Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Wednesday 31st May 2006

OK,today's the last day of the month!And I am all ready to rock the next month.Everything is according to schedule.I had a very fruitful day today.Cleared up almost everything this afternoon.Later just got to read Alan Greenspan's biography and listen to Pastor Prince's sermons then I am done for the day.The weather's freaking hot today!!!!

I'm melting..........under or away from the sun,it's still hot.Had an interesting encounter today.....Kok Leong and I went for Prosperity Tour.As we were going towards Orchard,we saw 9067 A going from Marina Center towards Orchard.We wondered what service it was because it was originally 132.After some analysing,I concluded it to be 111.We tried to chase after it,but our bus was too slow,and we lost it at Orchard Boulevard.Since it was 111,we could go to Ghim Moh Terminal to wait for it.We reached Ghim Moh,it was not there.At first we thought it was delayed somewhere along the way.But in the end it didn't come.We waited for 3 buses to come and go.

We walked back to our destination for Prosperity Tour.It was a wonderful walk.I feel prosperous when walking at those places.Went back home and went on to Bukit Timah Road to wait for Leyland Olympian buses.We did a count,Kok Leong only took 14 out of 100 buses(9000 S to 9099 H).He wanted to take another one today to add to the number.We wait for quite sometime,no bus came.Until about 20 minutes later,9072 J came as 154.As we were rather hungry,we didn't know where to alight,so we took all the way to Eunos.

There were s0me coffee shops there.A signboard caught our eyes...............Butter Sotong,Venison with Black Pepper,Deep Fried Yam Ring,Pepper Crab,Deep Fried Brinjals With Pork Floss.........
Looks interesting.We contemplated whether to eat or not because we were really hungry and wanted to make sure it satisfies us.

In the end we decided to try the Butter Sotong,since it caught our eyes.We ordered a Roast Chicken and Butter Sotong.It was a great meal.We had a great business discussion during the meal.Now the plans for June are out.I am planning to increase the workload,so that we could accomplish more.Kok Leong is going to start work soon,so I believe there has to be some consideration about the increase.I will definitely push myself harder the coming month.

Next Wednesday is my Reservist Day.Hate it.Got to wake up damn early.I've to leave the house at 0530 hrs.Reach camp by 0730 hrs.The darn camp is at Tanjong Gul.But thank God it's only 3 days.By Friday I'll be a free man once again.

OK,continue with where we left last night..............I am at chapter 3 today,of Stuart Wilde's book.Today I read something interesting.He said that in order to exercise your capacity for receiving abundance and money,you got to do something...........................

What's the secret??Read on.......................

You got to accept money on a small scale...........puzzled?Let me explain further.He said that when you see money on the ground,pick them up no matter how small the amount is...........why?According to him,you must learn to accept small amounts first before you can attract the large amounts.It may be tough and embarrasing especially when you are with friends.But he mentioned that when you do this,you mind will start being programmed to accept more money.

Whatever you earn now is a reflection of how much money your mind can accept you having.

OK,that's my own way of summarising the chapter.I think it's very true,once we can allow our minds to accept more money,we start to automatically attract more money.Or to say it in another way,our beliefs are stopping us from attracting more money.

How to counter this??Want to know.........................??Read on...................

I may have mentioned this before.One way to clear the beliefs is to question them gently.For example,let's say your are earning 2K per month.What's stopping you from earning 4K per month?Do you see yourself earning more in the near future?Let's say 3 months from now?

When you start in this way,your mind will start telling you things like "That's not one can do that............" or "Other people can because they have the resources,you have nothing,so you can't..........." and stuff like may be hearing it already,as you read this.

And what happends next?Based on all this responses from your mind,you know that the beliefs are sabotaging you.Now,you take all those responses and gently question them.Keep asking "why not?".You will know it when you start feeling uncomfortable.You might start feeling fearful or nervous when you think of the amount you want to earn during the short time.

For example when you hear "you have no resources so you can't..........." you might want to question "why do I need the resources?".You see,by needing resources to succeed is a belief.Your mind believes that only with the resources then you can succeed.But is that really true?Maybe not............

In fact,what we believe may not be true most of the time.Programming from family and friends,the TV,newspapers and all other negative sources.So be very careful of what you read and hear.I can't stress the importance of this!

Back to the topic,so keep questioning your beliefs gently.See if they are really true,or they are False Evidence Appearing Real................

Sounds familiar?You should know what's the word................if you don't............Read on..............

FEAR is the word.

So don't let fear paralyze you.Release your beliefs and accept your abundance.It's is our birth-right to be prosperous and abundant.Claim it!!

Tomorrow's the beginning of a new month.Make good use of it,expect more good things to come into your life and stay prosperous.See you all tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Tuesday 30th May 2006

Another great day of abundance today,and of course,another day of learning........I have something interesting to share,but the time you finish reading this post,you would know what it is............

Today my bus manifestation experiment went off very smoothly.I decided that I wanted to take a Dennis Trident to work the moment I left my house.While walking to the bus stop,I made a conscious decision to focus on other things,but at the same time I walked at my usual speed.I was thinking of the business idea that my brother shared last night.He planned to use it in his final year project but it was rejected.Shit,what a waste!

As I was immersed in my thoughts,indeed,9673 A came.I boarded happily and was on time for work.Everything went smooth today................until lunch time did the first lesson of today came...............I went to Lido as usual.Today I saw Salmon Belly.Wow,it sure looks tasty,but it seems that I won't be able to claim so much for lunch,and there were some considerations about the cost.I had to remind myself today........I live in a world of abundance,it's God's will that I live enjoyably,not in lack or want.God will provide as He is my shepherd.I took a leap of faith and bought all the stuff that I wanted to eat,ignoring the cost,knowing that somehow God will provide the money for whatever I need to spend on later in the week.I made that decision because of a sermon I heard from Pastor Prince,which I will touch on later.

I really enjoyed that meal.Praise God,I have never tasted such good Salmon Belly.It was worth every single cent.Thank you Father God,for blessing me with this wonderful meal.Somehow the signs were that I was meant to have that pack of Salmon Belly.Later at night,I continued with Stuart Wilde's book on The Trick To Money Is Having Some.He mentioned that we should not attach any emotions to money.We should go with the "flow",knowing that there is abundance.One point that really struck me was that if all the world's money was divided between every single human being,each one of us would be a millionaire.But why are so many people still suffering in poverty?The key lies in the mindset towards money.I personally believe that Poverty Is A Mindset,So Is Prosperity.

How much money we attract depends on what we feel about we believe that we have to work hard and struggle so as to have money?Or we can attract is easily?It's very easy to preach all this,but when the crunch comes,it's a real challenge to keep the prosperity mindset.Do we all agree on this?

Stuart mentioned in his book that a way to counter this problem,is to only think and focus on surviving the next 72 hours.I think many people,including myself make this mistake of trying to plan too far ahead.The usual thought goes like this "If I spend now,what will happend next week?Next next week?Next month?And etc.........."

Here's a quiz.I read it in some book,I forgot the name,if not I would want to give the author credit for this.Here goes..............Imagine you are at a table,there is a basket of fruits on the middle of the table,there are 8 persons sitting at the table,including yourself.After distributing the fruits,you discover that there is not enough for everyone.What would you do?

A.Take your share first and ignore whether the others all have got their share.

B.Give up your share and go without it.Let them have it.

C.Expect the basket to be refilled and that everyone will have their share.

Read on for the answers.......................................

If you choose A or B,you are coming from lack.You feel that whatever resources you have is limited.Similarly with money,you feel that once you finish spending,you will have nothing left.You try to save and hoard.And you are emotionally attached to money or any resources that you have.

If you choose C,you are living in a world of abundance.You know that the universe or God will provide.There are infinite resources for everyone.You know that once the resource is exhausted,more will come.You find it easy to be generous with others because you know that once you finish what you have,more will come.And as a result,your life is always in abundance.

Which one are you?Many of us are in the first category.It takes mental strength to move to the second category.I'm sure some of us who use affirmations will hear ourselves or our other self telling us that it's not possible.Based on our parents' and teachers' teachings it is not possible.We have to compete in order to succeed.There is not enough for all.We fight tooth and nail to get what we want.I highly encourage everyone to "upgrade" yourself to the second category.It's worth the effort.Animals compete,humans create.

Well decide if you want to be an animal or a human..........I think the answer is pretty obvious isn't it?Hahaha................
I hope this shines some light on the issues you are or might be facing now.

Right,now on to the next point...................

What Kind Of Person Can Fully Receive God's Blessings?

I summarise this in one word.............are you ready for the word??

Ready?Here goes................


It's a simple four-letter word.The person who knows how to rest will be able to fully receive God's blessings.Why?You might ask.................
As we know,God is our heavenly Father.He loves it when we give our problems to him and rest.When we Rest,God works on our behalf.When we work,God Rests.Would you prefer to depend on your own strength or depend on your Heavenly Father,Almighty God,who sees further than you and will always provide the best solution to your problems?

I personally fall into this trap,when problems arise,be it financial or whatever problems.I allow myself to be overcome with these problems and forget that God is there to help me.When I am in a bad financial situation sometimes,I allow the situation to grab hold of me.I didn't hold on to the promises.Today I held on to the promises of God and fought the devil.And I prevailed.I got the money back somehow.Always remember that you live in an abundant universe.And that God's will is to make you live an abundant life and to make you happy.

OK,that's all for tonight.I got to continue with my work again..............Be blessed.Stay prosperous and abundant.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Monday 29th May 2006

Whew,time flies,very soon it's coming to the end of May.But thank God,today is a great day,I managed to accomplish a lot today.

Thought I will wake up late today as I slept a lot last evening.But thank God I had enough sleep and woke up before the alarm clock went off.Started the day off by reading Deepak Chopra's "Spontaneous Fufilment Of Desire".It's a great book on syncrodestiny,the coincidences in our lives and how can we derive the meanings of these coincidences.I highly recommend this book.

There's a part where you need to meditate for 20 minutes per day.I find it really difficult to meditate.There's a saying that a successful man is one that can control his mind.How true this statement is!As we all know,our mind is always wandering around,never stopping.It takes great discipline to "tame" it.I am still trying to do it.And I believe in time to come,I will succeed in controlling my mind.

