I Was Touched......Almost Tears.......When I Heard It......

Figure 2:Fried Chicken Thigh In Western Style,With Salad Sauce
Figure 3:Guan Sin Restaurant's Speciality,Guan Sin Pork Ribs
Figure 4:Deep Fried Pumpkin With Salted Egg Yolk
Figure 5:The Durian Stall And It's 2 Owners
Figure 6:Uncle Ah Heng Bargaining With The Durian Stall Owners
Figure 7:Uncle Ah Heng's Proton Wira,He Claims To Be The Best Among All The Illegal Taxis In Kluang.
Figure 8:The Bag Of Durians,9kgs in weight.
Alright,today I had a SUPER-BLESSED DAY.Thanks to my Heavenly Father,that is Almighty God,and also my uncle,who sponsored the trip.I'm sure you are intrigued by the title.Why was I so touched?Well,be patient,I'm sure you'll know by the end.
I wasn't able to go initially.Actually I've already got the money to go,but someone was unhappy with me going,and on Sunday night,keep bombarding me with all the negative stuff.It affected my mood of going tremendously.What kind of negative stuff?Read Sunday's post.You'll know.
I was really apprehensive about going initially.I heard from my aunt,who is a Malaysian that Kluang is not a very safe place to go to.Then Mr Negative bombarded me with a hell lot of bad things that will happend to me if I go.That I won't be able to return and will get robbed and all the bad things you can think of.
I made up my mind that I am a Son of God.No matter what,God is with me whereever I go.His protection is always with me.(OK,I said it to convince myself so that I can justify myself to go.)And...................
Suprisingly,God spoke to me during the train ride.........I was praying about the trip,because I was a little afraid of what Mr Negative said.God said this "Son,whenever you are,I am always with you.I am always watching over you,you are well-protected."
And then the POWER-LINE that made me very touched......almost tears.........
"You are my most beloved Son...........how can I allow any harm to come upon you?"
I was thinking........."Cannot be..........there are so many Sons and Daughters better than me.How can I be the most beloved one?"
Simple fact,I still indulge in certain habits that God will surely disapprove of.There are many Christians out there who behave themselves better than me.Why am I still the most beloved?
Answer comes................"Jesus died for YOU alone..........for YOU ALONE..........that's why you are my most beloved.Now it's only between you and me.I am Your Father and you are my most beloved Son.............."
Wah...........I didn't know that..........as a Christian for so long.............2 years already..........I didn't know that God really loves me so much.I've always had this impression that Jesus died on the cross for everybody.It's nothing special if it's for everybody.But hey,it is for me ALONE.
I was touched.But I still didn't quite believe.............until the end of the trip..........How did God protect and bless me?Read on..............
I reached Kluang at 1545 hrs.The train was 25 minutes late.Before I reached,I was trying to find out where is Guan Sin Restaurant.I wanted to try their speciality,the Ribs.From Kulai Station all the way,I have been trying to figure out the location by looking at the little map I have.I didn't get any results.
I thought maybe I could walk to the Restaurant........As I was thinking,a man in his 50s wearing a beige shirt with a beer belly approached me.He asked me if I needed a ride.I asked him how much.He asked where was I heading to.I answered Simpang Rengam,Guan Sin Restaurant.
He quoted me $35 Ringgit.Wah,that's around 17 bucks Singapore Dollars.Goodness me,is it really so far or is he trying to pull a quick one?I decided that it was worth the money anyway,since I can save time trying to search for the place.If he wants to cheat me,it's OK,since I am paying for time.
I got into his Proton Wira.He told me that he has to send the Indian lady sitting at the back home first,then he'll ferry me to Guan Sin Restaurant.I asked him how far it is,he told me around 30 km.I thought he was kidding because he wanted to earn the money from me,since I was from Singapore.
I let him continue driving.During the journey,I found him quite friendly and helpful.He suggested that I allow him to ferry me back to the Railway Station after my meal because the public transport there is terrible.I'll miss my train back to Singapore if I depended on the buses.I agreed.He told me it's $80 Ringgit.Wah,how can this be?I was thinking,35 bucks there,coming back should also be 35 bucks,total of 70 bucks...........
