he might,and I emphasize the word might,be able to sit in the wheelchair without being strapped in."

By keep trying,Goodman progressed on to walking his first step.He didn't succeed at first,but in the end he was able to take 3 steps before falling back to his wheelchair.

After gaining progress in all the different areas,Goodman set a goal to be home by Christmas.It was June then.Because of his tremendous progress,he was able to go home on 17 November.He needed to keep going for physiotherapy even after his discharge to fully recover.

Goodman got his full time physiotherapist.The fees were paid by his insurance coverage.After a few months,he was finally able to lead a normal life again.

I have summarised this story.It would really be benefical for you to get the book and read it.Sometimes in life,we tend to take things for granted.Our health,our family,our ability to do things we love and our freedom.

I have learnt to be grateful for my health and everything that I have.How about you?Has this story inspired you?Has it made you a more determined person?I hope you are inspiried,just as I was by the Miracle Man.

Stay Prosperous and Blessed.

Monday, April 23, 2007

BEWARE:Whatever You Write Down & Hold In Your Mind Comes To Past

2 incidents happended within these few days that made me want to share them with you...

In some part of your life,maybe as a kid,have you ever wished that you had a lamp like Aladdin?I did.And many years later,I found my lamp.

You are going to discover by the end of this,you too can have a "magic lamp" like me.

You probably read in some of my previous posts,I used Thomas Pauley's method to manifest a number of things that I wanted in my life.I managed to get good results.However,I discovered that there's a shortcut to his method...

If you have read "I'm Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams,I am,I am, I am",you probably know that you need a ring note book to write down all your desires.You need to first write down the desires you want in the first section.In the second section,you need to write each of your desire in detail.Then you end off with the statement that the Law of Attraction brings you together with love and understanding.

Now...I realised that for small desires,you can skip the second part.Let me explain what do I mean by small desires and big desires...

Small desires are desires that you know you can achieve in a short span of time.You know that it's very easy to attain.Small desires include things like watching a certain movie,or buying a certain book,or buying a certain game.

It's just a matter of you stepping out of your house and getting it done.

Big desires are "tougher" to achieve.Big desires can be things like wanting to find a suitable life partner,or maybe reaching financial freedom,or maybe living in that dream house that you desire.

Of course all these depends on where you are and what's your belief system like.For someone who is already very rich,reaching financial freedom and living in a dream house maybe a small desire.

I have a few friends who wrote down all big desires and didn't write down any small desires.In the end,they complain that the method doesn't work.My personal experience is you should write down all your desires,be it big or small.

When the small desires manifest,you'll start believing that the big desires can manifest as well.

Now,you probably have this question in mind...which is our main topic tonight...

"What if I suddenly change my mind and don't want that desire anymore?"

I won't give you the answer right away.Read on and find out what happended to me this few days.Then form your own conclusion...

Last week,I wanted to catch 2 movies,Sunshine and Shooter.However,I was having a course from Tuesday to Saturday.I had to cramp everything into Monday.After checking the showtimes schedule,I decided to watch Sunshine first,then Shooter.

However,when I reached the cinema,the counter staff told me I'll be missing the first 15 minutes of the Shooter if I watch Sunshine first.I happended to be a daze that day,forgetting that I calculated the duration of the show.

Ended up I watched Sunshine and Turistas.Because Turistas started at 3pm.But then I was very disappointed with the 2 shows.Both story lines sucked big time.Trust me,don't waste money on these 2 shows.

I had no choice but to give Shooters a miss.My mind kept could I watch the show despite my hectic schedule.Should I watch at Princess or Tampines?Because my course is held at Tampines.

However,I didn't have any chance to watch it.After my course each day,I had something else on.In the end I got fed up.I decided that maybe I don't want to watch it after all.And I left it there.

I decided to try an experiment.Since I had already written down my desire,what would happend if I decided that I wanted to "cancel order"?

Weekend came and go...

I wanted to catch 200 Pounds Beauty and Nightmare Detective today.However the timing was not right.If I watched one,I had to give up the other.And I got to wake up really early.Next thing is that I needed to go to Bras Basah to buy book covers for my new book.

Maybe I check the movie timings again and see if any of the 2 shows are showing at Shaw Towers.I checked but none of the 2 shows were showing there.BUT...

Shooters was showing at 2:55pm.The timing is just right.I can wake up late and make it on time for dinner at home.At the same time I can buy my book covers too.

I went...and it was showing at Prince 1(Big Screen).It was an enjoyable show.Recommended.If you love snipers,you should watch it.

This is the first incident.Let's move on to the second incident...

15th April 2007.Supposed to be the offical release date for Pokemon Pearl and Diamond for Nintendo DS.I was looking forward to this day.However,it's a Sunday.Probably the stock have not arrived yet.Anyway,Seow Choon games don't operate on Sundays.

I went online to check Seow Choon's website to see if the Pokemon games have arrived.Apparently they haven't.But I found out that Phoenix Wright Part 4 was out.Just that it was in Japanese.Great thing was that they had a collector's edition.I drooled at the thought of it.

I reached out for my notebook and started to write it down.As I browsed on,I found that there's also a "Mask Vision Murder Case" under the Japanese version section.Immediately that went into the note book as well.

But I thought that was part 3.Because there' s part 1,2 and 4.The logical deduction is that "Mask Vision Murder Case" is part 3.I wrote down in my notebook that I wanted Part 3.

I called up Seow Choon on 16th April.They told me the Pokemon hasn't arrived yet.It will only arrive on 21st April.Damn it.Never mind,I'll have to wait until 21st.