After reading the book,I continued with Stuart Wilde's "The Trick To Money Is Having Some".I read only a few pages due to some distraction.It mentioned that you need to have the correct mindset to attract money.And many times,our beliefs are stopping us from having the money we desire.I shall share more on this book after I read more of it.I believe this will benefit you readers.

The time's about 1600 hrs.I got ready to leave home to catch "Over The Hedge" with Kok Leong.Received an SMS from Christopher,asking whether we are meeting tonight.I invited him to join us for dinner.After which he got upset,saying that Kok Leong and I played him out.Played him out?!What the fuck did we do?I was thinking to myself.........why is he always doubting us?

He claimed that we were hiding things from him,which we didn't.I always maintain transparency within our partnership.Whatever that we do,I always let him know.The reason why I didn't inform him Kok Leong and I were meeting is because he mentioned that he wasn't interested in the movie we were watching and that usually Mondays he has to work overtime.I took it that he was busy and after all,it's wasn't a formal business meeting,so I never invite him along.

It seems that he took it very personally and that we were somehow "cheating" him in someway.I don't know what is his belief system and what he is thinking.Apparently he doesn't know me well enough.Why should I cheat him?What has he for me to cheat?Besides,I am not that type of loser who cheats and bullies those weaker than me.........why did he think in this way?My analysis is because he has been surrounded by too many of such losers who try to take advantage of him.Therefore he becomes very sensitive to these issues.In fact oversensitive.But I am not bothered this time.It has been the 4th time he has doubted me.And I have been very patient with him.I'm very tired of explaining myself,for something I didn't even do.Why should I prove my innocence where in the first place I am innocent?

And I feel that this is very bad for the partnership.If this nonsense goes on,it's a matter of time the partnership will break.Oh well,I'm not going to give a fuck this time.I have did my best to be fair to everyone.I have been very tolerant and have been giving in to late completion of work.Whatever that happends,no one is going to stop me from achieving my goals.Those that want to leave can leave.I am still going on no matter what.I will press on till I reach my destination.I am looking for commited business partners,not those who don't work and spend their time elsewhere doing things which do not contribute to the success of the business.

I may be strict in this sense.Although I asked myself many times,am I setting my standards too high?Are the deadlines manageable?But what's the bottomline?It's to be successful.If we don't push ourselves,competition will overtake us.We should be constantly striving to be better,no being complacent.Complacency kills.

Oh well,a word of advice,for a partnership to succeed,the most important thing is unity.All partners should have a common goal in mind.Once that happends,everything will run smoothly.One of the reasons why people split or divorce is because of different interests.My dad loves to say that.I think it's pretty true.Similarly my wife and I got together because of similar interests.Thank God for her.Everyday is a new discovery for both of us.We discover more of each other everyday and fall more in love with each other everyday.

OK,back to the happenings.The movie was really great.I had a great laugh.There was a pretty young girl sitting beside Kok Leong today.Hahaha lucky him.But I still consider myself luckier.You should know why.After the movie,I smsed Christopher to see if he's joining us for dinner.He said no,he was going home to sleep.

Fine,I thought.I am not going to waste any time today.I will proceed on with a business meeting today without him.That was a last minute decision because Wednesday is the deadline,there are somethings we need to accomplish then.Luckily,Kok Leong and I were able to clear up everything today.We were 2 days early.Wednesday I will be planning for June.We will be doing something interesting in June.

I had Sashimi with Rice again today,and 10 pcs McNuggets(Shared 20 pcs with Kok Leong) and 4 McPepper Wings.The Wings were nice,but not really value for money.After the good meal we went to Kino and then to his new workplace.He applied for a job as a sercurity guard at Aliwal Street.I went with him to check out the premises,then we went for supper at Jalan Besar Stadium S11.I had my Mixed Vegetable Rice as usual,then we went to the bank to deposit cash.The darn machine was spoiled and we had to walk to Rochore Center to do it.I was quite tired,took 133 with Kok Leong.No double deck today.Because I didn't try manifest any.

Feel a bit tired now.Going to bathe and clear work later.I will work as much as I can.To accomplish more if possible.It's great to work ahead of schedule.I love doing that.I hate it when time is wasted on unnecessary stuff.OK guys,got to work tomorrow.I'll see you guys again tomorrow night.Praise God for such a wonderful life!I am grateful for everything.May God bless each and everyone of you abundantly!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Thursday 25th May 2006

Wah,a day of trials and's during these days that you learn to be more patient and go with the "flow" knowing that all things turn out for the highest good...............

The good thing is I had a good sleep today.Woke up at 1330 hrs.Realising that I need to go and buy tickets earlier because the best seats might be taken up.I left home at 1400 hrs,bought tickets and reached home at 1440 hrs.Met my mum on the way up home,she asked if I wanted to have lunch.I said yes,then I left my keys in my room and locked it.DAMN IT!My brother won't be home till 11 plus and I haven't been doing any work today.All my stuff is in my room.

Luckily I have some E-books that I printed out lying on the computer table that I've been wanting to read and have no time.I took out the E-books and went to Bugis and find a nice place to read them.When I reached there,every darn seat or bench is occupied.FUCK MAN!!That's an hour wasted.At 5 plus,Kok Leong reached Bugis.We meet up and walked across to Shaw Towers Subway to have dinner.I didn't have any chance to read the books and they were pretty heavy to carry.I get irritated when time is wasted.I hate to waste time.

We had a great dinner.I didn't read my stuff as we were talking.At 6 plus,Christopher called to say he arrived.Wow,we see a happy man today..........A man in love is a happy man.Agree with me?Well,he has been crazy over this girl named Yiling.I wish him the best and that his dreams come true.Haha his mind is so full of her that he is not able to hear what I was talking to him about.But it's a good thing,at least he is a happy man now,compared to being moody and negative.We watched the show at 1835 hrs.Boring show.I slept during the start.Then Christopher nudged me to wake up.He said I was snoring and the 2 bitches beside were laughing.To hell with them anyway.Fucking bitches,they don't know how to shut up when the show has started.They deserve a good screw to make them shut up!

Anyway,after the show Christopher went home,Kok Leong and I went to Suntec to buy Pastor Prince's sermon CD.Damn it,the tape counter is closed.Wah,today ah,really.......................FUCK UP.Okok relax............relax and go with the flow,I told myself.Kok Leong agreed to help me buy the CDs when he drops by tomorrow.Praise God for a good friend.We went to the bus stop and waited for 133.At first it was a single deck,then 9195 M came.I was grateful that at least it was a Leyland Olympian,even if it's not on my favourites list.Well,my favourite in the whole of Singapore is 9074 D.I think I haven't mentioned it before here.If you want to view it,go to my frienster and check it out.It has been my favourite since 1994.

Whew finally reached home.Damn,no one at home and I don't have the keys.So I had to go downstairs and find a place to read my E-books.It was a good thing too,if not I wouldn't have a chance to read the books.I knew by 2300 hrs,someone will be back.As based on experience,sometimes when it's a bad day for you,you just let everything go,then wait for the new day.2300 hrs is the beginning of a new day accordingly to chinese astrology.I wasn't that pissed because I knew that somehow there's something good behind all these shit that happended.At least I read about fire sales today.

Lesson learnt today:In every shit,there is always something good.Look for it,and learn to flow along.Don't fight things if they don't turn out your way,you'll be more frustrated instead.

Work again tomorrow.And it's going to be a better day!!!Hmm......I have forgiven everyone,including the 2 people whom I might be seeing tomorrow.I ask Father God to give me wisdom when dealing with on tomorrow to know what happended.......if there's any happening between me and them.

God bless you guys.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Wednesday 24th May 2006

Another day of learning today.Woke up this morning,didn't feel good,don't know why.............but it's great that tomorrow is my rest day.YEAH!!

OK,this morning I learnt my lesson.Not to be smart.There's this saying in Hokkien "lang kiang tiu ho,mai kay kiang" meaning it's enough to be smart,don't pretend to be smart.What happended??

I tried to manifest a Dennis Trident.I visualised myself tapping the exit terminal at 0915 hrs,with the sounds of the bus and etc........when I reached the bus stop,a Volvo Olympian came.I thought to myself,my Trident hasn't come yet,I shall wait,maybe it's the next bus.WRONG CHOICE MAN!!!!After the bus left,there was no bus for 6 minutes.......When I glanced at my Handphone Clock,it was 0903 hrs.No buses!!What to do?

I braced myself and calmed myself down.OK,I thought to myself,there is something to learn here.Suddenly I remembered a story of this pious Christian man....................

One day,the town this man was stranded on an island.A helicopter flew past,the crew tried to save him,he said no,God will save him.After a while,the helicopter flew off..............Few minutes later,a boat came along and the men on the boat shouted at him and told him to go onboard.He said no again,God will save him.Hours passed,days passed......................Finally,this man died of hunger.He went up to heaven..............and met God.He asked God "Why did you let me die?Why didn't you save me?" God replied "I sent a helicopter and a boat to save you,but you didn't want to be saved,what can I do?"

I feel that this morning,I was like this man.I didn't want to board the bus that came.I was trying to be smart.In the end not only I was late,I didn't get a double decker.

So the moral of the story is:Don't act smart.Check the time before trying anything out.

Lunch was same as yesterday,except that I went to Wheelock Place basement to eat instead of sitting outside the supermarket.Had milkshake for dessert.Today I am really happy about my lunch,there were slices of Salmon Belly in my rice.This is quite unusual.As usual,I bought 100g of Tuna Belly to go along.Mmm..........delicious lunch.Thank God for that.Actually wanted to take 9012 H today,but was late due to the crowd that came during lunch time.I will try again on Friday.So in a way I was led to eat my Sashimi Rice.No wonder there were slices of salmon belly.Praise God for His Guidance.

Lesson learnt:All things always turn out for the highest good.

Evening my dad joined my uncle and I for dinner and for a nice car ride.He behaved better today,at least he didn't make those unnecessary comments that discredited me.He used to do that.I hope that God will give him more wisdom,so that he can become a more likeable person.Anyway,today my uncle was telling me to forgive my aunt for her trespasses.He said I should do it for his and my dad's sake.I said I would,but I warned them that if she tries anything funny again,don't blame me for exploding at her.I mean what I say.I will forgive her for all the shit she did to me.And I don't expect her to do it again.Well then,I can be nice,but don't force me to be nasty.

