Wednesday 31st May 2006
I'm melting..........under or away from the sun,it's still hot.Had an interesting encounter today.....Kok Leong and I went for Prosperity Tour.As we were going towards Orchard,we saw 9067 A going from Marina Center towards Orchard.We wondered what service it was because it was originally 132.After some analysing,I concluded it to be 111.We tried to chase after it,but our bus was too slow,and we lost it at Orchard Boulevard.Since it was 111,we could go to Ghim Moh Terminal to wait for it.We reached Ghim Moh,it was not there.At first we thought it was delayed somewhere along the way.But in the end it didn't come.We waited for 3 buses to come and go.
We walked back to our destination for Prosperity Tour.It was a wonderful walk.I feel prosperous when walking at those places.Went back home and went on to Bukit Timah Road to wait for Leyland Olympian buses.We did a count,Kok Leong only took 14 out of 100 buses(9000 S to 9099 H).He wanted to take another one today to add to the number.We wait for quite sometime,no bus came.Until about 20 minutes later,9072 J came as 154.As we were rather hungry,we didn't know where to alight,so we took all the way to Eunos.
There were s0me coffee shops there.A signboard caught our eyes...............Butter Sotong,Venison with Black Pepper,Deep Fried Yam Ring,Pepper Crab,Deep Fried Brinjals With Pork Floss.........
Looks interesting.We contemplated whether to eat or not because we were really hungry and wanted to make sure it satisfies us.
In the end we decided to try the Butter Sotong,since it caught our eyes.We ordered a Roast Chicken and Butter Sotong.It was a great meal.We had a great business discussion during the meal.Now the plans for June are out.I am planning to increase the workload,so that we could accomplish more.Kok Leong is going to start work soon,so I believe there has to be some consideration about the increase.I will definitely push myself harder the coming month.
Next Wednesday is my Reservist Day.Hate it.Got to wake up damn early.I've to leave the house at 0530 hrs.Reach camp by 0730 hrs.The darn camp is at Tanjong Gul.But thank God it's only 3 days.By Friday I'll be a free man once again.
OK,continue with where we left last night..............I am at chapter 3 today,of Stuart Wilde's book.Today I read something interesting.He said that in order to exercise your capacity for receiving abundance and money,you got to do something...........................
What's the secret??Read on.......................
You got to accept money on a small scale...........puzzled?Let me explain further.He said that when you see money on the ground,pick them up no matter how small the amount is...........why?According to him,you must learn to accept small amounts first before you can attract the large amounts.It may be tough and embarrasing especially when you are with friends.But he mentioned that when you do this,you mind will start being programmed to accept more money.
Whatever you earn now is a reflection of how much money your mind can accept you having.
OK,that's my own way of summarising the chapter.I think it's very true,once we can allow our minds to accept more money,we start to automatically attract more money.Or to say it in another way,our beliefs are stopping us from attracting more money.
How to counter this??Want to know.........................??Read on...................
I may have mentioned this before.One way to clear the beliefs is to question them gently.For example,let's say your are earning 2K per month.What's stopping you from earning 4K per month?Do you see yourself earning more in the near future?Let's say 3 months from now?
When you start in this way,your mind will start telling you things like "That's not one can do that............" or "Other people can because they have the resources,you have nothing,so you can't..........." and stuff like may be hearing it already,as you read this.
And what happends next?Based on all this responses from your mind,you know that the beliefs are sabotaging you.Now,you take all those responses and gently question them.Keep asking "why not?".You will know it when you start feeling uncomfortable.You might start feeling fearful or nervous when you think of the amount you want to earn during the short time.
For example when you hear "you have no resources so you can't..........." you might want to question "why do I need the resources?".You see,by needing resources to succeed is a belief.Your mind believes that only with the resources then you can succeed.But is that really true?Maybe not............
In fact,what we believe may not be true most of the time.Programming from family and friends,the TV,newspapers and all other negative sources.So be very careful of what you read and hear.I can't stress the importance of this!
Back to the topic,so keep questioning your beliefs gently.See if they are really true,or they are False Evidence Appearing Real................
Sounds familiar?You should know what's the word................if you don't............Read on..............
FEAR is the word.
So don't let fear paralyze you.Release your beliefs and accept your abundance.It's is our birth-right to be prosperous and abundant.Claim it!!
Tomorrow's the beginning of a new month.Make good use of it,expect more good things to come into your life and stay prosperous.See you all tomorrow.