I decided to go down on the 20th to at buy the 2 Phoenix Wrights that I saw online.I asked whether it was in Japanese only or is there an english option in the game.They told me it's purely Japanese.Damn.I was rather disappointed.

After chatting with the gal at the counter for a while,she told me that some people just buy it to collect.After all it's out of stock in Japan.Oh well,since I can afford it.And since I love collecting this kind of stuff,why not?

I ended up buying the Japanese Collector's edition.When I asked about part 3,the gal was surprised.Because there was no part 3 for Nintendo DS.I told her it's called Mask something.She went to check and told me it's Part 1 in Japanese.

I decided on the spot not to buy "Mask Vision Murder" after all.I got my collector's edition and went to pay for it.The gal told me that I had accumulated 2000 points and I could upgrade my card.Instead of the usual 5% discount,I was entitled to a 7% discount plus a $20 voucher.

I was pretty happy and thought of using the voucher for buying the pokemon.The price is probably going to be around 70 plus per game.There were 2 of them.I budgeted $150 for both games.After the voucher and discount,I probably can buy another game...

Again,I was wondering...what if I "cancelled order" again for the "Mask Vision Murder"?

But later I realised that I had a 20 bucks voucher,plus there's still money left over from the $150 budget.The Pokemon cost $59 each.I might as well buy "Mask Vision Murder" to collect.Since the one I had at home is the PAL version and the look of the box suck big time.

Ended up I went down to Seow Choon's on 21st and bought everything.I still had money left over.

The moral of the story...once you write it down,it happends.I think maybe you could "cancel order" if you tear out the page and throw it away.I don't know...I'll try it one day and let you know.

Meanwhile be blessed and stay prosperous.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

"Love Your Enemies" - Is This Really Necessary?

I've been busy for the past week.For a good reason too,there has been considerable progress on my business.Something to be happy about.The only setback is that I didn't have enough sleep and currently I'm suffering from diahorroea.But this won't stop me from blogging.

Today let's take a look at something which is pretty common to everyone.I'm sure throughout your life,there are people who don't like you.Even if you didn't do anything against them.These people sometimes plot against you or just make life difficult for you.

Question is...How do you respond to all these people?

1.Screw them back?
2.Let things be as they are?
Or 3.try to love them?

I'm not a preacher,even though I'm a Christian.The bible says that we should love our enemies.I felt it was just something "good" and noble to do.Until a few days ago...

After reading Dale Carnegie's "How To Stop Worrying & Start Living",I discovered that there was something deeper to this.According to Dale Carnegie,he said that when you "love your enemies",you are doing yourself a big favour.


Because you are not consumed by hatred and anger.As a result,you will have better health and live as a happier person.

Well,I do agree with what he says.But I have a different approach to this matter.Personally,I feel that there are different categories of enemies.Some are mild ones,the other ones are more bitter.

You can let the mild ones go and not bother about them.The bitter ones are those that call for your concern.The bitter ones are those who will go all out to "exterminate" you.And in order to survive,you have no choice.Either fight or flight.Can you still love them?

It all depends on your perspective.Let me share mine...I feel that I can love them because I can always gain some experience from dealing with them.Or rather when I get sabotaged,I learn something in the process.

Perhaps there's something that I overlooked and allowed them the chance to sabotage me.It's a good learning experience.But on the other hand,I know that if I don't do something about them,they will get me one day.

I know that there are some people who hold grudges for a very long time.They can remember what people did to them many years ago and not forgive them.Are you one of them?Well,I used to be one of them.

But right now,there's a different approach that I would like to share with you.Because I'm gifted with a good memory,it's tough for me to forget things.I still remember what those people did.But I won't allow those feelings of negativity to dominate me.

Revenge?I don't think it's necessary.

Let me quote myself..."The Best Revenge Is To Totally Cease Contact With That Person."

Now,you may be asking me "What if this person is in my home?Or worse still he or she is my superior at work?"Let me answer your questions...

Let's say if this person is a relative or family member,I'll handle it in this way...
1.Try to make peace first.Be the gentleman first.Be nice to this person first.
If this fails,step 2...
2.Try to get away from this person.Minimize contact.Always try to shy away from negativity.If this fails,then you have no choice...Step 3.
3.Issue a warning.Warn him/her to stop all the nonsense.If not,you'll start your attack.

IMPORTANT:Show that you mean business.Never be a wimp here.These people will try to test you and see whether you really mean business.If you really whack,whack them hard.Then they won't dare to step on you again.

If this person is someone more senior than you,i.e some stupid uncle or aunt,then hint in an indirect way.Say you don't like it when people "fill in the blanks".E.g. "I don't like it when people stab me behind my back.If I happend to discover who this idiot is,I'll make sure he gets it big time from me."

That's what I do.But I don't tell that person upfront like that.I'll say it indirectly.You have to do it indirectly if not they'll say that you are not respecting your elders.Which I think it's a load of crap!

In the first place,an elder should behave like one and gain the respect of his juniors.I never buy the idea that just because someone is my elder,I should be respectful.If that person earns my respect,yes.If not,I can be pretty rude.

Well,that's me.You need not follow my example.

Now let's move on...What if this person is your superior or collegue at your work place?Basically you have 2 choices.Easiest way is to quit.Your other option is to fight.This is where politics and strategy comes in.

Sorry to say so.But when the situation warrants,you need to be tough to survive.Most of the time,you most bitter enemies come from the work place.They show no mercy.The relatives can't deal as much damage to you.

Just wondering...have you ever felt condemned?And you can see it clearly that you are treated as a 2nd or 3rd class citizen.I've been through that many times since young.

So is there a problem with me?Or is there a problem with those people who condemn me?Am I being oversensitive?Or is this really true?