Haiz,my woman always tells me to be nice.She said that I look more charming when I'm nice.Hahaha what a compliment.But I told her,it's not that I want to be nasty to people,but I just want them to keep out of my way and not provoke me.I am not an offensive person.And I always try to be nice to others first,unless they really try their nonsense on me,then I won't hold back.Well then,for her sake,for my future childrens' sake and for my own sake,I'll try to tone down a bit.And one more thing,she kept telling me to forgive my dad for not standing on my side and all those nasty things he did to me last time.She said life's short,it's better to forgive now than to regret later when he's not around someday.After some thought,I cooled down and just let the issue pass.My wife is really knows how to handle me.Haha she knows which buttons to press.I take my hat off her.Praise God for her.We compliment each other,there are times I'll advise her and this time she's advising me.

Hmm..........come to think of it,I should just let it pass.Everyone makes mistakes sometime or the other,even myself.I think if God can forgive me for my sins,why can't I forgive others?If I am perfect,I wouldn't be here.OK,decided.

Father God,I forgive all those who have ever trespassed me in the name of Jesus.I bless each and everyone of them now,I want them to live well,be prosperous and be blessed.Teach me to walk in love Father,that I might love my enemies and that I might follow Jesus' example,to walk in love at all times.I know it's not possible with my own strength.I seek your help Father,with you,all things are possible.I release all of them into your good hands Father.Bless them.Amen.

Good ending today right?I think I feel lighter now.I got to thank my wife for her good counsel as well.It's a pity she doesn't read my blog.But it's fine with me.I write for my own pleasure,not to please anyone or to curry favour anyone.

Tomorrow will be a wonderful day............for a good rest...........Hahaha,then watch Da Vinci in the evening.Alright guys,be blessed,stay prosperous,see you tomorrow night.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Tuesday 23rd May 2006

OK,I have evolved today,from yesterday..............agree?Everybody evolves daily,if we can choose to look at setbacks and obstacles as growing opportunities.

Started today with a fresh morning.I woke up feeling fresh.Slept earlier last night.Really makes a difference.I had quite a lot of thoughts today..................would like to share some of them.Especially those pertaining to manifestation stuff.

The morning was pretty normal.Praise God,I managed to fix the computer.I thank Him for the wisdom I received today.Everything is well again.Lunchtime came.As usual,I was waiting for the bus.As usual,I tried to manifest 9012 H as svc 143.If you read my previous posts,I have tried to manifest this bus on a few occasions,but it didn't appear.Suprisingly,it appeared today.But..........on the opposite side.Damn.9066 C came again on my side.Better than nothing,at least a Leyland Olympian,and the air con is quite good.

The appearance of 9012 H on the opposite side led me to reflect on what I have done so far.Why can't I manifest it on my side?2 answers came to mind.Firstly,I think it's because of my belief system.I keep believing that the bus schedules are fixed.Everyday,at that time,9066 C will come.And that I kept believing that if 9066 C doesn't come,some other buses will come,but not 9012 H,because it's timing is different.So this may be sabotaging my manifestation.

Secondly,I must have some how been able to believe that 9012 H will somehow come,but not at that timing,at my bus stop.I didn't know what bus reaches the opposite side at that time.Only today then I found out.So it is also possible that my belief system allows 9012 H to fill that "unknown" on the opposite side.Probably I haven't reached the belief that 9012 H can somehow come on my side.Well,that's something to chew on.Food for thought.But definitely,tomorrow I am taking the opposite direction.I'll board 9012 H first,then decide what to eat next.

Lunch was great.I learnt my lesson yesterday.I had my Sashimi with Rice,this time I bought some minced Tuna Toro(Belly) to go along with my rice,and Lynton Park Spring Water.For dessert,I had Green Tea Ice Cream.Great,I was very satisfied.After lunch,I went to Border's to look for "Secrets of a Millionaire Mind".This was the book that reminded me who I was when the bitch screwed me the last time.It saved me from flaring up at her and giving her a tirade.Kino called me this morning and told me it was out of stock.I went to Border's and the counter girl knew what I wanted.She told me it was a good book.I agreed and asked her how many of the mindsets she had.She replied that she don't know.I stopped there.Then we discussed about Robert Kiyosaki,Brian Tracy and other great books.I recommended her Joe Vitale's Attractor Factor.It's good to see and know that there are like-minded people in existence.I'm training my wife up to be like me.However she has a problem with reading the books are they are all in english.I have to translate them to her in cantonese when she needs help.But I believe bit by bit,her mindset will change.When our kids are of age,I'll train them up from young to have the correct mindset.I know we'll have 4 future millionaires in our household.All 4 of them will be successful just like their parents.

Anyway,the book was also out of stock at Border's,and they said the supplier is not going to take in any more stock due to the low demand.I decided that I will attract it somehow.I was told to go to went and placed my order.It was surprisingly smooth today,my brother helped me to transfer the funds over because I usually don't put the money in the bank,I prefer to pay cash.I tried the last time and I was so fustrated.Praise God for my great brother and his friend,whose account he used.My book will arrive in mint condition and everything will be smooth sailing.

Lesson learnt for both bus and book:You will get whatever you want,not in your terms but the universe's.

OK,that's for the daytime.Evening came.My brother joined us for dinner tonight.I called up my wife to inform her that I won't be joining her for dinner tonight.I had a T-Bone Steak and Baked Alaska with my uncle and my brother at Bosche Steakhouse at Serangoon Gardens.It was great.We were very full.Praise God for another wonderful day.

Tomorrow will be another great day!YEAH!!

Friday, May 19, 2006

Friday 19th May 2006

Praise the Lord for yet another wonderful day!!I had an interesting day today.What a wonderful life I have!Thank God for the gift of life.Praise Him for all blessings.

"Father God,I thank you in Jesus name for all the blessings that I have received and am going to receive.Thank you for this wonderful life,for the wisdom and the ability to bless others,because you have blessed me so much.Thank you for giving me the opportunity to make me a blessing to others.I'm glad that they are blessed through me.In Jesus name,Amen."

Well,I just had this leading to pray.So I just typed out as I prayed.OK,time for the interesting stuff.Hahaha,another morning of waking up late.Really,I got to be more disciplined.Anyway,in every adversity there's always an equalvalent benefit.So what is the benefit today for waking up late???????????Find out below....................

So I woke up late again.And I decided to manifest a bus to bring me to work as soon as possible.I thought of any bus would be possible.Just any bus,single or double deck would be ok.But I was thinking "Wouldn't it be nice if it was a double deck?"

When you think in that way,you are not attached to the outcome.You allow the universe to work on your behalf.3 minutes,a Leyland Olympiam came.Nowdays,there are seldom any Leyland Olympians for service 65.But today,one came.9176 T.I wonder what's the original service?I know it's a "borrowed" bus.But anyway,I was pretty happy to be taking a Leyland Olympian to work.The air-con was pretty strong.I was slightly late only.

What's the lesson here?When you think of "Wouldn't it to be nice.............?" to have something,you are more detached from the outcome and the universe works on your behalf and brings you an outcome better than expected.I was expecting any double decker.Just any one would make me happy.I didn't expect an Leyland Olympian.Those who read my previous blogs will know that I favour Leyland Olympians more than any other model.

I went to work as usual.It was a peaceful day,praise God.Thank God for the wisdom that I was able to fufil some tasks that were not within my capability.I had to diagnose some patients to key into the billing system.I managed to find out the answer based on God's leading.Everything went smoothly.

Lunchtime came,I took 9066 C down to Lido,didn't do any visualising,it jus came............Guess what I had today??Abalone with rice.African 6 Head Abalone.Whew,it's really cool to be rich and served by people.I just love it!What happended was a few days ago I saw the advertisement outside East Ocean Restaurant at Shaw House(Lido),it was $28+++.I knew I wanted to try it today.But what was stated there was 7 head instead of 6 head.6 head is bigger.The waitress explained that they are having promotion now.I could order a 6 Head Abalone for the same price.I said great,I'll follow her suggestion.The interesting thing was,I enjoyed the gravy more than the abalone itself.I dipped the brocolli into the sauce and it was really great.The abalone tasted very normal,nothing specticular.It's like eating rubber.Hahaha,I spent 30 plus bucks eating rubber.

Well,I learnt a very important lesson today during this simple lunch session.The waitress asked what did I want for a drink,I said I wanted "Po Lei"(A kind of chinese tea).She bought me 4 small cups of "Kung Fu Tea" and the "Po Lei" that I wanted.First thing that came to my mind was "Did I have to pay for the Kung Fu Tea?".

This was really a bad thought,because only poor people think that way,rich people don't think in this way.They don't give a damn because they can afford it.I was feeling some fear in me because I was thinking of my budget.I shouldn't be thinking of budget because my God is rich and the universe is abundant.Whatever that I spend will come back to me somehow.I did some releasing about it,and I felt peaceful.The Sedona Method is really cool.

The next thing that came was the bill.It was 48 bucks.I was somehow shocked,even with the titbits,tea and service charge,shouldn't be this much.I paid anyway.Then I was thinking whether to tip them or not."50 bucks per meal is quite steep".WRONG!!!!A rich man doesn't think in this way.He orders by choice,not by price.But when the change came,I checked it again and found out they overcharged me.I was a little pissed and told the waiter to check again because the captain told me that my abalone was on promotion.He bought the bill back and took a long time to come back to me.

Indeed,they made a mistake,the bill was only 37 bucks.I was contemplating how much to tip them.I was a little fustrated,then I thought,"40 bucks per meal is quite steep".WRONG AGAIN!!Felt like kicking myself for thinking that way.In the end I left every other coin except the $1 coins.I then left the Restaurant wondering.........did I not tip them more because of the poverty mindset or was I really pissed?I think I was not being generous enough.I got to train myself to accept the fact that THE UNIVERSE IS ABUNDANT,WHATEVER THAT IS GIVEN AWAY WILL BE GIVEN BACK TO YOU WITH INTEREST.

Lesson learnt:Always have the believe that the resources are infinite.

OK,time to go back to work.Hahaha,as usual,bus manifesting again.I did the usual stuff.I wanted 9012 H.But in my mind I was thinking that probably 9815 H will come again because it was on shift around that time.1353 hrs it will reach Tangs bus stop.To my suprise,another Leyland Olympian 9090 G came.Wow,Leyland Olympian again,it was what I visualised.I think I must have released when I expected 9815 H to come.