He told me he'll wait for me till I finish my meal.I agreed,but tried to bargain.He told me 75 bucks is the lowest he can go.OK,fine,I agreed to pay.
Throughout the journey,he kept telling me that I was very lucky to knock into him at the Railway Station.His "Illegal Taxi" is the newest and most comfortable in the whole of Kluang.Others use lousy cars like Datsun 120,Proton Saga and do not have air-con.His Proton Wira is the most comfortable,with powerful air-con and spacious seats.
Well,I was thinking he said that to "sell himself".But nonetheless,we still had a very nice chat.He told me a lot about the lifestyle in Kluang,the famous food there and about his family.He has 2 sons who are working in Singapore and they go back every weekend.It seems that he has a very united and happy family.I think it's something to learn from him............he's easygoing and not calculative.
After around half hour,I finally reached my destination.It was indeed 30 plus kilometres from the Railway Station.Before I alighted,I wanted to pay him the fare.He declined,told me to pay him later and said that he trusted me.Then he gave me his Handphone Number and told me to call him after I finish my meal.His name was Ah Heng.
I went in and started ordering the food.One waitress was quite pretty,the other was fuckable.But all their attitude suck.The food is average.Service sucks.Enviroment sucks.The dishes are shown in Figures 2,3 and 4.The Chicken is terrible.Pumpkin is ok,ribs is very good.
After my meal,I settled the bill and went out to wait for Uncle Ah Heng.I address him as uncle because of his age.I found out later that he's 53 years old.I asked him where did he go when I while I was eating.He told me he went to buy durians and a few crabs for his wife to cook for dinner.
I asked him where did he buy his durians and whether they are good,he said he'll bring me to buy durians.So that brings us to Figure 5 and 6.You can see the stall and Uncle Ah Heng bargaining with them.I was very impressed with his service.He taught me how to bargain and what to look out for when dealing with these people.He mentioned that you must always bargain and never reveal your real identity.They'll raise the price if they know you are from Singapore.Next is always round down the scale.If it's 9.5kg,always round it down because they try to cheat with the scales.
He helped me to make sure they chose the good ones for me.These 2 idiots tried to give me durians with worms.Uncle Ah Heng told them off and said that we need to transport the durians back to Kuala Lumpur by train.So I became a Johorian for a while.I told them I was from Johore Bahru.To add to the effect,Uncle Ah Heng said that if the durians are bad,he'll come after them the next week.I was laughing secretly when I saw the 2 terrified faces.They did look comical.
Uncle Ah Heng helped me carry the durians back to his car and we made our way to the Railway Station.I asked him if the coffee there was really that fantastic,he told me no,there's a better one.He'll bring me there and help me get some coffee power.I agreed.
We reached the coffee shop that he referred to and sadly it was closed.He told me not to worry,we'll go to the owner's house to buy.Wow,I was really impressed by his service.I decided..........I would take back what I said about the 75 bucks.I will pay him 80 bucks.He deserved it.
He was very happy to hear that.Told me to call him up to tell him about the durians.I will do it tomorrow because I reached home very late just now and I believe he's asleep.I'll call him up again when I go back to Kluang.By the way,he's also a Hakka.Same dialect group as me.
We reached the coffee shop's owner's house...........but his wife told us it's all sold out.We have to go back tomorrow.So no choice,we had to head back to the station.I was very happy to pay Uncle Ah Heng the money and we bade each other goodbye.
He said that we will meet again,which I am sure we would.I will go back to Kluang again.
Why did I say God was blessing me?Simple,the Restaurant was so far away and He sent Uncle Ah Heng to meet me at the Railway Station.If it wasn't for Uncle Ah Heng,I would have been lost there.Not only that,what will happend to me I don't know,because according to Uncle Ah Heng,the town area(around the Railway Station) is not a safe place to hang around.
30 plus kilometres..........how could I possibly walk there?NO WAY MAN.So I want to take this opportunity to Praise and Thank Father God,for all the blessings today and all that He has done for me.........AND.............the blessings that I am going to receive in the future.
Dear Heavenly Father,thank you for everything.Thank you for the exceeding great love you have for me.I deeply appreciate everything you have given me.Thank you thank you thank you.In Jesus name,Amen.