Whatever the reason may be,I've come to realisation that it's useless to get upset.Simple reason...if they didn't mean to condemn you(i.e. misunderstanding),you get upset for nothing.Secondly,if they really condemn you....

There's nothing you can do to make them like you.If you ever do that,then I'm sorry to say that you are giving away your power to them.When you are affected by anyone or any circumstance,you are giving away your own power to that thing which affects you.

You are living your life based on other peoples' perception of you.Just because you are different from others or just because you have set high goals you get condemned.

Are you going to sacrifice your own life's purpose just because someone condemns you?Are you going to give up on your dream just because some idiot says that you are crazy to dream big?

I DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT LOSERS.Losers are not even worthy of my attention.If they were so great,they won't be condemning people.

Usually condemnation is seen in families.There will always be the popular kid.The one who always wins praises.The one who seems to be the apple of everyone's eyes.Then there's this kid who is condemned.The one whom people try to shoot down.

Just because he has his own mindset and he thinks differently.Maybe he's a little more playful and mischievious,he gets condemned.Unlike the popular kid who is very obedient and respectful.

But should the playful kid get upset just because his relatives condemn him?No,I don't think so.He should simply ignore them.Instead,focus on what he wants to achieve in life.To hell with all those relatives.Those old bastards are going to die earlier than him anyway.

Why would he want to waste his life trying to please them?It's foolishness.

I do feel sad.For a couple of reasons...1.Why should people condemn others who seem different?2.Why do people get so affected by what others think of them?

There are so many wasted talents.So many people who didn't make it just because someone told them they couldn't.Someone told them they are plain crazy to even think big.

If you are in the situations I described,let me assure you this...I've been in all those positions before.You are going to be the WINNER.If you decide to be.No one can stop you,if you want to aim high and think big.

No one can stop you from success.Most importantly:NO ONE CAN CONDEMN YOU.If you don't allow them to do so.You are one unique creation.

Always remember this...God created only ONE YOU.You are God's unique creation.Who has the right to condemn you?When you are perfect in your heavenly Father's eyes?No matter what,God always loves you.

When you focus on God,whatever men say about you is immaterial.

One last thing before I end...

Have you ever heard this phase "You must work hard and prove to them that you are not what they say!Show them you can do it!"

Heard this before??

Hahaha my mum loves to say this.My grandpa loves to say this.My grandma loves to say this.

They all meant well I know.But let me point out something here...there's a small FLAW in this statement.

Let me ask you,why must you prove to those people who condemn you that you are good?

Just to show them?Just to get back some face?

The way I answer my mum and my grandparents is this..."I don't need to prove to anyone that I'm good.I know that I'm good.I don't need to work hard to show them.I work hard only for myself!!!"

Hey,that's the attitude man!

You work hard for yourself.And you work hard for your loved ones.You work hard for those who are concerned about you.You work hard so that one day you can help those who are less fortunate than you.

There are so many good reasons for working hard other than trying to prove losers wrong.

Do you agree with me?

Next time if anyone tries to condemn you,remember this,they are not worth you attention or "proving".Who the hell are they that you need to prove them wrong?

Your existance don't depend on them.You don't need them to survive.You don't need to take revenge.You don't need to get back some face.


Before I go,let me leave you with something...

"The Best Revenge Is To Totally Cease Contact With That Person." - Marco The Great

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Which Nintendo DS Game Can Increase Your Analytical Skills & Intelligence?

Believe it or not,playing video games can make you more intelligent.But at the end of the day,it depends on what kind of game you play.

Recently,I've gone crazy over this Nintendo DS game that I can stay up very late every night just to continue from where I stopped.Why do I get so "addicted" to this game?

There are a few reasons...

1.It increases my analytical power.
2.It makes me more sensitive to people telling lies.
3.It makes me more intelligent.
4.I become a more careful person.
5.You don't need to hear the whole story to get the full picture in certain situations.
6.It trains me to think fast in tough situations.
7.You'll learn how to cope with sudden changes.

And this game is...

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney - Justice For All

In this game,you play as a defence lawyer.Your role is to defend your clients for crimes which they did not commit.The witnesses will tell lies and you need to uncover the contradiction in their testimony.

If you say the wrong thing or present the wrong evidence,you'll be penalized by the judge.You have a life bar.Whenever you are penalized,a chunk of life is taken away from your life bar.Once all your life is gone,the game ends.

Let me share some of the benefits I personally gained from the game.If you know me well,you probably know that every weekend I have to fight battles.Every weekend is a political war.Enemies surround me,waiting for their chance to attack.

By playing this game,I realise that before people try to do anything,there's always a tell-tale sign.If you are able to spot the sign,you are able to tell what is going to happend next.You may not be able to 100% pin-point what your enemies are up to,but you'll get a rough idea.

Another benefit is that I don't need to know or see the full picture before knowing what my enemies are up to.Just by their conversations,I'm able to figure out what they are trying to hide.

ATTENTION GUYS:If you want to know whether anyone is lying,this is the game to train your sensitivity.I realise that women are more sensitive when it comes to catching liars.We men need to train up more.

Next,I learnt how to be more careful and thorough in checking things.Sometimes you need to check every single suspect to find the evidence that you need.Finding evidence is very important.Even in real life,without evidence,you can't nab the other party.

By playing this game,I gain the new ability of how to find evidence to nab my enemies.They are very smart in finding evidence to nab me.Best thing is they backstab without me knowing.But right now,I'm able to expose them easily.

If you are in a political enviroment like I am.Whether it's your workplace or family,this is the game to invest in!I highly recommend you this game.