Lesson learnt:Visualise first,do the steps first,worry later.You might be releasing without yourself consciously knowing at times.

OK,afternoon was a breeze.Everything went smooth.Dinner was great.I had roast pork and roast duck from chinatown.I was really hungry due to the small portion I had for lunch.I went for a nice drive around Thomson estate.Saw some nice houses there,but still feel that my home's the best.The area there is too cramped.After that went to Serangoon Gardens for Russian Dessert again,but today they only serve main course,no dessert.We went for Gelato instead at a nearby ice cream parlour.It sucks big time.Too sweet and flavours are too bland.I reached home at around 2115hrs.

2130 hrs.My mum wanted to go for a walk with me.I obliged although I was tired.She has been alone since the "cold war" started on Sunday.Well,it's always like that.We had a good walk and chat.I told her about my house on Astrid Hill.She supported my idea and encouraged me.I really thank God for my mum and my doctor uncle(father's 2nd elder brother).Without their support,I wouldn't be where I am today.I know that I will be able to bless them soon.I thank God for that.I want to bless them for helping me and supporting me all this while.I pray that they will be saved soon.

I reached home at 2345 hrs.And I have been blogging since then.Just read the comment by Christopher.Thank you brother,for your uplifting and encouraging comments.You are right,indeed the show is somewhat negative.I agree.Haha yeah,thank God for that show.I'm proud of my wife for her acting skills haha.When you come to our house,you'll know what type of dog you'll see.Anyway,I won't be in-charge of the dog.It's her pasar.

I'm really glad that you have developed your prosperity consciousness.You have gone up another level.I know that because you now become sensitive to movie content.Hahaha instead of R(A) movies,you should start rating them N(A),meaning negative movies or P(A) for positive movies.Praise God,he's really working in you.Keep up the good work!!!See you at Leedon Park!

Well folks,that's all for today,see you guys tomorrow.God bless all.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Thursday 18th May 2006

I've been waiting for today since last week.Today is the DAY!!That "Isabella" is showing in Lido cinema.There's only one cinema in Singapore showing this movie.Interesting phenomenia.It's named after my wife,and the main character in the show shares the same surname as me.Pretty exciting to wake up this morning,waiting to watch the show.

I woke up late again this morning.I was 5 minutes late again.Tomorrow I shall make it a point to wake up earlier.Thank God,I managed to run after the bus and reach on time.I tried to do a quick visualization process and the bus was too fast for me.But in the end I was still able to catch it.

Lesson learnt:You will always get the desires of your heart,but not in your own terms.Anything and everything can happend to orchestrate the events to your desire.Keep an open mind.Don't fret if things don't go your way.

I reached my workplace on time today.Praise God!Relative a smooth day for work,just some minor irritations here and there,but overall it was good.I went for lunch at Han's Cafe with Uncle David,one of my uncle's patients working in MAS.He's a nice guy to talk to,and very generous.I had Sirlion Steak,Lamb Chop and Banana Split.What a great meal!

Finally,5pm came.Time to knock off.I went down to Lido to buy the tickets first and went back down to Park Lane to meet Kok Leong.I reached there at ard 6pm.Christopher called me when I was in the middle of a game.Interestingly,Kok Leong and I didn't manage to complete our respective games,and when we went up the escalator,there was Christopher waving to us.Did he manifest this??I'll leave it to him to answer.

After meeting,we walked up all the way to Hotel Meridian food court for dinner.I had a drink as I had some sausages earlier at Tangs.I ordered 4 different types of sausages and ate them before meeting my 2 brothers.They had fishball noodles.After the meal,we talked till around 7:40pm and we continued our journey towards Lido.

Kok Leong stopped at HMV to buy a CD.We then continued on towards Lido.I felt hungry and went to try the Japanese Green Tea Ice Cream at the supermarket.It was 3 bucks per scope.It tasted a bit funny.Not really worth the price.After that we went up to the ground floor as both of them wanted to buy Gelato Ice Cream.

My hunger was not entirely fufilled,I decided to go up to eat KFC.I ordered 2 2-pc meals.The service there sucks.That counter guy did not understand english,I said I wanted only ribs.He said he'll try.But I saw plenty of ribs behind.He gave me 2 wings.I got pissed and told him to change.

The message is very clear,if people cannot follow precise instructions,they deserve to re-do the job.I do not tolerate such nonsense.

Anyway,we went in on time.The cinema was quite empty.I think most people are watching Da Vinci Code.The storyline of the show sucks.I was only there to program my mind for visualization.

I really appreciate the both of them for accompanying me to watch the movie.It was only me who was excited about it.I thank them from the bottom of my heart.Praise God for such good brothers.May God bless them abundantly.

Yeah,just read the comment from Christopher about the HELL group.I think it's time the church authorities put a stop to their nonsense.If not,the reputation of the church is at state.I'm glad that Christopher is reaching a higher prosperity conscious level and he really made the effort to stick to the business commitments.

Praise God for today.I believe tomorrow is going to be another great day!!Stay tuned!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Wednesday 17th May 2006

Praise the Lord for another blessed day.I woke up 5 minutes late.When I reached the bus stop,it was empty,seems that all the buses have left.The time was 0903 hrs.I tried an experiment,visualizing myself alighting the bus at 0915 hrs.After that I let go,although there were "voices of disbelief" in my mind,but they were minimal as 12 minutes to reach my destination was "believeable" to my mind.

True enough,one minute later bus 64 arrived.It was a single deck though.I think if my belief system was stronger,I might have manifested a Dennis Trident.I reached my destination at 0914 hrs.1 minute before the desired time.

Lesson learnt:Try to manifest something that is more "believeable" to your mind first and slowly build up your belief from there.The mind is like a muscle,when you keep using it,it becomes stronger.Beliefs are the same,when you keep enforcing them level by level,they become stronger and it's a matter of time you'll be able to attract the "seemingly impossible" outcomes that you desire.

It was a smooth day at work,as my uncle was on leave,he arranged for 2 locums to take over him for today.The first was a lady doctor,she was very pleasant to the patients and was very merticulous in her work.The second one was a male doctor in his mid 30s.He has a real fucked up attitude.He was unwilling to do any checkups for the patients referred to by the insurance agents and he kept having long idle conversations using the clinic's phone.I'm definitely going to let my uncle know about this,that bastard,how dare he do this!!What if the patients call in and can't get through?

After work,Kok Leong and I went on our weekly "Prosperity Tour".Today we went to ,Merryn Drive and Hua Guan Avenue.We got some ideas on how we want our house to be like.You feel prosperous when you hang around places where the rich are.Well,hang around them would be better.You can hang around me,provided if I feel that you are good enough to deserve my attention.Haha I was just teasing.Well,just don't be negative and lack,you'll be fine.

We went back home and then went to Holland Village for dinner.It was a tiring day,we had a long walk and had dinner only at 9 plus.We went to NYDC for Baked Rice as usual and this time we ordered the beverages.We tried "King Tut's Favourite".It wasn't worth the price.Although we can afford it,I feel that the price is not justified.We are rich,but prudent in spending unnecessarily.

Christopher SMSed me about some negative people in his "HELL GROUP".Well it's supposed to be cell group.Kok Leong named it hell group because he feels that Christopher is suffering hell there.Which I concur.Christopher told me there was this cheapskate person who made him feel very negative.Well,my reply was very simple,honest and direct.I don't hang around cheapos.In fact I feel repulsive about them.I live in a world of abundance,not lack.I prefer to give than to take.I think there's more joy in giving to others.Yeah,even when typing this,I feel joy.

Cheapos like to take advantage of others,they are usually negative,jealous people who are very unhappy when they know others' are better off than them.And they always find ways and means to run others down.They are willing to travel a long distance just to get that "$2 dollars FREE GIFT".They are willing to spend hours of their precious time to queue up for worthless free stuff.I wonder what they do with their time?No wonder they are where they are.Rich folks like us value time.We spend time thinking how to make money and how to do constructive things.We spend time trying to improve ourselves everyday instead of getting involved in idle gossip.

Well,if you are what I described above,there is still hope for you if you decide to change.Start by being more generous towards others.You'll go a long way.Of course,do it with wisdom.Don't allow yourself to be a sucker.Be wise and discerning.

After dinner I went to take bus 7 home.I was really really tired.Hoped that the bus would come fast and the air con would be powerful as the weather was freaking hot.9375 K came.Thought it was going to be very cool in it,the stupid driver turned the air con down to the minimum.I had to bear with it for 1/2 hour.I tried to visualize myself alighting at 2230 hrs.I did not look at the time at all throughout the whole journey because I knew that my mind will start resisting this,saying that it's impossible.I was quite suprised,the traffic lights seemed to turn green most of the time and it was quite smooth.Until I reached Bugis Village.As you know,there were 2 traffic lights after the bus stop.I was pretty nervous,hoping that I'll be able to pass through without stopping.When I was having that thought,the lights were still green,until the nervousness kicked in.Suddenly,the bus stopped.There were some idiots who didn't want to board the bus when it stopped.They only want to board when the bus is directly in front of them.And it's idiots like this who hold up others' time.But I don't blame them.If I had let go,it might not have happended.I was too anxious to get down the bus.

Lesson learnt here:No matter under what circumstances,just release if you are not clear.How do you know if you are not clear?It's easy,you'll have negative emotions like fear,doubtfulness,nervousness or even anger.Just let go of wanting to be in control or wanting to be in sercurity or wanting approval.This is the SEDONA METHOD.I shall touch on this in greater detail in my future entries.Stay tuned.............

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Tuesday 16th May 2005

Praise the Lord!For this wonderful day he had made.Once again,it's time for learning again.There was so much to be grateful about today.Why?You find out slowly.......Read on........

I started the day off not so well as I had been suffering from indigestion and cold last night.I woke up this morning at 5:30am with a blocked nose and an uncomfortable stomach.Well,it's partly my fault as I ate Mandarin Hotel Cakes before I slept and I think I did not munch them enough.I had a great conversation with my brother till around 8pm,he went off for swimming.I went back to sleep.............