Now,I'll share with you some tips on how to get the best out of the game...

Normally,we just play a game or read a book and after a while,forget about it.In order to get the best out of it,you should take it seriously.Study it.

How do you do that?Simple.Whenever you fight a case and you are stuck,don't go checking the hint book or to think...think hard.What have you overlooked?The answer may not come immediately.But don't give up.

Worse come to worse,save your game,switch off your DS and go to sleep.When your mind is clearer,the answer will come.That's what I do.It works pretty well.If you really really really really can't get the answer,then go to to find the solution.

It may be a spoiler.But only read the part where you are stuck.Once you get past the area where you are stuck,then continue with the game.

After finding out the solution,ask yourself where have you overlooked.Once you are able to understand where you made a mistakes,the game becomes easier.During the first 2 episodes,I relied more on 3rd episode onwards,I was more on my own.

Next,when you are trying to find evidence,leave no stone unturned.Sometimes the least likely person is the one who committed the crime.

During the court session itself,you opponent will go all out to "kill" you.You'll have to deal with changing situations.Sometimes it seems that you are about to win the case,but suddenly your opponent turns the tables on you.This is so true in real life.There are many situations when we need to respond to changing circumstances.

The way to respond is to firstly be calm.If you are not calm,you can't think well.Same as in real life.When your enemies are attacking,remain calm and think about the options that are avaliable to you.

Once you do that,you are able to nail your opponent down easily by providing the correct piece of evidence.Even if it's not the correct piece,you are still able to make a close guess.

There are certain cases where you have to literally guess what is going on.It's during those times that your analytical power comes into play.Intuition plays a part here too.I sometimes rely on my intuition during the game.

One last tip...once you receive any new information from any witness or any new pieces of evidence,try to piece everything in your mind.See if you can "predict" what is going to happend.When you do that,you'll be able to guess and figure out what your opponent will do next.And also you'll be able to pin-point where the contradiction lies in the testimony.

Hope that you'll benefit as much as I did playing this game.Have fun!!

Monday, April 09, 2007

The Shocking Truth Behind Sad Love Songs Part 1

What you are about to the shocking truth behind sad love songs.

You will hear a true story of how a seemingly innocent sad love song created a sad reality for me in love.In part 2,you will be able to see the lyrics of the song(it's a chinese song,but don't worry,I translated the lyrics into english) and view the MTV as well.

I'm sure there are times when you feel down when you relationship life is not working out the way you want it to.Sometimes you are interested in someone,but this person is not interested in you.Well,that's not so bad.You didn't have chance anyway.

But what about are interested in someone,and this person is also interested in you.But somehow it's fate that separated you.How would you feel?

Well,it happended to me in 2003.But now I finally knew the truth behind this.I claim responsiblity for it.Because I attracted it.How did I attract it?Read on...

In December 2002,I went to Hong Kong with my family.Heard from many friends that Jeff Chang's new song is nice.It was the theme song of the Korean Serial Drama "Winter Sonata".

My aunt kept raving about it.My ex-girlfriend kept raving about it.But back then I was still in army,and didn't have time to watch it.They kept telling me about the theme song.My curiosity was aroused.

When I was in Hong Kong,I came across one of Jeff Chang's Best Compliation Album.There were many nice songs that I used to sing during my school days.And of course,the theme song of Winter Sonata was in it.

I decided to buy it and listen to the theme song and see if it's really that nice.
I opened up the CD immediately after reaching the hotel and listen to the theme song.

Oh my was heavenly.It made me calm down when I was nervous.I got "addicted" to that song,I would keep listening to it daily.I was determined to learn it by heart,so that I could show off to my ex-girlfriend during our KTV sessions.

I made it a point to listen to this song at least once everyday.Until I mastered the whole song.Including how Jeff Chang sang it.The pauses,the dragging and etc.I made pretty good progress.The only setback was that I wasn't able to sing like Jeff Chang because his voice was very high.

Without myself knowing it,I was programming my sub-conscious mind in a very negative way.I didn't understand relationship with my ex seemed to be going downhill.In November,we had some disagreements and she told me what she was unhappy about.

I did everything to change for the better.At that point I realised that I loved her deeply.Because I was afraid of losing her.I went to the extent of sending flowers to her as a surprise and came up with a love poem for her.(Honestly,I think it's a stupid poem,but women just love these kinda things.)

And I tried to give way to her most of the time,to make up for the wrong I did early on.But NOTHING seemed to work.As the days went by,our relationship went downhill all the way.

One day,we met at Esplanade(her favourite place) after work.I was feeling sick that day.Had a terrible headache and felt like going home early to rest.I wasn't able to walk properly that day.I told her that I wasn't feeling well.

Guess what?

She told me to go home by myself,she wanted to stay longer.I was shocked.I thought she would accompany me back because I wasn't able to walk properly.Didn't expect her to be so merciless.

I was quite hurt.I felt that I didn't do any wrong,why did she do this to me.I decided that if she fell sick,I wouldn't bother too.

End of March 2003...

During my physiotherapy one morning,she smsed me,saying that she was sick.I told her to see a doctor and that's it.I resisted the urge to sms and ask how she was.She should have a taste of her own medicine.

Few days passed.No sms from her either.

5th April 2003 came...I went to my superior's house to fix his computer.Suddenly an sms came.It was her...

"Who do you take me as?I'm sick and yet you never bother to find out how I am.I don't care,I want to break up."

WAH!I thought I must have went overboard.Things seem to be pretty serious.I tried my best to tell her about my unhappiness as well.She didn't accept what I said.End up we broke up.