The alarm clock rang at 0810 hrs.I still wanted to sleep cause I suddenly felt tired.I set it at 0835 hrs and went into a light sleep,doing visualizations as usual.Time seems to fly.It was 0835 hrs.I jumped out of bed and got ready to go to work.In my heart I was thinking.......I got to manifest a Dennis Trident again this morning.I held the desire when I was walking to the bus stop.But.............the was this fear in my heart.What if........what if it doesn't work?The what ifs kept coming into my mind.I tried my best to let go and they still came back.Finally I thought to myself,I don't care what bus comes,I'm boarding anyway.As usual,the what ifs kept returning to haunt me.5 minutes later,a single deck bus came.I didn't get what I wanted.I wasn't really disappointed,but more confused.Why was it so easy yesterday?Why did the what ifs keep appearing in my mind?Oh well,probably I should focus my mind on other things and just ignore the what ifs.I'll try again tomorrow and share the experience.

0910 hrs.I reached my work place.Today was rather quiet.Not much patients.No pretty one either.:P But still,I'm grateful for the peace and smoothness at work.Everything went well........

1230 hrs.Lunchtime.My mind was on what bus to take.I planned to eat Kway Chap at Albert Center Hawker Center.Suddenly had the craving.But where to eat it?The Hawker Center is always crowded and usually I won't be able to have a table to myself.(I want privacy when I eat).So I thought of walking to Peace Center to eat.Get the food packed up and just sit down on any bench and eat.When I walked out into the open air,goodness me,the weather is unbearably hot.I felt that I would melt if I walked to Peace Center.And to make matters worse,there was no bus from Peace Center back to my work place.

I reached Fortune Center and decided to settle there.I walked up,there were no benches,but only tables for the snack bars there.I went in,bought a drink and settled down to eat my lunch.After that I made my way back to work.

1400 hrs.Received an SMS from Kok Leong asking me about 9045 M.It has been donkey years since I last took that bus.But it was OK overall.In my mind I thought of 9054 L,which was the very last Leyland Olympian in the 9000 S to 9099 H range I took to complete collection of the bus tickets.Immediately another message came from him,asking about 9054 L,as it just passed him on the opposite direction.Speak of coincidence............

1700 hrs.Time to knock off.Went with my uncle to eat dinner.We went out with a friend of his,I nickname him the Bubble Dragon a.k.a. Pao Pao Long in chinese.Why did I choose that name?Because he looked a bit like the dragon in the puzzle bobble.Those who play the game can imagine how he looks.Hahaha.By the way,I'm good at giving nicknames.So try to be as normal as possible that I can't give any to you.Hahahahaha well......I was just teasing......

So we went to Beach Road to eat the Hokkien Mee.Cheap and good.Highly recommended.After that we went for a good drive around the Hougang area.I wanted to explore some toilets there.We reached there,I was pretty disappointed as all were renovated.But never mind.My uncle suggested we go to Upper Serangoon Shopping Center.Oh that place brings back childhood memories.My friend and I used to go there and flush the toilets for fun.There were many cubicles and it was one of my hobbies.But I remember that the toilets were refurnished.The flushing system was changed from the cistern to auto-flush.

I tell you,auto-flush sucks big time!!!It spoils the flushing sound.When you use a cistern to flush it,there's a climax and anti-climax.The sound is just beautiful.The auto-flush spoils it all by sounding monotone.Really sucky.But anyway,we went up to the 4th Level to walk around the shops.I decided to explore the toilets to bring back memories of childhood,and also few months back,I dreamt of that toilet on Level 4 and haven't been in it before.

SURPRISE!!!!!I saw the cisterns from outside.It can't be.......I couldn't believe my eyes.I remember so clearly last time it was changed to auto-flush.You can't imagine the joy I had.I saw my squatting Armitage Shanks.ALL INTACT,ALL ORIGINAL.Oh this is really cool.I went to flush every single one of them.It felt so good.As if I was reunited with my old old friends.After so many years......that familiar flushing sound........I felt young again.

After that,I went and explore all the toilets in that building.I realised that only level 1 was refurnished.All other levels were still the original.Praise God!I was so happy!!

1910 hrs.It was time to leave.We started to head towards Serangoon Gardens as there was a Russian Restaurant that my uncle wanted to go to.I was really looking forward to this.I have never tried any Russian food.We reached the place,but there were no parking lots.I didn't believe in defeat and looked around.I found a multi-storey car park.We went up,but it was really cram.I nearly knocked into the pillars because my car was very long.If you have seen a Mercedes S280 you'll know what I mean.My uncle had to get down and help me get out of the tight spot.Thank God that the car park wasn't crowded at that time.

Finally we parked and went to the restaurant.It's called Bosch Steakhouse.Go and try if you are in the area.We ordered set meals,with NZ Ribeye,and something called the Baked Alaska.Oh I tell you,it's really heaven.You got to try this!!Let me describe it.It looks a bit like the lemon merigue pie,with the burnt cream on the outside.The inside consists of thinly sliced cakes and 4 scoops of home-made vanilla ice cream.Before you eat it,the waiter will bring a small amount of wine and light fire on the wine.Once the wine catches fire,he pours it on the Baked Alaska.You can see a little flame there.It's a wonderful sight.I had 2 portions of it.Really good stuff.Praise God for all these wonderful stuff.

It was a great day.I came home after that.And here am I,blogging..........Stay tuned for more exciting stuff tomorrow.As a Son of God,we lead lives of super-blessings from God.Praise him for all the good he has done in our lives!!!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Monday 15th May 2006

Whew,dark clouds clear again today...........I think I have been pretty offensive in my last blog.I think there are times I need to control my reactions.I should learn to respond instead of react.As you would have guessed,all the unpleasant stuff was directed at Christopher last night.

He SMSed me this morning apologizing.I felt bad about it too.I think we both were just mad at that moment.Well,I should learn to be more understanding towards others,accept them as they are.After all I'm not perfect.Thank God that everything is cleared up today.Praise God for a friend like him.

Today is a wonderful day,full of coincidences.It's a time of learning again.This morning,I tried to manifest a Dennis Trident to take me to work.I was a few metres away from the bus stop.I had the desire in my mind,pictured the bus,all within a few seconds.

Presto,the bus came within a few seconds.True enough,a Dennis Trident.9673 A.It's interesting to not that the whole process can actually take a few seconds.I manifested the bus in 3 seconds.I was running to board it.

Work today was very smooth.2 pretty babes came to visit my uncle.One of them was 34 years old,and my God,she looked really attractive.She's those type with class and elegance.My type.But I'm already married.Thank God for the wonderful wife I have.But no harm "admiring" God's creation right?Of course in my eyes,my wife is the most beautiful of all.Haha,don't need to ask mirror mirror on the wall.Well,back to this babe,I graded her an A+.She's close to my wife,who gets a DISTINCTION.The other one was a B.I saw her a few times before,but she seems to look better today.I upgraded her.Don't get the wrong idea,I didn't try to manifest them.

Lunch was great.My initial plan was to have KFC at Lido.When I reached there,I discovered that it was no longer there.In it's place was MOS Burger.Suddenly it came to my mind that I've always wanted to try the Negri Toro Sushi at the Isetan.A box of 6 costs 20 bucks.Well,it's not everyday that they are on sale.I think there's a season.I saw them in December last year,wanted to try,but didn't have the chance.I wrote my desire down and let go.

I was pleasantly suprised that when I walked into the sushi section,there were 3 such boxes of sushi waiting for me.It was a very clear sign that my desire of 5 months ago is fufilled today.I bought one box and went over to look at other stuff.

They were having a Japanese Food Fair.Cool,I saw boxes of fried scallops and fried cuttlefish.Went over and tried the samples.They tasted great.I bought a box of each.I knew I needed a drink.Went over to the drinks section to look for distilled water.Found this pretigious looking bottle,"Lynton Park Drinking Water".Sounds good and prosperous to me.And it was only a dollar,I took a bottle and paid for everything.

The whole place was pretty crowded,but just at the moment I was wondering where to sit and have my lunch,someone left that spot and I could sit down.As I was about to dig into my lunch,a lady beside me(around late 40's,not pretty girl:P) asked me to check her handphone for her to see if the battery was flat.I checked it,indeed it was flat.She asked me to lend her mine.I obliged.She gave me the number to dial.I acted on her instructions and passed the phone to her.She completed her call,thanking me profusely after that,saying that she was waiting for a call and if not for me,she would still be waiting there.I told her no worries,it was my pleasure to help.

Finally,peace,I could enjoy my lunch.Let me tell you,the Negri Toro is really heaven.It's worth every single cent.I was in heaven when I tasted it.I would buy it again when I go back there.The scallops and cuttlefish were quite oily and a bit on the tough side.Didn't enjoy them as much as the Negri Toro Sushi.

After my lunch,I decided to have some dessert.I went into Sun Molin Bakery and bought a Chocolate Connet.Oh this is a MUST-TRY for chocolate lovers.It's only $1.50.You'll love it.Hmm........I've always wanted to have McDonald's Milkshake ever since they re-launched it here.This was my chance as not every branch had it.The Lido McCafe happended to have it.I went for a Strawberry Shake and decided to head back to work.It tastes as good as before.Yum.

Time to go to the bus stop.I saw an MI III 143 driving past Tangs.I couldn't see the number plate,I think it was 9044 R.I walked to the Far East Plaza bus stop and tried to manifest a Leyland Olympian to bring me back to work.I thought of a few of them that I missed taking.Namely 9012 H,9000 S,9010 M and hopefully 9064 H or 9088 P,if they have been temporarily changed over to 143.I did the usual visualization stuff and waited.But it seems that I wasn't quite able to let go because the weather was hot and I wanted to board the bus as soon as possible.10 minutes passed........Damn,a single deck.I decided to wait again............

Another 10 minutes passed................Oh,a double deck...............But..................
It wasn't a Leyland Olympian.Darn,almost all of 143 double decker buses were Leyland Olympians,why did I get this Volvo Super Olympian of all the buses?But I boarded it anyway,the weather was damn hot.Didn't want to be late for work.By the way,the number plate is 9815 H.The one and only Volvo Super Olympian for 143.The air-con was pretty cool.

I was wondering,why did I not succeed in manifesting my desired 143s?Was it because I thought of too many buses or options?I wasn't being clear enough?Or it just so happend that 9815 H reaches the bus stop at that timing everyday?Finally........................the answer came.........

It came when I was charging my handphone.I discovered that there was this dialled number starting with 9815 in my dialled number list.Hey,I don't know whose number was that........until I remembered that it was the woman who used my phone.Coincidence isn't it?

What lesson can be drawn from this?Perhaps I should have looked at my phone and from there guess what bus is coming??

Tomorrow shall be another day of discovery!!I'm enjoying all this,aren't you??Stay tuned......

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Sunday 14th May 2006

A lazy Sunday.I had a good sleep today,woke up at 5pm.After finishing my work,I called up Kok Leong to see if he wanted to meet up for dinner.We met at 8pm and went to Golden Mile Hawker Center for Hokkien Mee and Chicken Rice.The Hokkien Mee there is really good.Do try it if there's a chance.The Chicken Rice stall that I usually order from is closed,so we ordered from another stall.It suxs.The chicken is tasteless.The gizzard is the worst.Never order that.

After the meal we walked around and he decided to go to Park Lane again for arcade.I joined him and as usual,I played my Super Street Fighter.Kok Leong blessed me with a round of game.I'm grateful to him,although I didn't mind just sitting down and watching him play.

At around 2210 hrs,Christopher SMSed me again,saying that he didn't say he's turning gay.Thank God!I'm glad that he's alright.I was worried last night.

Well well...........I've been accused of being a hypocrite by someone.Guess what's my reaction???

Angry?Irritated?Revengeful??Guess.........................?Read on......................

I was amused.Really amused.People are really ignorant.This person is lucky I'm a nice guy.I won't take him to court for slandering me.Why did I say he was ignorant?Because he opens his mouth without thinking.It was a case of me advising him not to listen to his parents as they can't be trusted.I quoted my own case as well.I didn't say don't trust them totally,but only don't trust them with the important stuff.You should be wise enough to know when to trust and when not to.When can you afford to trust and when you can't.WISDOM my friends,WISDOM IS THE PRINCIPAL THING.

So this ignorant fool was angry with me because he claimed that I was not practicing what I preach just because I was with my parents and family last night and wasn't able to leave the place.And the best part is this,I advised him not to hang around with losers who treat him like a sucker.He refused to heed my advice.And what will happend is they will continue to suck him,till he becomes dry........but I've did my part.I shall speak prudently from now on........

Lesson learnt........communicate well,make sure people get the right intepretation of message from you,it not they will misquote you and accuse you of not practicing what you preach.Next lesson,be prudent,speak only when necessary and advise the right people only.

I came up with a new saying today.Hahaha,read on to find out..........................

Men have 2 heads,
Women have 2 mouths,
If the other head and the other mouth is in control,
We will have a population increase.

Hahaha,sounds good?It was meant to be humourous.I got to work tomorrow that's why I'm writing this early tonight.Mondays are usually busy days,but thank God I'm only working by choice.That's the blessing of a rich man,Yeah!!

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Saturday 13th May 2006

I have mixed feelings today..........a mixture of happiness and sadness...........It started off very well,but then ended off sad..........

This morning I wasn't able to sleep until 0940 hrs.Maybe I drank too much Pokka Oolong Tea last night(my favourite beverage).I had to play King Of Fighters 95 to make myself feel tired so that I can fall asleep.Recently I've been obssessed with the old King Of Fighters as the super attacks are really cool.Better than the new ones.

I woke up at around 1700 hrs.I got ready to go out as I was to meet Kok Leong and to bind my E-books that I printed out.Probably my conscious level is super high today.I didn't try to manifest a Dennis Trident,but it came.The minute I reached the bus stop,9673 A came.

I was even more surpised when I met Kok Leong.We agreed to spilt the 30 bucks that he got from selling the Junior Max to his sister.Actually I wanted him to have all the money as I felt that he needed the money more than me.After all,the universe is abundant.Whatever money that is used up for a good cause will always come back.

He didn't want to accept,he even gave me the full 30 bucks.I declined.I said if he insist that I take some money,I insist we split the money.He got 15 bucks and I got 15 bucks.I was really suprised by his change of mindset and attitude.He was thinking like a prosperous man.Praise God,I'm really happy for him.After binding my stuff we went to the arcade.As usual,I had a round of Super Street Fighter.It was fun,today I managed to get quite a number of rounds of "PERFECT".I completed the game and went to meet up with my family.

Saturday nights are always better.At least today I don't get to see the bitch.Well,we met at Bugis,with my uncles and cousin.After which we went to Shaw Towers to have Subway Sandwich(I love Subway,it's healthy).And something interesting happended...........

2 years ago,I told my ex-girlfriend that I wanted to go up to the car park of Shaw Towers to search for the old,unrenovated toilets,as all the toilets at the lower levels and shopping mall have been renovated.She didn't want to.Well,I can't blame her as she's not a Toilet-Fanatic like me.I dismissed this until today..................

Today,the car park was suprisingly full,usually we park at level 5 or 6.Today it was so full that we had to go up to level 10.As I passed by level 9,I saw the toilet open.All car park toilets were closed except for level 3 and 4,which were renovated.(The tiles were the same,but the floor and toilet bowls were changed).I was suprised to see that the floor of the level 9 toilet were unrenovated.I knew I had to go in and explore.I HAD TO DO IT!!I rushed down from level 10 and I went in................

True enough........1976 original ARMITAGE SHANKS squatting.Praise God!I was so happy!Immediately I went in to flush them.Oh the sounds........they bring back my childhood memories.......I was so happy,this really made my day.

I was so excited that I didn't concentrate much on my sandwich.I know I had to go back again before they leave the place.I went back a second time to wash my hands and to flush them once again and we left.I'll take my Digital camera on next visit and post the pictures here.

2207 hrs.......a call came.Christopher was on the line.He wanted to meet me.He was at Orchard with his friend Eddie.I couldn't go down as I was with my family.I asked him if I could meet him at around 2300 hrs.He seemed reluctant as that Eddie wanted to get home.I told him to let Eddie go home first and I'll meet him up alone.He agreed.I asked him what was wrong with him.He said he was feeling negative the whole day because he kept seeing "Beauty and the Beast"s.Let me explain what this means.It's a term coined by me.It means a beautiful looking girl with an ugly guy.I felt he was being very childish,but I still wanted to meet him,so that I can encourage him.

2243 hrs,an was Christopher again,asking me if I was on my way down.I was still with my family and couldn't leave yet.I told him I'll rush down once I'm done.I'll probably reach ard 2330 hrs.He seemed unhappy.

2253 hrs,another SMS..........Christopher was really unhappy.He told me that friends were useless,they bring him nowhere.I was quite offended by this statement.Here I was,trying to rush down and help him,he's just sprouting nonsense without thinking.He told me to forget it.I was about to reach home,and I told my dad that I wanted to go to Orchard to meet a friend.He dropped me at paragon.

23o3 hrs.........I was at paragon.I called Christopher,asking him where he is.He refused to answer my calls..........I tried again...........

Still no answer.I got really pissed this time.Here I am,very tired because of lack of sleep.I should be home resting,but because of him,I came down.For the sake of friendship and for him,I came down.I was mad.REALLY MAD!!!

I started to send an SMS to screw him.I think he deserves to be screwed.I want him to wake up his fucking idea.First is if he continues to be like that,he'll eventually destroy himself.Next thing,if he's going to behave like some pussy,without respecting other people's time and throwing tantariums just because of some minor thing,he should not waste my time.Don't make me go down for nothing.

Initially I was freaking mad..........but slowly I cooled down and felt sorry for him.It's true that he really went through a lot of shit trying to get a girlfriend.But he's really spending too much energy in this area.He's neglecting his career and our business.Among the 3 of us,he's the slowest in trying to complete the materials.He claimed to be busy with work and feel very tried.But my question is,if he's tired,where can he find time to go down to Orchard Road to look at pretty girls?Shouldn't he be spending time educating himself about the business??

Kok Leong and I were very commited to our deadlines and time.We completed everything on time and we are waiting for him.I could understand his situation,but he should still try to catch up and not waste time on looking at girls.I find it utterly lame.

I cooled down.........I sent him another SMS,telling him that as much as I want to help him,he has to help himself.He replied saying that there's nothing he can do.He is giving up hope on finding a girlfriend and that THE MOST SHOCKING THING IS............................



I got a shock when I read his message.Just because of a small thing like this he wants to be gay?Oh my God!

Father Lord,I pray in Jesus Name,please help this brother of mine break free from this cycle of confusion.Please grant him wisdom and a discerning spirit,so that he knows what's right and what's wrong.Free him from the vicious cycle.I thank you Father for Thy will be done,on Earth as in Heaven.In Jesus Name,Amen.

I felt quite sad when I read the message.A young man with a bright future turning this way.It's a waste.Well,we believe that God will help him out.We claim that in faith.

It was really a day of HAPPENINGS.I called up Kok Leong and told him about this matter.It so happended that he was in Somerset.So we met up and walked to Bras Basah to take 133.I felt indigant as I spoke of this matter.Felt a little hurt as well that Christopher really thought of me in such a bad way.But after a while,Kok Leong advised me that Christopher really needs to wake up and fight.I send a final SMS to Christopher and we reached the bus stop.

I tried to manifest a Leyland Olympian.But I didn't think much.All I knew was that I wanted to board one.My mind was all on Christopher's case.Few minutes later,I saw 9047 H.

Hey,my favourite bus,I exclaimed.So the manifestation came to pass.Today I learn that you can just hold the desire for a few seconds and let go.

We boarded the bus when it came.Suddenly I felt peace.I knew that I had did my best for Christopher.I've introduced all the great self-help stuff to him.He has the tools now,it's up to him to take action and break off from this vicious cycle.

May God Almighty Help Him...................

Friday, May 12, 2006

Friday 12th May 2006

Shocking!!!When I woke up,the first thing I received a call from Christopher asking me if I received his SMS.I checked my other phone.I got a shock!Why.........?Why did he think in this way?

As I reflected......what made him have this conclusion................?He mentioned in the SMS he felt that Kok Leong and I have been hiding something from him,it has been 3 weeks already and we haven't sold a single book.He wants his share of the books back.

I obliged.I have nothing to hide.It's a fact that the books have not been sold.But what disturbed me was his trust in me.Did I really do something that made him distrust me?I decided to find out the truth and clear up whatever misunderstanding that arose.