Felt pretty sad the next few weeks.Didn't know what to do.Hoped that she would change her mind.But she didn't.

May came.It was her birthday.She invited me to her 21st Birthday Party at Pasir Ris charlet.But I felt really terrible.Throughout the whole party,she was neglecting me.I felt really unwelcome.Decided to go to the arcade for a round of King Of Fighters to make me feel better.

But it didn't make me feel better.

I made up my mind that night.Once I give up on her,I will NEVER turn back.I had to let go and life goes on.I can't let my life waste away because of her.


In fact,just after the breakup,I listen to that song more frequently.Because I felt that song was describing me.


For a few months,I felt I needed a break from relationships.Didn't want to get hurt.I told my friend about my ex and he comforted me "There are so many fishes in the sea,why give up the whole sea because of one lousy fish?"

He was right.After all she was a lousy fish.She wasn't exactly what I was looking for anyway.I should find someone better.

September friend told me that he has been "fishing" girls from IRC.He gave me a few phone numbers and told me to try.I asked him how to go about doing it.I was at a loss.

Never called any girl that I didn't know before.He gave me a solution...

He smsed me a cute message and told me to sms all of them that message.See who replies.Then after that pretend to know them and make it some kind of mistaken identity.And slowly talk to them from there.

Sounded easy.I decided to give it a try.After all I was a bit tired of being single.
He gave me 3 numbers.

17th September 2003,about 8pm...I was in camp because I was on duty.After locking all the offices and clearing up all the work,I had nothing to do.Saw a piece of crumpled paper on my table,wondered what it was.

Oh,it was the 3 numbers that my friend gave me.I took out my handphone and started to forward the cute sms to them.My heart was beating fast...would they reply?I wondered...

1 minute reply.

5 minutes passed...finally...

A reply.Out of 3,only 1 replied.Well,better than nothing right?

"Who are you?"

"I'm Marco.We met in IRC last night remember?You are Rachel right?"

"No,I'm not.You got the wrong person."

"Oh I'm sorry.It's a case of mistaken identity.Since it's such a coincidence that we met this way,care to be friends?"

"No,not interested."

"OK then."

Damn,I was stuck.I didn't know what to do next.Went to sleep afterwards.The next day I needed to get my off pass for going to Physio.I was already planning where to go after booking out.

Perhaps I should go to Yishun to watch "Turn Left,Turn Right".I loved that movie.

I had a great dinner,enjoyed the movie and took the last train home.As the train moved,an idea suddenly struck me...I could make that gal talk to me and make her like me through sms.Hahahaha...I laughed at myself for being a genius...

"Hi there,I'm sorry to bother you,but can you help me?"

"What is it about?I told you I'm not interested in making friends."

"Yes,but I need your opinion on something.Will you be willing to help me?"

"OK,what do you want?"

"You are a girl right?I need your opinion on a girl's behaviour.Please advise me what to do."


So I told her about my ex,what I did and everything...

"Let me tell you,she's just making use of you.My advice:dump her before it's too late."

"OK,thanks for the advice.I know what to do now.I really appreciate it."

"You are welcome.Tell you the truth,I was once like the girl you mentioned.I used to make use of guys."

"Oh I see.But now you have changed right?"

"Yes,I realised what I did was wrong.You must never let that girl make use of you."

"I understand.Thanks for advising me and warning me."

"No problem.If you need any advice,can always ask me."

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I succeeded.I managed to make her want to talk to me.At the same time I indirectly promoted myself to be a nice guy.(Although I really am a nice guy,but gals don't know.So need to advertise.)

Next day,she started to sms me.She said she was on long sick leave and needed someone to talk to.I wasn't able to concentrate on my work.Spend all my time smsing her.

Later I found out that she was 21 and her birthday was also in September.Oh,a Virgo Gal and a Virgo Guy.Good match.But she was a 14.Number 5 can be domineering and hot tempered.But definitely pretty.

I was excited.As time went by,we realised that we had a lot in common.I slowly started to fall for her.


The bomb came.One day,she told me that she already had a fiancee and she was going to get married in October.


OK,fine.I will NOT fall for her.Just ask her to intro her friends to me.I'll tackle her friends and that's it.Better to get out of this quickly before more damage is done.

But I still enjoyed the conversations thru sms.We continued like this,until one day I asked her to intro her friends to me.

"No,I won't intro my friends to you."

"Why not?You already have a fiancee."

"I just said no.And don't ask me why."

"Hahaha there must be a reason right?"

"I don't want to tell you ok?"

"Up to you then.I don't care anyway."

"Okok,I'll say it.I have feelings for you.I'm starting to fall for you already and I'll get jealous if I intro my friends to you."

Wah,she's falling for me.I did well man!!BUT...there won't be a good ending.I know it already.I'm the 3rd party.But how to resist her?

I didn't know what to say.I didn't want to fall for her.But since she has fallen for me,what should I do????

"Tell you what,before I find you a girl,I'll be your temporary dear first.When your one comes then I'll leave you."

Hmm...I was thinking hard.What should I do?Should I accept it?Since I like her and she likes me.No harm right?

WRONG!!You'll know why...

"OK then,you be my dear first."

That was the beginning of the end.

Every night we'll chat on the phone.11pm we'll start.From the time I reach the camp gate till I reach my bunk,we'll chat.And my phone bills sky-rocketed.This went on for 3 weeks.

Until one day...

"Dear,I think we got to stop this.I feel bad cheating my fiancee."

"If you are happy,I'm willing to let go."

"Trust me,I'll find you a good girl.I have this friend,she's better looking than me.She'll be perfect for you.You are a nice guy and she's a nice girl."

"No.I love you and only you.I can't just fall for someone like that."