1445 hrs..........15 minutes to our meeting.....there were mixed feelings.....I felt a bit hurt,puzzled and a bit unhappy.But I know that somehow the misunderstanding has to be cleared,if not,it will affect our partnership.

1450 hrs........10 minutes to go......I can't wait to clear up the misunderstanding......I got ready to leave my house.My mind worked on how can I put in a way that doesn't sound offensive and hurting.Usually people speak without thinking,they hurt others without meaning to.And that's how friendships end.I'm very particular about how I speak to others.I don't want to hurt anyone or to make anyone feel small.As the bible says........"the power of life and death lies in the tongue....." we should learn to control our words.

Finally,the time to meet came.I told Christopher that we needed to clear up the misunderstanding.He agreed.I asked him what made him feel that we hid something from him.He replied that we did not keep him in the loop of how things went.I agreed.There was a communication breakdown here.The lesson learnt here is to communicate as much as necessary.

Great,finally I have a peace of mind.We started to talk about manifestation.He was telling me that he manifested a girl that he thought of seeing.He kind of missed her and felt like seeing her.He "Let go" and true enough,the girl tapped him from behind when he was at City Hall MRT station.2 times this week he said.Is it coincidence?Or manifestation?

I believe it's manifestation.It's because of manifestation that the coincidence occured.I was reading about Deepak Chopra's book "The Spontaneous Fufilment Of Desire" and it mentioned about coincidences.There was this story about this guy who wanted to propose to this girl.They met up at a park and just as he was about to pop the question,there was an air plane above them,with a banner.The girl whose name was Joanna asked the guy what did the banner say.Without thinking and looking,the guy replied "Marry me,Joanna".

True enough,the banner really said that.She agreed to marry him.A few days later,it was published in the papers that there was this other guy who used an airplane with a banner to propose to a girl named Joanna.Is this coincidence?It happended that day,that time,and this other guy proposing to another girl with the same name.

I think we should all start noting the coincidences in our lives.There is always a message or sign from the universe guiding us through coincidences.I'm making a note from now about coincidences.We are guided everyday,if we allow the universe to.It will bring us to our desires.

Had a great supper with my family tonight.It's a rare occasion that my brother joins us.We went to Simpang Bedok for Prata,Fried Chicken Wings,Western Food and Satay.Among all,I think the best is the Chicken Wings.I'll definitely go back and eat it again.The rest of the stuff are just average.Not that impressive.

Wow,I do feel full.Sad to say this,usually I dread going out with my family,unless my brother is with us.My younger brother.I'm the elder one.Only 2 of us.Reason is that they are pretty negative.We are operating on a different conscious level.I'm trying my best to elevate them as well.At least with my brother around,it's 2 against 2 instead of 1 against 2.Praise God,it was a wonderful outing tonight.Normally I don't write about it because it's usually negative.Tonight is an exception.

We bought Mandarin Hotel cakes for my mum for Mother's Day.It was good.But she remarked that she preferred the whole Black Forest cake.Well,we shall get that for her the next time round.Heard from my brother that 1 kilogram is 42 bucks.I think we should go for the 2 kilogram.Abundance is always better than lack.There is always enough for everyone.Rich folks like me can afford all these stuff.We go for quality instead of quantity.We are willing to pay for good service and comfort.

After all,I am born to enjoy all the luxuries of this world.I am born to be rich,abundant,successful,healthy and happy.Anyone shares this belief?If not,it's better to start believing.Well then,what is money?It's a tool to make others and yourself happy.It's always good to bless others.I love to bless people just to make them happy.After all,we live in a rich universe.We can never exhaust our source.There will always be something avaliable.

If you want something,give that away.You'll cause more to come to you.If you want money,give money away.More money will come to you.If you want more time,give more time.If you want more love,give more love.If you want more good friends,be a good friend first.Of course,do it with wisdom.Be wary of unscrupulous bastards out there who just want to take advantage of you.I'm very careful nowdays as I've been played out before.Be prudent and wise,as Pastor Joseph Prince says.

Well,that's all for tonight.Tomorrow is Saturday again..........I never like weekends.You'll find out why in the next 2 days.............stay tuned......

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Thursday 11th May 2006

At last!The black clouds have cleared!The matter that was bothering me last night was resolved.Praise the Lord for giving me wisdom to handle this matter.I cleared up all the differences with Kok Leong today.

He decided to go and sell the books after all.I explained my standpoint to him and tried to understand his position.In the end everything was resolved.I had a wonderful dinner today.Went to eat the Mixed Vegetable Rice(direct translation from hokkien).For the benefit of those who don't understand,you can choose from a number of cooked dishes ranging from pork,beef,fish,chicken and etc to go with a plate of rice.I had Deep fried Lemon Chicken,Sweet Sour Pork,Braised Pork Belly.All that for only 4 bucks.Wow!

For those in the area,you might want to try this stall at the food center at Jalan Besar Stadium.It's cheap and good.Though I usually don't eat cheap.I order by choice,not by price.Because I'm worth it!

Today while going through one of Joe Vitale's teleseminars,I received a revelation on attracting whatever you want.He mentioned that you must get into the feeling that you already possess what you want.FEEL FEEL FEEL.Try to imagine how it would be like.How would your life change?And even to the extend of making it a hallucination.I don't know if I spelled the work correctly.Basically it means to imagine something that is not there to be there.It's very interesting that how this man transformed from homeless to living a life of abundance now.

Another interesting thing I learnt is about questioning beliefs and getting in line with the universe.Let's talk about getting in line with the universe.How do you know that you are in line or not in line?Well,usually when you are not in line,you feel flustered,nervous frustrated,and all kinds of negative feelings.When you are in line,you are usually peaceful.As we Christians,shalom peace.

And this leads us to beliefs.When you are not in line,it's usually caused by the beliefs you have.For example.....let's say you are currently in a bad financial situation and naturally you get flustered because of the load of bills or whatever financial obligation that you have.Question is why are you flustered?Reason is because you are trying you hardest to meet the financial needs,you mind keeps working on the how to.To take it a step further,why do you keep thinking of the how to?Reason is because of your belief system.

Since young we have been trained to figure out how to.If we don't work hard or stress ourselves out,we won't get results.That's a belief system most people have,we must struggle.We must compete,there is lack,if we don't compete,we get left behind and etc.....I don't think it's very healthy to have this set of beliefs.It causes a lot of stress,worry,sickness and a lot of unwanted things.We have to identify the belief systems that don't serve us well and let go of them.It takes some effort in the beginning,but as you make it a habit,your life will change.Guranteed.

Next question,how to release these beliefs?It's very simple,just question your beliefs gently.Keep asking yourself why.Let's use the above example on the bad financial shape.What is your first reaction?Maybe you start worrying,and you get stressed,easily irritable.

So the first thing you ask yourself is why do you worry?You might say that you don't know how the money is going to come.So that's a belief.You are trying to figure out how the money will come.If you don't figure out it won't come.Is that what many people think?

Let's take it a step further.So why do you feel that you must figure out how the money will come?You might say that because that's very natural,everyone thinks in that way.Or rather that's how your parents' taught you.Some of these beliefs are actually in us since we were young.And they limit us from being what we aspire to be and what we should be.

I'll come up with more examples in a later date,meanwhile just stick with this first.Hope it helps.......stay tuned for more.Tomorrow's a public holiday.But................
I'll still be working and blogging.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Wednesday 10th May 2006

Hmm....troubled day today......some complications came up in our business agreement.Nevertheless,it's still a great day.At least I had a great dinner.Let's see.....I had Oat Prawns,Guitar Duck,Deep Fried Belly Pork and Sand Skin Chicken.

After dinner we had our business meeting.We brainstormed for ideas for our next step for the business.Somehow felt tired today because I wasn't able to sleep well last night.I could understand why,I manifested it because I was still very mad with the bitch when my dad reminded me that I shouldn't mess around with her.So do not hold grudges or be angry.Try to forgive as much as possible as it's for your own good.

Today I tried to wait for my favourite bus at the Hill Street bus stop,as Kok Leong wanted to wait for his favourite 166 bus,SBS 9033Y.We waited till around 11 plus,after that I decided to wait for my bus as my bus comes at 2355 hrs.This time I did not do any visualization as I was feeling tired and I kind of took for granted that my favourite bus will come.Well,my favourite bus can be seen at my friendster profile,if anyone is interested.I waited and waited and got pissed when I found out that it wasn't on duty today.Damn it.

So I walked down to Bras Basah to meet my parents.Felt really tired.After which my dad reminded me that I should be selling away the books that I bought.Suddenly I remembered.I smsed Kok Leong and asked him whether he'll be coming down to collect the books from me.

He asked me to go down with him to the Neways to sell the books.........I did mention to him that it was not convienent for me to be there.But what really disturbed me was that I felt that he was trying to go back on his word.He tried to sell the books 2 weeks ago on a Saturday.But he failed,saying that he waited and waited but the "prospects" were not in sight.He claimed to have waited for 2 hours.I accepted his reason.I told him to try again the following Thursday,but he said he had something on,and we posponed till this week.

He mentioned that we could use the books as bonuses when we start our business.I was quite unhappy about this matter as I felt that he betrayed our trust.In our group,we believe in keeping our word.If we promise something,we deliver.As businessmen,that's one of our code of conduct.I always believe in ethics and treating others fairly.We want those who deal with us to have a peace of mind and trust us.

Well,the issue is that......did he really agree to sell the books?Or he just agreed because at that point of time he felt that it was profitable?Looks like I got to call up Christopher tomorrow to discuss this matter.We got to clear up this issue,if it's a misunderstanding.If it's not a misunderstanding,we got to deal with it with care,so that we are fair to all parties.

What will be the outcome...................?Read on tomorrow.......

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Tuesday 9th May 2006

A rainy day.Plans for dinner were disrupted.Every Tuesday is our Prosperity Tour.3 rich men meet up to feel prosperous every Tuesday.Our initial plan was to meet at Holland Village for NYDC.The bake rice rocks.

Due to bad weather,we had to meet at Suntec City NYDC instead.As usual,I tried my bus manifestation experiment.I was a little disturbed by the weather,wondering if it'll affect our prosperity tour.I happended to miss a double decker bus before I reached the bus stop.I was slightly irritated,but I reminded myself that it shouldn't stop me from trying to manifest another one.After all,we live in a world of abundance.

At the bus stop,I did the usual visualization.Engine sounds,feeling the air con,saw myself tapping the ezylink card at the exit point at 1900 hours.I spent around 3 minutes on this.After that I let go.As usual,I tried to visualize a Leyland Olympian.This time,I let go by trying to think of our business meeting tomorrow.

Sure enough,in about 6 minutes,I saw a double decker approaching.However,it's not a Leyland Olympian,instead,it was a Volvo Super Olympian.Those new buses.I was pretty happy to board the bus,at least it was a double decker.It was a comfortable ride.

You guys might want to try this.After the great dinner,it was time to go to my house.We were debating whether to take bus 75 or 77.But before I reached the bus stop,I visualized bus 77 coming after a short while.After the debate,we decided to take whatever bus that comes first.Indeed,bus 77 came after 3 minutes.Speaking of manifesting desires.....this is cool stuff!

After going to our houses at Astrid Hill,we decided to have Gelato Ice Cream at Gurthrie House at Fifth Avenue.I can tell you,the Dark Chocolate is really addictive.Go and try it if you are in the area.

Usually we order 3 cups of 3 flavours,but we discovered that the value pack of 750ml was more value for money.As one cup of 3 flavours cost $4.90,the 750ml costs $11.80,and the portion is bigger.However..........we didn't realise that value pack was only for take away.We can't eat in the cafe.So no choice,we went out to a spot beside the entrance of Cold Storage and had our ice cream.Although we stood while we eat,it was still very enjoyable.After our ice cream,we went back to the cafe to get some ice water to rinse our mouths and quench our thirst.

Time is 2230.Time to go retire.We went to the bus stop and waited for the bus.This time I tried to manifest an SMRT bendy bus.Kok Leong wanted to manifest a non-air-con double decker.We spoke about it briefly and just let go,without really visualizing.And..............

What we wanted didn't come.I took a normal SMRT bus and Kok Leong took a single deck bus home.It was quite a fun day.

Lesson learnt......Take the visualizing seriously.Involve the 5 sense before letting go.And always be open to better things that will come your way.Don't be attached to the outcome.

Stay tuned for tomorrow...............

Monday, May 08, 2006

Monday 8th May 2006

Today is another wonderful day.Before I begin,let me explain clearly what I meant by having a "solution" yesterday.Actually a better word to use is a "Contingency Plan".A contingency plan to "lean onto",until you reach the stage whereby your belief system allows you to let go without any resistance.For help on releasing,you might want to try THE SEDONA METHOD.It's a good way to release.

OK,let's get back to today.Had a wonderful dinner with my good friend Christopher.Good friends are like rare gems.....I treasure my good friends.Christopher is a nice guy I met during my army days.He's a great friend,always willing to help others out,and someone who believes in fair play.I wanted to meet up with him because the past week he has been working,and has been infused with a lot of negative stuff.

Well,today is kind of like a mind cleaning session for him.Many of us fall victim to mind viruses.We get programmed subsconsciously by people surrounding us,movies,the news,certain books we read,songs that we listen and etc.....Since we live in such an enviroment,we got to learn to program our minds positively,so that we don't fall for negativity.

Chris and I had japanese food for dinner,then gelato ice cream(my favourite) for dessert.After that we proceeded for a short prosperity tour around the orchard residential district.We had a good chat,and he was telling me about how he got played out by a collegue who delibrately went to tackle a girl Chris was after.Talk about ethics.....I'm very particular about the people I hang around with.As a result,I admit this,I have very few close friends.I don't need quantity,but quality.I dare say that my friends are solid friends.

I told Chris to cut off contact with this loser.It's not worth wasting time and energy on jerks like this.Well,probably the universe is telling him that the girl is not good for him anyway.I reminded him who he really was,and he shouldn't be hanging around with losers.Losers are people who make you feel negative,they sap your energy as well as take advantage of your kindness.

But what really made Chris felt negative was that throughout this 26 years,he has no had a gf.He feels like a loser because other friends around him have been attached before or are getting married.Now the question is getting a gf more important?Or trying to build a business empire more important?

We spoke of jealousy.Whenever he walks along Orchard Road,he'll complain when he sees any "Beauty and the Beast" (meaning pretty girl with ugly boyfriend).He said he feels negative and jealous when he saw that.I challenged him to celebrate the blessing the ugly boyfriend has,instead of saying that "Wah,this kind of looks can get pretty girl."One of the laws of prosperity is that when you celebrate others' good fortune or prosperity,you draw more to yourself.When you get jealous,you are repelling it.

If you get nothing out of this entry,please remember that law.Rich folks like me don't get jealous of others' success,but we admire them and celebrate their successes.We are happy for them for being successful.I challenge everyone reading this to do the following......whenever you see anyone driving big cars,or staying in big houses or having the lifestyle you aspire to have,celebrate their success.Feel happy for them,bless them,and blessings will follow you.

Interesting point to note.....when you spend 1 hour with a negative person,you need 12 hours to clean your mind and get back to the correct conscious level.Tough isn't it?So choose you friends wisely.By the way,that wasn't from me,it was from Prosperity Guru Randy Gage.He's one of my mentors.

All right,tomorrow's going to be another great day.Stay tuned......

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Sunday 7th May 2006

Wonderful day it is today.Had a great buffet lunch at Hotel Negara.After which I had a "Prosperity Drive" around district 10.Although I did not get to my home at Astrid Hill,it was still a great drive for inspirations for my house.

Speaking of manifestations......I went to pick up my book today at Kinokuniya."The Spontaneous Fufilment Of Desire" by Deepak Chopra.I was hoping to get sponsored for this book.I tried to manifest the sponsoring.Although I was really tight on budget,I refused to believe that I would stay broke all the way.I got out my savings and bought the book.After which I did not think much,just grateful that I've got the book.Lo and behold,I got my book sponsored within 2 hours.

Whatever it is,do not get attached to the outcome,just feel grateful for things,know that there'll be a solution and things will somehow work out,and you'll be fine.

Many of us fall into the trap of getting panicky when we get trapped in a financial situation,we tend to get very nervous about it,and we try to think of ways and means to"get the money".Then we start "hoping" that things will turn in our favour.And we keep thinking that we "must" have it,if not,we are doomed.This sets of a vicious cycle.By wanting,we push away the object of our desires.

I would urge everyone to do this,when you are in a bad situation,first thing is to remain calm.Think of your desired outcome.Then after which think of a solution that you'll use to solve the problem.The reason for the solution is for you to "lean on".Many of us have not let go of our old belief systems,and it's very difficult for us to "let go" and let the universe find the solution for us.By "leaning on" our solution,it's easier for us to let go.

Let me explain in detail,"leaning on" the solution you thought of doesn't mean that you attach yourself to the solution,instead be open to whatever outcome,and if everything else fails,then use the solution you thought of.When you do this,you have an open mind to the outcome and at the same time,your old beliefs won't sabotage you.

It's very tough for most of us to "let go" and let the universe bring the desired outcome.When we do that,a part of us will keep thinking "what if it doesn't happen?" all the what ifs keep coming to mind.And we can't "let go".

Hope this helps.This is my personal experience.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Saturday 6th May 2006

A pretty busy day.....not because it's voting day.I can't be bothered who is winning the vote.

Tried to get some printer cartridges for printing out some E-books.Took a long time to get them printed.Family outing as usual......well,I always have this question in mind....what did I do to manifest so many family politics....I hate these family politics,why can't people just get along peacefully and not sabotage each other just for the sake of money??

Oh well.....I take responbility for all these happenings.Probably it's because after being the "target" for a while,my conscious level is dropping.But has to be the case where I somehow manifested these situations sub-consciously....I'm still learning.

On good lesson I have learnt is release trying to gain approval.That can be learnt from the Sedona menthod.

When you are in a situation where you are not in the wrong,and someone tried to run you down.And you know that it's useless to complain because this person has backing from the judge.Since you know that the judge is very unfair,so why bother trying to gain approval from him and try to get him on your side?You are wasting your breath and efforts,and you end up frustrated.

I got into a situation last Sunday,was insulted by the old bitch.At first I was pretty mad with her.I tried to "complain" to my parents about this matter.But apparently they felt that it was a small case and she was in the right.As usual,they are always on her side.Well,what do you do?

Simple,stop seeking approval from anyone.I learnt this lesson the hard way.Why bother fighting you case when you know that you are alone anyway?So simply state your point,know that you are right,and MOVE ON!If people close to you can be unfair to you,anyone can.Be strong and fight the battle head-on yourself,if need be.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Friday 5th May 2006

How many of you believe that whatever experiences that you have in life,be it good or bad,are all created by you?That's to say that even if you happend to get robbed or get into an accident or get into a quarrel(even though it's not your fault),you are responsible?

Well,I believe in this,I take full responsibility for all the shit that I'm going through this period.Anyway,I tried an experiment today........I tried to manifest a Leyland Olympian double decker bus to go to bible study.

I did this for a few times,but didn't quite get it right.This is my third time,the first time I managed to get it right.Probably by luck.The second time I didn't get it.This time I was out by a little bit.

What I did was that I closed my eyes and visualised myself boarding the bus.I can feel the air-con,I could hear the engine sound,I could see myself sitting at my favourite seat.An additional thing I did this time was I visualised myself tapping the Ezy-link card on my way down the bus,and the time was 1800hrs.(I planned to reach by 1800hrs).

From previous times,I learnt that if I was too attached to the outcome,I wouldn't get it.After visualising,I let go by focusing my mind on other things,on business plans.To my suprise,the bus arrived within 3 minutes.Usually I got to wait for more than 10 minutes.But it wasn't a Leyland Olympian,it was a Volvo Olympian.And I reached my destination at 1756 hrs,4 minutes early.

I don't know what to make of this,probably the weather is too hot and the universe wants me to enjoy the air-con.The air-con of Volvo Olympians are more powerful than the Leyland Olympians.Well,I like the Leyland Olympians for their engine sound.I consider this experiment quite successful because I'm usually late,even when I leave my house early.

Probably there's this belief in me that the bus always comes late.I'm still experimenting.......stay tuned for my next post.......