"Please dear,this is the best way out for the both of us.I have been a 3rd party before.I know how you feel.We can only blame fate.If only we had met earlier,I would definitely be with you."

"Damn it,it's fate again.Why is fate so cruel to me?What have I done wrong?This is like the Jeff Chang song."

"Please dear,give yourself and my friend a chance.You'll never know.Who knows,you might fall for her."

"Well,I'll just meet her up and see how.Promise me something.Promise me that you'll be happy.Don't worry or feel sad because of me ok?"

"I'm touched.We have only known each other for 3 weeks and yet you are so nice to me.If only my fiancee was like you."

"If you change your mind,I'm still here.If not,be happy,I'll be happy."

We met up a second time on the 11th October.She brought her friend along this time.Her friend was ok looking,but looked rather cunning.I didn't like her at first look.

We had buffet lunch at East Point.There was this korean BBQ restaurant which was quite nice.The conversation went on normally.Then she left the table and made her friend talk to be in private.

I dismissed her friend.Told her friend to join her.I wanted to be alone.

When she came back,she started to talk to me harshly.Telling me all about my flaws.Deep down inside,I understood that she did it to make me feel better.Because that was our very last meeting.

After lunch,I went down to Starhub to get a new phone line.She and I parted at Orchard Point.She had to go to work at Cuppage Plaza.As I watch her go,my heart was crying...but I knew that this won't work out.

I wish her all the best in her marriage.

So was that a sad story?I feel sad writing it.But what I want to say is that what happended was due to me feeding my mind with too much negativity.Even after my breakup with my ex in April,I was still listening to that song.

And that best part was I didn't know what caused all these sadness.After 4 years then I realised this.Probably if I knew this earlier,I might not have broken up with my ex.

My dear friend...don't follow in my footsteps.Whatever song or movie or book you read has an impact in your life.Don't allow negativity become your reality.If you go through the lyrics below,you'll realise that the song was in a way about me.

But the answer is...I created this reality myself.I programmed my mind to attract all those things into my life.

You have a choice.You have a choice in your daily mental diet.Choose only positive things.If you know that a song is negative,have the discipline to stop listening to it.

I think Jordan Chan,Eason Chan and Joey Yung sing a lot of sad love songs.Do go through the lyrics first.DON'T SAY I DIDN'T WARN YOU.YOU DON'T WANT ALL THESE THAT HAPPENDED TO ME TO HAPPEN TO YOU.

Alright,I have to get back to business.Hope this post really enlightened you.God bless.

The Shocking Truth Behind Sad Love Songs Part 2

Here are the lyrics of Jeff Chang's song from the Korean Drama "Winter Sonata".It's in Chinese.The translation is below.

If you want to see the MTV and hear the song,scroll to the end.

张信哲 从开始到现在
From Beginning Till Now

If this is the last ending

Why can't I forget you?

Time has changed us and said goodbye to innocence

If there's no contiuation after reunion,the loss is considered eternity

Punishing my sincererity,it's because I am too naive

Am I going to live my life like that

My kiss fated not to reach the one I love most

Waiting for you from the beginning till now

In the end it's still impossible

Can love be transferred to someone else

But destiny is fated to be unable to keep the one I love

I can't and why would I be willing to admit

You are not the one I should love

If seeing again is for parting

The loss is considered eternity

Why must a new memory be reborn again?

Am I going to live my life like that

My kiss fated not to reach the one I love most

Waiting for you from the beginning till now

In the end it's still impossible

Can love be transferred to someone else

But destiny is fated to be unable to keep the one I love

I can't and why would I be willing to admit

You are not the one I should love

Using what as evidence

Never thought of loving someone

Need such cruelity to prove deep love

Am I going to live my life like that

My kiss fated not to reach the one I love most

Waiting for you from the beginning till now

In the end it's still impossible

Can love be transferred to someone else

But destiny is fated to be unable to keep the one I love

I can't and why would I be willing to admit

You are the one I loved wrongly

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

ATTENTION GUYS:101 Ways Of How You Can Score Points With A Woman

I've been doing some studies on relationship recently.Came across something which I want to share with you.If you are a guy,you probably need to go through this list.I can gurantee that if you are able to do a few of the things mentioned in the list,your relationship will improve.

Personally,I've been guilty of not doing some of the things mentioned in the list.And I don't understand why women get so upset with us men it because they are just a bunch of trouble makers?

Well,I used to think so.But now,after reading Dr John Gray's book, "Men Are From Mars,Women Are From Venus",I look at them from a different perspective.I believe the women have their own comments about us as well.We men are not perfect.I think we just have to accept each others' differences for a healthy relationship.

Without further delay,let me share with you the 101 ways which you can score points with a woman.If you are currently single,this will make you stand out from your competitiors.If you are attached,then you are on your way to a more fulfilling relationship with your better half.

Let's begin...
(Those words in italics are my personal experiences and comments.)

1.Upon returning home find her first before doing anything else and give her a hug.

2.Ask her specific questions about her day that indicate an awareness of what she was planning to do (e.g., "How did your appointment with the doctor go?").
Yes,this works.It makes her feel that you care.I did this many times,it works wonders.

3.Practice listening and asking questions.
This is important.We guys have a tendency to want to talk and dorminate the conversation.

4.Resist the temptation to solve her problems-empathize instead.
Yes,this is often overlooked.I'm guilty of this.I'm always trying to think of a way to solve their problems instead of trying to listen.Are you also like this?

5.Give her 20 minutes of unsolicited,quality attention (don't read the newspaper or be distracted by anything else during this time).
And it's better to switch off your cell phone during this time.

6.Bring her cut flowers as a surprise as well as on special occasions.
Doesn't have to be flowers,can be any small gift.Or something you made yourself.Based on experience,something you made yourself has higher perceived value.

7.Plan a date several days in advance,rather than waiting for Friday night and asking her what she wants to do.
This is easy.I always plan in advance.I hate to screw up last minute.But trust me,they don't like screwed up guys.

8.If she generally makes dinner or if it's her turn and she seems tired or really busy,offer to make dinner.

9.Compliment her on how she looks.
Hahaha.You must tell a white lie even if she looks ugly.Unless she really gets on your nerves.(I'm referring to women whom you are not interested in and they keep pestering you.)

10.Validate her feelings when she is upset.
Remember Titanic?"You Jump,I Jump!" For this case,you sad I sad.

11.Offer to help her when she is tired.
Be a gentleman.

12.Schedule extra time when travelling so that she doesn't have to rush.
I still don't understand why women like to dilly dally.I guess it's just their nature.No choice.We got to accept that.

13.When you are going to be late,call her and let her know.
Another important point.Women have very wild imagination.If you are late,they'll start thinking of all the terrible things that happended to you.Better call or get a scolding when you reach.

14.When she asks for support,say yes or no without making wrong for asking.
Just give the support.Unless it's something really bad.I normally don't say no when they ask for support.

15.Whenever her feelings have been hurt,give her some empathy and tell her "I'm sorry you feel hurt." Then be slient;let her feel your understanding of her hurt.Don't offer solutions or explainations why her hurt is not your fault.
Yes,I often overlook this.I like to justify why it's not my fault.Hahaha they can't argue over me.But sadly...I'm the one who loses in the long run:-(

16.Whenever you need to pull away,let her know you'll be back or that you need some time to think about things.
Be open and let her know what you are thinking.Of course,there are certain things that you have to censor.Don't be stupid and tell everything.You'll get yourself into trouble.Like me.I learnt a painful lesson.

17.When you've cooled off and you come back,talk about what was bothering you in a respectful,nonblaming way,so she doesn't imagine the worst.
Refer to the previous point.

18.Offer to build a fire in wintertime.

19.When she talks to you,put down the magazine or turn off the TV and give her your full attention.
Many guys make this mistake.But sometimes women talk to us at the wrong time.Especially when something interesting is on TV.Can't they choose the right timing?

20.If she usually washes the dishes occasionally offer to wash the dishes,especially if she's tired that day.

21.Notice when she's upset or tired and ask what she has to do.Then offer to help by doing a few of her "to do" items.
This is when your problem solving skills comes in.Offer help but don't be pushy.

22.When going out,ask if there is anything she wants you to pick up at the store,and remember to pick it up.

23.Let her know when you are planning to take a nap or leave.

24.Give her 4 hugs a day.
I did only 2.

25.Call her from work to ask how she is or to share something exciting or to tell her "I love you".
A busy man like me has to force himself to do it at least once a day.But trust me,it's worth the investment.

26.Tell her "I love you" at least a couple of times every day.
Hmm...I said it 3 times a day.How many times did you say?

27.Make the bed and clean up the bedroom.

28.If she washes your socks,turn your socks right side out so she doesn't have to.

29.Notice when the trash is full and offer to empty it.

30.When you are out of town,call to leave a telephone number where you can be reached and to let her know you arrived safely.
Yes,don't make her worry for nothing.Despite how busy you are,a few minutes on the phone won't kill you.

31.Wash her car.

32.Wash your car and clean up the interior before a date with her.

33.Wash before having sex or put on a cologne if she likes that.

34.Take her side when she's upset with someone.
This is very very true.I did it once in IRC and that girl got interested in me.Hahaha.Even if you don't agree with her,just agree for the sake of making her happy.

35.Offer to give her a back or neck or foot massage (or all 3).
I love massages.Usually they give massages to me.But I do offer to give back.

36.Make a point of cuddling or being affectionate sometimes without being sexual.
Don't make her feel like a sex slave.

37.Be patient when she's sharing.Don't look at your watch.
Hahaha I don't wear a watch,but I look at my cell phone clock.Don't do that.Unless she's not important to you and you want to throw a smoke bomb.

38.Don't flick the remote control to different channels when she's watching TV with you.

39.Display affection in public.
We guys may feel stupid doing that.But women love it.

40.When holding hands,don't let your hand go limp.
If you hands feel clammy(if you have sweaty palms like me),just excuse yourself and say you need to go to the gents.

41.Learn her favourite drinks so you can offer her a choice of the ones that you know she already likes.
Know thyself and thy enemy,and you shall win a 100 out of 100 battles.Always try to find out as much as you can about her likes and dislikes.So that sometimes you can launch surprise gifts.Women love men who take care of small small details.To us it's small but to them it's a big thing.

42.Suggest different restaurants for going out;don't put the burden of figuring out where to go on her.
Should be easy if you are a goumet like me.I'm very particular and fussy about food.I have many places to eat in mind.

43.Get season tickets for the theater,symphony,opera,ballet,or some type of performance she likes.

44.Create occasions when you both can dress up.
I find this lame.But they love it.Try to buy the same t-shirt and wear together.

45.Be understanding when she is late or decides to change her outfit.
Yeah,got to be patient on this.

46.Pay more attention to her than to others in public.
Hahaha don't look at the big boobs or pretty gals when you are with her.However,I have a solution if you do that...If she gets angry,answer in this way...
"I'm comparing and seeing who is as beautiful as you."Hahaha she may or may not say you are lying.But this is a good way to get yourself out of the situation.

47.Make her more important than the children.Let the children see her getting your attention first and foremost.

48.Buy her little presents-like a small box of chocolates or perfume.
To do this you must know what she likes.

49.Buy her an outfit(take a picture of your partner along with her sizes to the store and let them help you select it.).

50.Take pictures of her on special occasions.

51.Take short romantic getaways.

52.Let her see that you carry a picture of her in your wallet and update it from time to time.
Yeah,always do that.

53.When staying in a hotel,have them prepare the room with something special,like a bottle of champagne or sparkling apple juice or some flowers.

54.Write a note or make a sign on special occasions such as anniversaries or birthdays.

55.Offer to drive the car on long trips.

56.Drive slowly and safely,respecting her preferences.After all,she is sitting powerless in the front seat.

57.Notice how she is feeling and comment on it-"You look happy today" or "You look tired" - and then ask a question like "How was your day?"

58.When taking her out,study the directions in advance so that she does not have to feel responsible to navigate.

59.Take her dancing or take dancing classes together.

60.Surprise her with a love note or poem.
I did this one before.It's powerful.To be honest with you,I'm not a poet or romantic.But somehow I managed to come up with a poem.You can do it too.Doesn't have to be perfect,but must be unique.

61.Treat her in ways you did at the beginning of the relationship.

62.Offer to fix something around the house.Say "What needs to be fixed around here?I have some extra time."Don't take on more than you can do.

63.Offer to sharpen her knives in the kitchen.

64.Buy some Super Glue to fix things that are broken.

65.Offer to change light bulbs as soon as they go out.

66.Help with recycling the trash.

67.Read out loud or cut out sections of the newspaper that will interest her.

68.Write out neatly any phone messages that you may take for her..

69.Keep the bathroom floor clean and dry after taking a shower.

70.Open the door for her.
This is overlooked by many guys.We always tend to be in a rush.We want to quicky find a seat in the eating house or quickly get the movie tickets so that we have more choices.Because of all these factors,we neglect being a gentleman.I got into trouble because of this before.
And I thought the gal was making a mountain out of a molehill.But that's not true.

71.Offer to carry the groceries.
Be a gentleman.

72.Offer to carry heavy boxes for her.
Refer to previous point.

73.On trips,handle the luggage and be responsible for packing it in the car.

74.If she washes the dishes or it's her turn,offer to help scrub pots or other difficult tasks.

75.Make a "to fix" list and leave it in the kitchen.When you have extra time do something on that list for her.Don't let it get too long.

76.When she prepares a meal,compliment her cooking.
Even if the food sucks big time,you mustn't say it.Instead say this "It's nice and it can be improved by blah blah blah..." Don't say the food sucks directly.

77.When listening to her talk,use eye contact.
Many begineers make this mistake.Because they are too shy to look at a gal in the eye.My solution is this,look at her mouth(upper lips) if you are uncomfortable looking at her eyes.When you do that,to her it would still seem that you are looking into her eyes.

78.Touch her with your hand sometimes when you talk to her.
Don't be shy,just touch her arms or shoulder.

79.Show interest in what she does during the day,in the books she reads and the people she relates to.
This is knowing your enemy.Find out all you can about her likes and dislikes.I can't stress further the importance of this.

80.When listening to her,reassure her that you are interested by making little noises like ah ha,uh-huh,oh,mmhuh, and hmmmmm.
I didn't know about this.It works amazingly.They'll love to talk to you.But be careful,don't fall into the "let's just be friends" category.Be extra careful when they talk about their boyfriends or ex-boyfriends.They may be using you as a listening ear only.

81.Ask her how she is feeling.

82.If she has been sick in some way,ask for an update and ask how she is doing or feeling.
Not only that,offer to buy medicine for her.Maybe panadol.Those that you can easily get.If you can,boil some soup for her.You can easily get at those chinese medicine stores.

83.If she's tired,offer to make her some tea.
This is easy.Just do it.

84.Get ready to go to sleep together and get in bed at the same time.

85.Give her a kiss and say good-bye before you leave.

86.Laugh at her jokes and humour.
Or pretend to,if you don't find them funny.

87.Verbally say thank you when she does things for you.
Be well-mannered.

88.Notice when she gets her hair done and give a reassuring compliment.
Hahaha yes,even if it makes her look like a witch,tell her it's nice.

89.Create special time to be alone together.

90.Don't answer the phone at intimate moments or if she's sharing vulnerable feelings.
This is important.You must make her feel as if there are only the 2 of you.

91.Go bicycling together,even it's just a short ride.

92.Organize and prepare a picnic.(Remember to bring a picnic cloth.)

93.If she handles the laundry,bring the clothes to the cleaners or offer to do the wash.

94.Take her for a walk without the children.

95.Negotiate in a manner that shows her that you want her to get what she wants and you also want what you want.Be caring,but don't be a martyr.
Negotiate intelligently.But don't make her climb over you.

96.Let her know that you missed her when you went away.
Yes,say you missed her very much.She was on your mind all the time.Whether you are eating,bathing or shitting.Hahaha ok,I was a little vulgar.

97.Bring home her favourite pie or dessert.
This is easy.Just do it.

98.If she normally shops for the food,offer to do the food shopping.

99.Eat lightly on romantic occasions so that you don't become stuffed and tired later.

100.Ask her to add her thoughts to this list.

101.Leave the bathroom seat down.

Alright,there you are,the 101 ways.To be honest,I didn't use all of them.Only some of them.And my relationship improved.Do try them out for yourself.

And all the credit goes to Dr John Gray and his book.If you are interested in his book,you can purchase it from the link below.

May you have a happy & fulfilling relationship.
God bless.